USA Nov. 2020 Presidential Election, the Democrat Party Contenders

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I didn't say that there were more ballots counted than were sent in. The problem may be that there were more ballots sent in than there were people eligible to vote... and far too many at that.
It's the daunting prospect of having to verify so many names on those ballots with people that actually exist and only voted once, that are U.S. citizens, that are [or were] alive at the time, that were of legal voting age, that it surely boggles the mind...and taking into account what happened in Florida in 2000, when it is all considered it does seem to be a plausible plot.

As for this "time honored voting system", it's been corrupted for years. Look up "Tammany Hall" and "Boss Tweed" for just one example. What the Dems did in the primaries in 2016 is all the evidence I need to know of to have a reasonable suspicion that they could, and might have, done something just as I have suggested.

...and as for Russia threatening to "bury us"? That was Nikita Kruschev way back in the 1950's and the U.S. was always far more a threat to the "Soviet Union" than the Soviets ever were to the United States. The Soviet Union ceased to be over thirty years ago. If we're going to dig up old threats, what about the things General Patton said about the Soviets? I could spend less than a half an hour on the internet and dig up more American threats made towards the Soviets than you could hope to even come up with half as many made by the Communists if you even spent all day at it.

Given the rabid like viscous persistence the Dems displayed over the last four years trying to remove Trump from office, the, bought and sold out, medias' participation in it, the amount of support the Dems knew Trump had before the election occurred, and the great degree of uncertainty that Biden would get enough votes to even make a serious challenge to Trump, I can't even imagine that they didn't engage in some amount of conspiracy and a little bit of that wouldn't have done it. It could only have been done on a grand scale and a well conceived and implemented plan thought out months, even years beforehand. Which is where this mail in voting comes into question. It smelled fishy to me when it was first being pushed here in the States and for the very reason that now seems to be very much a possibility.

Unless there is a full investigation and certification of the legitimacy of all those mail in ballots I'm not "buying it". You'll never hear me admit that Biden won the election.

In that case, Trump didn't win in 2016 either. Same election system, which you say is too subject to fraud, in addition to proven illegal, foreign interference. Trump angrily fought against even the limited recounts that were conducted.

This Election, Trump lost the support of at least half of the independents who voted for him in 2016 and that of a lot of Republicans who also preferred the Libertarian.

So, not only is there no evidence of the type of conspiracy you're talking about, it's not even necessary to explain why Trump lost.

Are you claiming that Trump didn't lose to Biden in California by over 5 million votes due to this vast, clandestine conspiracy?B

Human error aside, which wasn't enough to change the results anyway, it looked like a clean Election to me.
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The Democrats put that hatred for Trump into positive, out front action, most importantly, getting out the vote. They were also out front about keeping the Green Party candidate off the ballots in the close races, knowing those Green votes would be taken away from Biden. They were able to do it because the Greens made mistakes in certifying, and weren't especially interested in appealing the court decisions that went against them.

And, even with all that effort, and all the money they raised, it was still a close call in the swing-States. And, they flopped in the House and Senate races. This was much more an anti-Trump movement than a pro-Biden one.
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Khrushchev was talking looong term. Putin is his successor. This Russia is a continuation, not a replacement, for Russian ambitions. Putin was a KGB agent, if it needs to be any clearer. And now, the dictator of Russia has declared our own Election a fraud, just because his candidate lost.

didn't say that there were more ballots counted than were sent in. The problem may be that there were more ballots sent in than there were people eligible to vote... and far too many at that.
It's the daunting prospect of having to verify so many names on those ballots with people that actually exist and only voted once, that are U.S. citizens, that are [or were] alive at the time, that were of legal voting age, that it surely boggles the mind...and taking into account what happened in Florida in 2000, when it is all considered it does seem to be a plausible plot.

As for this "time honored voting system", it's been corrupted for years. Look up "Tammany Hall" and "Boss Tweed" for just one example. What the Dems did in the primaries in 2016 is all the evidence I need to know of to have a reasonable suspicion that they could, and might have, done something just as I have suggested.

...and as for Russia threatening to "bury us"? That was Nikita Kruschev way back in the 1950's and the U.S. was always far more a threat to the "Soviet Union" than the Soviets ever were to the United States. The Soviet Union ceased to be over thirty years ago. If we're going to dig up old threats, what about the things General Patton said about the Soviets? I could spend less than a half an hour on the internet and dig up more American threats made towards the Soviets than you could hope to even come up with half as many made by the Communists if you even spent all day at it.

