Venus Doesn't Rule True Love Pluto Does!!!!

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Redwolf, hi, I can completely understand why you think that Pluto is ruling true love and Venus "just" love and affection. But you are wrong I'm afraid.
The fact that Plutonic relationships feel like you are thrown off your socks far more powerful than without Pluto involved, shows more of a compulsive sort of love and is very often related to a Karmic bond people sometimes have with another person. You knew this person from another life, hence the "It feels like I have know her/him, all my life" and this is what creates that overwhelming feeling which sometimes lacks with the more serene Venus love.

Pluto can create great havoc in love relationships because it is incredibly difficult to let go of a Plutonic-karmic relationship. Yes, it does create the idea of super intense love, but it is more of an addictive, compulsive and powerful attraction than that it is real, deep love.

Maybe you like to call this real love, but actually real love between two people is often based on mutual respect, trust (no jealousy) and less sexual. Plutonic love can create terrible scenes of jealousy because trust is often totally lacking. It is a very sexual sort of love based on physical attraction whereas real love has to do with loving the person for it's qualities, no matter how this person looks like from the outside.
So, Venus still is the ruler of real love in my opinion, not Pluto.

Cheers, Starlink

I agree. Pluto when connected to Venus means a deep intense love, obsessive and extreme......however by itself it rules all things taboo, sex, secrets, underworld, psychological crises, life and death and passion. Real love is not painful and jealous and has the other person first always in their heart. Many of us equate pain with love however....... mistaking passion and lust for love when it is often not but it can be in the mix. Passion often does not last but true love does.....
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I have Venus sextile Pluto exact and I like deep passionate love or I am not interested. It has to be intense and with that comes pain and jealousy sure but I recognise it and can handle it better than perhaps someone with a square. This aspect can indicate someone who uses sex for material gain and enjoys sexual attention and makes the most of it....Gets away with stalking, secret affairs and attracts obsessional types but no harm is done.......:wink: an easy aspect is still intense but less threatening and extreme in its expression.
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Hi Claire,

I have some questions if you don't mind??

What would you say of a man with Venus/Pluto opposing, rather than square, in his natal?

I had a relationship with a man with this aspect and in our synastry we also had Venus/Pluto opposing (me Venus). It seemed like I was the one who was obsessed. --Unless he was very good at hiding his feelings.
Haha, and here I thought good ol' Saturn ruled true love! ;)
(He is exalted in Libra!)

kidding aside, I don't know if any one planet alone = true love, maybe different varieties of love ie Pluto for transformative love which is beautiful or Neptune for a transcendent love which feels so out-of-this world beautiful.

I guess much depends on the Natal chart and one's need to experience love - which for the person makes it true for them :)

I personally like Neptune and Jupiter and Saturn mixed in my synastry. A little Pluto does go a long way and a happy Moon and Venus is always nice! ;)
Pluto is definitely not 'love'. Pluto is power and obsession. I had a transiting Pluto conjunct my natal Venus. Believe me, it's not love. Love, as Starlink says, is respect and tolerance and friendship, no matter what the relationship. Pluto completely disallows any of this. Being unable to 'get over' someone isn't love either: it has to do with not dealing with abandonment issues, and again has to do with Pluto and its dark side, especially the obsessive part of it.

Pluto means hate and death in actual fact. It is the sexual act and orgasm or the "little death". It is not love in itself.
Hi Claire,

I have some questions if you don't mind??

What would you say of a man with Venus/Pluto opposing, rather than square, in his natal?

I had a relationship with a man with this aspect and in our synastry we also had Venus/Pluto opposing (me Venus). It seemed like I was the one who was obsessed. --Unless he was very good at hiding his feelings.
I would say it is obsession and it is very obvious and out there. Others can see it too. He would attract that kind of woman with his Venus opposing Pluto. You would not be the first I imagine. He may have had someone die on him too. That it is in your synastry makes it doubly potent. It can alternate, he can be the obsessed or the obsessor in relationships. That he is hooking into that kind of scenario it is his story too.
This comes from someone with Venus (7th ruler) sextile Neptune.
Neptune in its finest expression is the higher octave of Venus in that it is unconditional and indiscriminate love.
I have it conjunct Venus.
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This comes from someone with Venus (7th ruler) sextile Neptune.
Neptune with Venus means compassion, charity and a sense of faith and love in its finest expression. It can rehabilitate addiction, give a sense of God through love and generally work wonders.
EDIT Agh! I mean I'm the Pluto in the synastry. His Venus is in opposition to my Pluto. And it's quite obvious that my Pluto (4H Aqua) is a complete whimp.

I think this aspect is 110% freakish. I was wondering why I was so taken by this person when he is totally inappropriate for me.

I have to say, weeks would pass and I would be fine. Then it's as though a cosmic switch was hit and I'd feel like I was being consumed by this crazy obsession.

It's pathetic and a horrible position to be in!

