I've been so busy just trying to get by, day to day, here in Reno that I haven't spent very much time with astrology this year and this thread is the major exception as I felt I just had to write something about it, seeing that it is a once in 248 year occurence to have a Pluto natal return.Yesterday it came to mind that we are presently in the period of time when the North Node of the Moon is in that 3rd degree of Aries I mentioned above. ...and have been for a couple of weeks now. Man, how time flew by. I was thinking that the event was still ahead of us...as for how preoccupied I've been. [I've been made an offer to share a house in Northern Calif. and am anticipating moving there after the first of the year. I was going to do so this month but decided to wait until after the holidays. Not an excuse but an explanation as to why, and just how much, I am preoccupied at the present.]
Upon realizing the N. Nodes present transit I thought that I had better look at what else is going on astrologically at this time, especially so as i haven't gotten back to this thread since Trump won the election. [Like I wrote above, I was pretty confident that he would, barring any cheating this time around... and the wailing and the gnashing of teeth immediately followed... and who didn't expect that?]
Looking over the pdf ephemeris at astrodienst I was a bit surprised, and also ashamed of myself, for not having remembered, and for not further investigating, the retrograde activity of Mars during this time which began on December 6th.
Some 25 years ago I came up with a theory that I've demonstrated here at this forum, and others, about the retrograde activity of the planets and how they interact with the Sabian symbols.
This has to do with current activity as to the Tropical Zodiac and their degree symbols and thus no sidereal adjustment is necessary in this, proposed, technique. A technique that has yet to be determined to be valid but it has been shown to be most worthy of consideration. As these influences are affecting all of humanity, world wide, and that the Nodes are relative to the "at large" activities, and attitudes, of society they aren't discerned so readily . They can be found to be particularly relative to any one individual nation, when taken in context to the current state of that particular nation, and yet still remain relative to the world wide society of all humanity.
It's been quite some time since I have performed one of these retrograde analyses, and I'm not going to check back for reference to make sure that I'm using the same terms I coined, or came up with, so long ago, but if I do recall correctly the three phases of a planet in retrograde, i.e the point of initial retrograde motion, the point of the return to direct motion, and thirdly, the final return, I identify as "the Impasse", "the Trigger", and "the Release".
At the point of Impasse one should look to what the Sabian symbol is for the degree the observed Planet is within and regard that symbolism as the precept that particular planet cannot presently proceed beyond as there is something blocking the influence of that planet, relative to that Zodiacal degrees Sabian Symbolism, from bestowing the resultant affect upon all of humanity The North Node further emphasizes, through the Sabian symbolism found for its Zodiacal degree, why that is happening. What is needed to break through that impasse is retrieved by the retrograde planet back at the point of where that direct motion will take place. [i.e. the "Trigger"]
I'm not at all certain that this technique I'm using is entirely valid, but I think the better part of it certainly is...and maybe I do have the right take on the entire process, but perhaps I have not yet perceived an compiled all of the process? T
The significant matter of this event is that the Sabian Symbols, I found, involved in the three phases coupled with the fact that this is beginning at the very time that Pluto is within a one degree orb to an exact sidereal adjusted conjunction to the position it was in at the birth of the United States, along with Pluto being, the Planet of Transformation, Trump, having been re-elected president and his vowing to transform the nation, the transiting N.Node being conjunct the 3rd deg. of Aries and that degree and its Sabian Symbol being so significant to president Trump, that transiting Mars began its retrograde motion in the same Tropical degree as the natal N. Node of the United States, i.e. the 7th of Leo, that Trump has vowed to restore spiritual values that this nation was founded upon, and that the Sabian Symbol for the 7th degree of Leo is so, 'spot on", relative to those spiritual values, that when all taken together as a whole that there has surely got to be something of profound implications about to transpire here in the U.S.A.
So much more to write concerning this, but it is going on mid-night here in Reno, and I have much to do yet before I sleep.So, I'm just going to post the Sabian symbol for the 7th degree of Leo, for those of you unfamiliar with it and those that need a refresher, so as to emphasize the spiritual significance it has regarding the birth of my nation, a nation that evolved from the colonies created for the refugees of religious persecution in Europe, e.g. the Quakers, the Puritans, the Baptists, the Mennonites, the Evangelicals, the Pentacostals, et al. ...and non Christian beliefs as well.
The 7th degree of Leo [...which also just happens to be the location of my natal S. Node, and was the natal N. Node of my late yogi friend, Suryakant, and member Phoenix Venus' M.C. [so highly significant a Zodiacal degree to me, as well] [ibid.]
KEYNOTE: The power of basic spiritual values which refer to man's common humanity and to all enduring archetypes.
The experience of the night sky with its multitude of stars, especially brilliant in all the countries from which astrology came, is just as basic and archetypal an experience as that of sunrise, full moon and seasonal changes. Every people on this Earth has developed the concept of constellations, probably because of a need to find order in existence and to personalize everything that could be given a permanent form. Such personalizations can be called 'psychic projections', but the projection concept should be worked out both ways. If man projects his basic human nature upon the star-filled night sky, is it not just as logical to say that the universe projects its own forever-evolving patterns of order upon human nature? In either case we deal with archetypal factors which endure through a long series of generations.
This second stage symbol once more stands in perfect contrast to the preceding one. The nearly unchanging patterns of star groups are opposed to the sequence of ever-changing fashions and social ideals. The Keyword here is PERMANENCE."
So, Mars has to backtrack and return to acquire the energy from a Divine precept it passed through a few weeks ago in order to proceed past the "Impasse", and that impasse concerns that permanent archetype, what it is, what all it entails, maybe we have to get together and agree to what its true identity is and agree to hold fast to it, or at least more fast than we have been doing recently... something seems to have been lost, or misplaced, or forgotten... pretty much what president Trump has been saying for quite sometime...
Stay tuned, to be continued, more to follow, you better believe it, keep the faith.
The chart for the moment of mars going retrograde.