Hi all,
Well to join in the debate, for me it has to be closer to the 2.13am chart. Why? because the MA/UR midpoint is at 14 of the mutables at this time whereas later at 5.10pm it slips into 15.
One of the most accurate times we have for a major event affecting the nation is the WTC 9/11 when the Asc, Mercury and Saturn were all at 14 degrees. Any planet at the same degree - whatever the angle - is resonating to the others. The Asc and Mercury were 120 degrees at 14 of air. In this case Saturn was at 14 Gemini exactly conjunct (to within a few seconds of arc) the MA/UR Ebertin says of SA=MA/UR says "violent destruction"
I notice 14 degrees in many of my charts for events in US history and it appears with amazing regularity, although one can't deny that it might do anyway with Saturn at 14 degrees whichever time you choose for 4 July charts
Leaving the 14 degrees aside though, I did note that when the spacecraft Challenger was so publicly lost on Jan 28 1986 Saturn was at 7.42 Sag - exactly opposite the 2.13am asc and just into the very public 7th
So, my vote goes with 2.13am
PS 12 Oct 1492 Discovery by Columbus reveals some interesting midpoints at 14 mutables too