Given the rabid like viscous persistence the Dems displayed over the last four years trying to remove Trump from office, the, bought and sold out, medias' participation in it, the amount of support the Dems knew Trump had before the election occurred, and the great degree of uncertainty that Biden would get enough votes to even make a serious challenge to Trump, I can't even imagine that they didn't engage in some amount of conspiracy and a little bit of that wouldn't have done it. It could only have been done on a grand scale and a well conceived and implemented plan thought out months, even years beforehand. Which is where this mail in voting comes into question. It smelled fishy to me when it was first being pushed here in the States and for the very reason that now seems to be very much a possibility.
Unless there is a full investigation

and certification of the legitimacy of all those mail in ballots
I'm not "buying it".

You'll never hear me admit that Biden won the election.

Gary Miliefsky: How Voting Machines Are Easily Hacked

Crossroads :smile:

Emergency petition filed after 150k possibly fraudulent ballots ID'd :smile:
Subpoena in Georgia election

In that case, Trump didn't win in 2016 either. Same election system, which you say is too subject to fraud, in addition to proven illegal, foreign interference. Trump angrily fought against even the limited recounts that were conducted. This Election, Trump lost the support of at least half of the independents who voted for him in 2016 and that of a lot of Republicans who also preferred the Libertarian. So, not only is there no evidence of the type of conspiracy you're talking about, it's not even necessary to explain why Trump lost.
Emergency petition filed

after 150k possibly fraudulent ballots ID'd :smile:
Subpoena in Georgia election
Are you claiming that Trump didn't lose to Biden in California by over 5 million votes due to this vast, clandestine conspiracy?B Human error aside, which wasn't enough to change the results anyway, it looked like a clean Election to me.

Gary Miliefsky: How Voting Machines Are Easily Hacked

Crossroads :smile:


It's the State legislatures that get the final decision as to who gets to be a member of the electoral college for their State.

As Arizona, Michigan, and Pennsylvania all have Republican majorities in their State legislatures this could lead to some high drama.
Despite what lower courts are ruling and State Registrars are claiming, if the legislatures believe that fraud has taken place, they may just take the matter into their own hands and settle the matter themselves.

There is definitely something not "right" about this election, there were more votes cast than there were people of voting eligibility in a great number of counties across the U.S. and the late count of mail-in ballots were just too skewed in favor of Biden to be believable to begin with.
Gary Miliefsky: How Voting Machines Are Easily Hacked
Crossroads :smile:
In fact it seems like a last minute contingency, hatched as plot, that would have been implemented only if Biden stood to lose by the time the polls were closing. It would take so long to verify such a mass number of mail-in ballots that the perpetrator would figure that it to be to their greatest advantage to use such a tactic. ...and after all, the same sort of ruse worked for "Dubya" in Florida in 2000,.. and that only involved about 175,000 disputed ballots at that time.

It's not the people that elect the president, it's the State legislatures... your vote, in your State, is only your say, as to whom you want as president, to your own State legislature. In a true sense, it is nothing more than your opinion, your advice, to that legislature.

Nevada Judge Just Gave Team Trump The News Crooked Joe Fears The Most :smile:
The way I see it, is that...
Unless there is a law, in any of the controversial States, stating that they must vote as directed by the State Registrar of voters, or in accordance to what has been declared to be the final vote count, there could be some surprises ahead...and even if there are such binding laws in any State, a legislature may still select whomever it wants regardless... as that would be such a precedent, and not subject to any ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court, being a States' Rights matter, the Dems would have to concede, eventually.

...but, I'm no legal expert nor scholar on the subject, so what do I know?

I know this much for certain...
As the former player and couch of pro baseball, Yogi Berra, once said, "It ain't over, 'till it's over"

Eric Coomer
Dominion's head of product and strategy
has disappeared.

Representatives from Dominion software
also did not attend a court hearing in Pennsylvania on November 19.

Its US headquarters in Denver was also suddenly closed :smile:
and moved away.

Their employees deleted their names from LinkedIn.

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In that case, Trump didn't win in 2016 either. Same election system, which you say is too subject to fraud, in addition to proven illegal, foreign interference. Trump angrily fought against even the limited recounts that were conducted.This Election, Trump lost the support of at least half of the independents who voted for him in 2016 and that of a lot of Republicans who also preferred the Libertarian.So, not only is there no evidence of the type of conspiracy you're talking about, it's not even necessary to explain why Trump lost.Are you claiming that Trump didn't lose to Biden in California by over 5 million votes due to this vast, clandestine conspiracy?BHuman error aside, which wasn't enough to change the results anyway,

it looked like a clean Election to me.