I just wondered of the possibility of his going through something similar being that he was the Venus....:whistling:

I would say it is obsession and it is very obvious and out there. Others can see it too. He would attract that kind of woman with his Venus opposing Pluto. You would not be the first I imagine. He may have had someone die on him too. That it is in your synastry makes it doubly potent. It can alternate, he can be the obsessed or the obsessor in relationships. That he is hooking into that kind of scenario it is his story too.
I've also had my share of N pluto conjunct venus in synastry by 1 degree, as well as her mars trines my N venus, venus trines N chiron, saturn sex N sun, list goes on) . i would view venus-pluto as a very transcending/transformational love(unconditional love/self-destruction). for sure when the passion of one dies, someone is going to suffer terribly....:sad: and when i mean by suffer i mean literally stepping into plutos lair, the underworld.

i think i'm crazy bc i still think of her sometimes... i believe you will have transformed once the relationship ends, whether good or bad, you will just no longer be the same person.
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Anyone here with a Pluto transit on the 7th? Dealing with obsessive crushes power trips in their love life? Since Pluto is conjuct my DSC angle, I've experienced very intense conflicted feelings toward someone since 2009..
I went through a Pluto 7th house transit during the first 7 years of my marriage. Since my husband is 5 months older than I am, he went through the 7h transit as well. It effected both of us and it's a part of my life that I wouldn't want to revisit!

It was extremely difficult as it's almost as though we took our vows at the exact second Pluto entered my 7th house.

The good news is that once you go through it, you will never have to go through it again during your lifetime.

How can I explain this... Afterwards, I was able to see my husband as a whole person and how if one part of his personality wasn't so great, him taken as a whole, was an entirely different story.

He was SUPER arrogant and I was a doormat, no backbone. This was horrible for both of us. He was arrogant but I was just as much to blame because I unknowingly encouraged it. After the transit was almost over, things started to change. I know this because I actually went back and plugged several dates in to our natals to check the transits.

The transit changed the quality of our marriage. We get along but I think if we had just met now for the first time, we wouldn't have had the same attraction for each other that we did prior to the transit. So the transit changed us in good ways but not necessarily in ways that made us closer.
EDIT Agh! I mean I'm the Pluto in the synastry. His Venus is in opposition to my Pluto. And it's quite obvious that my Pluto (4H Aqua) is a complete whimp.

I think this aspect is 110% freakish. I was wondering why I was so taken by this person when he is totally inappropriate for me.

I have to say, weeks would pass and I would be fine. Then it's as though a cosmic switch was hit and I'd feel like I was being consumed by this crazy obsession.

It's pathetic and a horrible position to be in!

I just wondered of the possibility of his going through something similar being that he was the Venus....:whistling:

Baha - I had to join the discussion group just to respond to you because your post rings so true to me right now! I am also the pluto and and his venus is in a minor aspect (quintile) to my pluto. His mars is trine my pluto also along with other aspects (his pluto opposite my chiron, conjunct my moon, etc). But I am feeling the same way. I would be fine and then boom, 2 weeks later or so, I find myself texting him and obsessing over him. He is a cap sun/libra rising/scorpio moon and I am a leo sun/libra rising/libra moon. I have never in my life felt so out of control over someone like this. And I am wondering how much the other feels it too.
Hi Wames, welcome! This is a great forum, you will enjoy it and learn a lot.

AS for your will get better. Time will just wear you out eventually and you will go back to being centered. I think there was lots to learn with this aspect. At least, that's the way I look at it. Pluto is very heavy and brought out a lot of emotions that I'd never experienced before and it was just really wierd. I thought I had my life together and then this hit me like a brick wall and made me question many things about myself.

The good news is that regardless of the outcome, regardless of what he may or may not feel, the bottom line is that you will get something out of this time of your life. Honestly, I wish this had happened to me when I was "younger." Because you picture yourself in a certain way and then something like this comes along and lands you on your ear. As a result you act in ways that you never expected or thought you were capable of. It's sobering!

Have a look at the horary relationship board. See the questions people ask and learn a little bit. Then ask a question regarding your sig-other and see what the answer is.
About natal aspects between Pluto and Venus:

I have the opposition, plus Venus in the 8th house, and I had no clue about astrology until a year ago, but I've always known myself to be obsessive in ways which resembled love, felt like deep tenderness and empathy and curiosity, and yet had nothing to do with love. A schoolgirl crush on a guy I had spoken to once or twice lasted ~ 5 yrs. You've got to have some sympathy for those with the natal opposition - internally they fight the obsession with a force that equals the attraction, and the drama of obsession and rejection keeps playing out in their head even when they remain super cool on the surface. At the end, I had no idea what I ever liked about the guy, but as a result I had learned tons about rock music and I played the guitar (he was a musician)

The next crush was shorter and bumpy, we are still good friends, and as a result I became involved in social activism. With the next round of those "crushes" out of the blue, I already had come to recognize a pattern, and I knew that if I wanted to keep all those amazing friendships I tended to develop, I had to direct my obsessive interest away from the person and into some subject I could learn. I even got a higher degree in the process, etc.

