Redwolf, hi, I can completely understand why you think that Pluto is ruling true love and Venus "just" love and affection. But you are wrong I'm afraid.
The fact that Plutonic relationships feel like you are thrown off your socks far more powerful than without Pluto involved, shows more of a compulsive sort of love and is very often related to a Karmic bond people sometimes have with another person. You knew this person from another life, hence the "It feels like I have know her/him, all my life" and this is what creates that overwhelming feeling which sometimes lacks with the more serene Venus love.
Pluto can create great havoc in love relationships because it is incredibly difficult to let go of a Plutonic-karmic relationship. Yes, it does create the idea of super intense love, but it is more of an addictive, compulsive and powerful attraction than that it is real, deep love.
Maybe you like to call this real love, but actually real love between two people is often based on mutual respect, trust (no jealousy) and less sexual. Plutonic love can create terrible scenes of jealousy because trust is often totally lacking. It is a very sexual sort of love based on physical attraction whereas real love has to do with loving the person for it's qualities, no matter how this person looks like from the outside.
So, Venus still is the ruler of real love in my opinion, not Pluto.
Cheers, Starlink
I agree. Pluto when connected to Venus means a deep intense love, obsessive and extreme......however by itself it rules all things taboo, sex, secrets, underworld, psychological crises, life and death and passion. Real love is not painful and jealous and has the other person first always in their heart. Many of us equate pain with love however....... mistaking passion and lust for love when it is often not but it can be in the mix. Passion often does not last but true love does.....
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