Significant evidence of vote fraud
was revealed through data analysis :smile:
and investigations by Matt Braynard
executive director of Look Ahead America.

We had the pleasure of sitting down with Matt Braynard
to look over his data and discuss his findings.

The Democrats put that hatred for Trump into positive, out front action, most importantly, getting out the vote. They were also out front about keeping the Green Party candidate off the ballots in the close races, knowing those Green votes would be taken away from Biden. They were able to do it because the Greens made mistakes in certifying, and weren't especially interested in appealing the court decisions that went against them.And, even with all that effort, and all the money they raised, it was still a close call in the swing-States. And, they flopped in the House and Senate races. This was much more an anti-Trump movement than a pro-Biden one.
Over 190 Altered Michigan Voting Records Found in Detroit :smile:

Bolstering the Powell Court Case


Khrushchev was talking looong term. Putin is his successor. This Russia is a continuation, not a replacement, for Russian ambitions. Putin was a KGB agent, if it needs to be any clearer. And now, the dictator of Russia has declared our own Election a fraud, just because his candidate lost.

A researcher who spent 4+ years studying

big tech’s effect on our elections

found that at a “bare minimum”
6 million votes in this election
were shifted by one Silicon Valley company alone. How was it done?

How Big Tech Shifted 6 Million Votes
PA Judge Refuses to Certify
1000s Fake Addresses in Georgia

In that case, Trump didn't win in 2016 either. Same election system, which you say is too subject to fraud, in addition to proven illegal, foreign interference. Trump angrily fought against even the limited recounts that were conducted.

This Election, Trump lost the support of at least half of the independents who voted for him in 2016 and that of a lot of Republicans who also preferred the Libertarian.

So, not only is there no evidence of the type of conspiracy you're talking about, it's not even necessary to explain why Trump lost.

Are you claiming that Trump didn't lose to Biden in California by over 5 million votes due to this vast, clandestine conspiracy?B

Human error aside, which wasn't enough to change the results anyway, it looked like a clean Election to me.

Come on, David, quit trying to make me look stupid. California was a given, there was certainly no need to even think about having to pull such a stunt here, in fact it's the reason I didn't even bother to vote... seeing as how it was going to be such an overwhelming victory for Biden due to the two voter deep bases of liberalism, i.e La La Land, and the Bay Area to the North.

I'm referring to only the States where-in it was already easily predictable that it would be a close election.

In this day and age it is so much easier to fool most all the people all of the time than ever before. Look at just how many are still fooled by the media portrayal of the events of 9/11...and nearly 18 years later we're still a belligerent, invasive, presence in the Middle East.
Did you watch that video that accompanied the song by Neil Young that I posted a few posts back, "Let's Impeach the President"?
Why didn't we? Dubya certainly deserved it far, far, more than president Trump did... and I'm not saying that Trump deserved it at all. Dubya certainly did deserve it, however.
I'll tell you why, it's because most everyone in this nation has been continuously brainwashed by the bought and sold media.

Since 9/11 the media has become all the more controlled than ever and we've got censorship all over the internet now. Thankfully, Astrology Weekly doesn't play that way.

If you are convinced that there was no fraud perpetrated this past election, then you shouldn't have any objections to a full investigation and recount, should you?

Or do you you?

This country won't just fall apart from a lack of an immediate transition, despite what the media will try to have you believe.

I say, let the investigation begin, and quickly. If Biden does emerge the winner afterall I will raise my glass to him and Kamala and to all of you that ovted for the pair as well. I just want to know that the election is completed by a fair, and openly honest, process, that's all I'm saying.

I certainly don't wish to see those States go against the declared vote counts by choosing electors otherwise, but I presently won't condemn them if they do... given that there are so many unanswered questions concerning this past election.

Meanwhile... is it just me or does Biden appear to be a bit alienated in this recent photo?

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Khrushchev was talking looong term. Putin is his successor. This Russia is a continuation, not a replacement, for Russian ambitions. Putin was a KGB agent, if it needs to be any clearer. And now, the dictator of Russia has declared our own Election a fraud, just because his candidate lost.

Russia is not our enemy... get real, be serious.
May I remind you that Edgar Cayce said that "the true freedom of mankind will come out of Russia"...and that was during 1944 that He said that. Russia no longer existed at that time.
Eric Coomer
Dominion's head of product and strategy
has disappeared.

