Uranus transits

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Dec 25, 2008
Hi there,

What do you think of Uranus transits?
I experience it right now (natal Moon square Uranus in transit) and I have to say that my life is changing completely. I'm changing so much because of some events i've been experiencing lately and this is happening so fast ... it's incredible. Besides, I am so sensitive (I wasn't like this before) and my emotions are highlighted. I must mention that my Moon is in Capricorn in 1st house and my Ascendant is in Sagittarius. Needles to say, Pluto in transit forms, as well, a conjunction with my natal Moon. :) .. that's just great :D

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Hi there,

What do you think of Uranus transits?
I experience it right now (natal Moon square Uranus in transit) and I have to say that my life is changing completely. I'm changing so much because of some events i've been experiencing lately and this is happening so fast ... it's incredible. Besides, I am so sensitive (I wasn't like this before) and my emotions are highlighted. I must mention that my Moon is in Capricorn in 1st house and my Ascendant is in Sagittarius. Needles to say, Pluto in transit forms, as well, a conjunction with my natal Moon. :) .. that's just great :D


Hard Uranus transits are like having the rug pulled out from under you. Pluto transforms and will wipe-out anything that is not working for you, whether you want it to happen or not. I have Uranus and Pluto both conjuncting or in hard aspect to all 4 of my angles. I know what you are feeling believe me! It sounds like money is an issue for you with Moon in the second house and ruling the 8th house(guessing based on your ASC SAG).
Pluto conj. Merc
Conj. Venus (soon)
Opp. Moon
Square Mars
Square Saturn

Uranus conj. Saturn
Opp. Mars
Square Merc. (soon)
Square Moon (soon)
Sextile Uranus
Sextile Asc.
Sextile Sun
Trine Pluto (natal)

Mad transits :joyful: I think I'm going insane but I like the results of what's happening and I enjoy watching the process itself from afar.
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Uranus transits are like earthquakes..i know from my experieces with them it's a good idea to make thoughtful and considered changes where needed before the transit hits. Otherwise, Uranus will do it for you and you'll be left having to clear rubble. I like Bob Marks advice on these: make change, but take it slow. You will often want to run headlong into or away from something and that's why they can be so troublesome. I never took my own advice on this, and I've had to clear a lot of rubble...but once it's gone it can be the most liberating transit, catapulting you into a more authentic life. Good luck!!!
Pluto conj. Merc
Conj. Venus (soon)
Opp. Moon
Square Mars
Square Saturn

Uranus conj. Saturn
Opp. Mars
Square Merc. (soon)
Square Moon (soon)
Sextile Uranus
Sextile Asc.
Sextile Sun
Trine Pluto (natal)

Mad transits :joyful: I think I'm going insane but I like the results of what's happening and I enjoy watching the process itself from afar.

That's a lot but it looks like you have a little help too, sort of like when a door closes and window opens. Good luck!
Hi there,

What do you think of Uranus transits?
I experience it right now (natal Moon square Uranus in transit) and I have to say that my life is changing completely. I'm changing so much because of some events i've been experiencing lately and this is happening so fast ... it's incredible. Besides, I am so sensitive (I wasn't like this before) and my emotions are highlighted. I must mention that my Moon is in Capricorn in 1st house and my Ascendant is in Sagittarius. Needles to say, Pluto in transit forms, as well, a conjunction with my natal Moon. :) .. that's just great :D


We are all visual people and respond far better by seeing charts...

astro.com has fee six month transit forecast plus when you get into Extended chart selection, look at the three tabs after calculating a chart under ‘method’ default is circular wheels (on left), middle is special charts and in their you get graphic ephemeris 1yr (or 5years) with natal = transits for 1yr and lots more. BUT you first must learn or memorise the 'glyphs' ie: shorthand for recognising what these maps/graphics mean.

For example when you post or reply to a chart the 'smilies' to the right and just under them [more] if you click on there it will bring up a whole loads of 'glyphs' Mercury Uranus conjunction (+or - 8') trine aspect 120' Libra


Now it's more important to focus on transits from Jupiter to Pluto (poss mars as this is the ignition key)and these planets when aspecting something in your natal chart 'set off' the difficult or nice 'aspects - potential - problems' that your chart expresses. By that I mean if a benefic planet like Jupiter hits/touches/transits your venus, mars or uranus these could be experienced very pleasantly. BUT if your natal venus is afflicted, or badly aspected say conj saturn then jupiter will not has such a good effect. It all depends on how the natal planet is 'aspected'

For me I would say external 'events' must be seen by transits, progressions or Solar arcs to Angles ie: Asc/Desc & MC/IC most other times these events are 'internal, psychological matters as in between the ears'

Now astro.com uses a much wider orb, possibly something like 10° that’s why when you use the free transit forecast service a transit goes on for months and months. BUT common sense should tell you when the transit is ‘exact’ then it’s at the strongest. Some astrologers swear by 1° approaching produces ‘events’ some say the 1° exact, some say 1° off for triggering events. I personally look to the exact and 1° off for ‘timings’ especially the retrograde hit (backwards hit)

This last website link is rather nice because it gives interpretations of what the ‘Lord’ of the house cusp ruler means ie: T Jupiter sextiles natal sun, so wherever Leo rules in your chart is connected to the area this transit will be affecting –
you know how you'll be sitting at your work place, or home, or wherever just doing your ordinary thing, and you suddenly hear a buzzing/grinding noise come across the speakers and then a few seconds later, your cell phone rings?
it's like uranus' way of letting you know there is something other than what your doing, something other than what path you're on that is going to change. He's kind of a mean trickster sometimes. Likes to shake your S*** up.
Usually just responding to to our internal or external ruts that we can't seem to shake ourselves out of cognitively - where our ways of thinking or behaving have become rigid or confining, uranus usually takes care of it with surprise attacks to those areas that we need to break-free.
Uranus wants things to change, to be different than status quo. He's not usually concerned about how or what changes he's made, or what kind of clean-up is required. he knows saturn will have his back and will be left to do mop up.