Representatives from Dominion software
also did not attend a court hearing in Pennsylvania on November 19.

Its US headquarters in Denver was also suddenly closed :smile:
and moved away.

Their employees deleted their names from LinkedIn.


WOW. :surprised: That's some news there....!
Biden's a VULCAN!!!???

Huh. So....Trump's a KLINGON! That explains why he's still clinging on to a hope of remaining in the Oval Office!

Ptv, I apologize about the California remark. There are those, like Sidney Powell, who claim that Trump actually won the Popular Vote, which would have had to mean that Californians had their Trump votes switched to Biden.

I have no problem with recounts. They are expensive though, and nobody really wants to pay for them. Also, historically, recounts have changed from a handful to at most a few hundred votes--which makes them a real long shot as far as changing the results of this year's Presidential Election.
Russia is not our enemy... get real, be serious.
May I remind you that Edgar Cayce said that "the true freedom of mankind will come out of Russia"...and that was during 1944 that He said that. Russia no longer existed at that time.

I'm not saying it won't happen, just not yet. And, Putin just isn't the guy who will make it happen. He's still fighting the Cold War imo.
What really irritates me is this disclaimer posted below the video for Matt Braynard, by youtube

U.S. elections
The AP has called the Presidential race for Joe Biden. See more on Google.
Robust safeguards help ensure the integrity of elections and results. Learn more

#VoteFraud #FlipStates #TrumpLawsuits Unquote

Really? The Associated Press says it's over?

...and "ROBUST" safeguards... :lol::lol::lol:
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Biden's a VULCAN!!!???

Huh. So....Trump's a KLINGON! That explains why he's still clinging on to a hope of remaining in the Oval Office!

Ptv, I apologize about the California remark. There are those, like Sidney Powell, who claim that Trump actually won the Popular Vote, which would have had to mean that Californians had their Trump votes switched to Biden.

I have no problem with recounts. They are expensive though, and nobody really wants to pay for them. Also, historically, recounts have changed from a handful to at most a few hundred votes--which makes them a real long shot as far as changing the results of this year's Presidential Election.

Given what JUPITERASC recently posted concerning Coomer and what Braynard has to say... At this time I would say that a recount is imperative.
...and as this country is just giving away money nowadays, let's spare no cost in a recount, imho.
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btw, David, I didn't even see a remark by you concerning California. I don't read every post here in this thread, not completely, anyways. Far too much rhetoric for me.

A researcher who spent 4+ years studying

big tech’s effect on our elections

found that at a “bare minimum”
6 million votes in this election
were shifted by one Silicon Valley company alone. How was it done?

How Big Tech Shifted 6 Million Votes
PA Judge Refuses to Certify
1000s Fake Addresses in Georgia


TRIPLE WOW :w00t:... good looking out JUPITERASC., thank you .:wink:
Given what JUPITERASC recently posted concerning Coomer and what Braynard has to say... At this time I would say that a recount is imperative.
...and wth, this country is just giving away money nowadays, spare no cost in a recount, imho.

Didn't Georgia do a recount?

J.A. posts every Trumped up fraud allegation anyone anywhere posts on social media. These are all just hypothesized scenarios though, and to prove it in court, they would need some real evidence, not just theories.

Today, Trump declared "we're at war!" and labeled another somebody or other as an "Enemy of the People".

There's a disturbing story going around that Pence "convinced" Trump not to unilaterally start bombing Iran. Probably just another "troll the Libs" joke.
Didn't Georgia do a recount?
J.A. posts every Trumped up fraud allegation anyone anywhere posts on social media. These are all just hypothesized scenarios though, and to prove it in court, they would need some real evidence, not just theories.
Today, Trump declared "we're at war!" and labeled another somebody or other as an "Enemy of the People".
There's a disturbing story going around that Pence "convinced" Trump not to unilaterally start bombing Iran. Probably just another "troll the Libs" joke.
Pennsylvania Republicans are Taking BACK POWER to Seat ELECTORS
as Sidney Powell finally RELEASES THE KRAKEN!

we’re going to look at the bombshell revelation
that Pennsylvania Republicans
are indeed preparing
to send pro-Trump electors to Washington DC
on December 14th
how the media got completely blindsided by this bold move :smile:

and I’m going to give you a nice summary
of the Kraken lawsuit unleashed by Sidney Powell in Georgia


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