Yet, hiding an obsession is not a solution, because it still touches the other person, it still pushes some hidden buttons in a way that remains mysterious to me. I really tried to spare a good friend of mine the obsession that I was developing over him, I simply played cool convinced that he was clueless, until that backfired too and left me completely shattered and emotionally stunned for more than an year.

On the other hand... I'm also in a beautiful relationship without a trace of plutonian energy (my Jupiter conjunct his Mars and Moon in synastry, Venus conjunct Sun in composite), and it takes just a little bit of patience, playfulness, and a sense of humor from the other person in order to live peacefully with a Plutonian one.
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I just watched that movie twilight online....while the movie was mediocre the relationship between the two characters was plutonic and reminded me in certain ways of the only true love i have ever had for a person.....everyone has heard me cry and cry about this old love I had in other posts......heres my new belief

venus rules relationships and affection....the relationship and all the politics that come with it and the lovey dovey feelings and affection you have with the other person....most of your life you feel this in relationships even some of the best ones you have...every woman no matter how weak their venus is represents venus in certain ways...(cause thats where women come from lol)

mars is the desire...its lust...its getting turned on by physical characteristics
behaviors that others do....mars by itself when the lust is over everyone wants to leave and feels guilty or disgusted with themselves or we all have our reaction but we wanna leave once the lust and desire is gone......every guy represents mars in a way even if their mars is weak(cause thats where men come from ha ha)

if cupid is venus son....hes getting his arrows from see someone across and EYES meet and an intense chemistry is allready feel as if you've known this person even though you have never met....your heart feels like its been shot with a shotgun rather than an feels as if your soul has seen its lover from another life and goes esctatic every time you see that person and it wants to scream I love try to rationalize with it and tell it you haven't even started dating yet and its screams I allready know what I try to control your emtions around that person but no matter how much you try you can' do stupid stuff around her your knees start screaming at her like ron burgandy when you meant to just casually say want to merge with that kiss its the strip away every layer and share yourself with her like no other person......pluto is true love once you feel it every other love is superfiscial...and not as can have sex with the most beautiful girls, but once the desire and lust is gone your back to being can get in a lovey dovey relationship with someone you truly have affection for...but its nothing like when your heart feels like its gonna fall out of your chest when your plutonain lover would smile...the relationship feels fake and superfiscial its the notebook when rachel mccadams knows her relationship with her rich boyfriend is a match in every way and she truly has affection and love for him....but whens shes around ryan reynolds her heart does flips in her chest and she just KNOWS.....its true intimacy and though the sex is special.......the intimacy you feel just being with that person is irriplaceable and plutos true meaning that intimacy is more powerful than lust or affection

My dear, you've got it. Don't listen to these negative nancys. I'm guessing they just have never felt synastry with strong venus-pluto. I can tell you for sure that venus-pluto makes you feel ALIVE, like you are born again into a new beautiful person every time you see them, like they change you, and love you in a way that novody else possibly could. They hold ALL of you in a most intimate way and you both have tremendous power over evh ther and can help each other to change so much for the better. It is amazing and trul unforgettable. I could never forget the people I've had mutual venus-pluto aspects with in synastry or venus trine pluto in the composite with. They purged me in a way to the point where the relationship felt like therapy...a tremendous healing occurred from such happiness of just being around them.

I totally feel you.

Pluto is depth. Venus coming together with pluto obviously means...........deep love ;)

Dont let these people tell you otherwise. It's LOVE.
Well now. This makes so much sense! I never knew it before but this is why I'm obsessed with my ex. We have pluto conjunction in my 3H and his 7H, trine his Venus and my Mars conjunction, opposite neptune conjunctions and uranus conjunctions. I can't shake him.

Did the original poster ever contact that girl?


We got back together after almost 4 years of being apart. Everything feels so natural between us.. it's a mutual feeling. We have other amazingg aspects that don't include Pluto though, like His Jupiter conj. my AC, my Jupiter conj. his Moon, My Juno conj. his Sun... :)
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I m madly in love with someone I have pluto conjunction with his venus, he has his sun conjunction my uranus.
We had 3 amazing months then he became cold , however stayed always by my side and we even traveled together. There s a intense love feeling there but so weird he doesnt want to get intimate anymore. I m sad but I accepted it in good spirits till I found out yesterday after nine months he went on a date with someone. My world crumbled down, he s very sorry and he still keeps close it s like we cant separate from each other.

I had a bond with him almost immediately, I m aries rising scorpio he is scorpio rising sagitarius. I m just so sad something in in the middle blocking us of being together as a man and woman. Please if any of you would care to take a look in the positions bellow and let me know your thoughts I would appreciate.

My heart is struggling at the moment , but I decided to surrender to this love and wait even if I have to wait for my next life.

Sun trine Venus 12 Scorpio 52'56" 14 Pisces 25' 1" 1.55

Sun conjunction Uranus 12 Scorpio 52'56" 20 Scorpio 10'16" 7.3

Sun sextile North Node 12 Scorpio 52'56" 15 Virgo 58'20" 3.1
S Sun square Lilith 12 Scorpio 52'56" 19 Leo 58'23" 7.1
S Sun opposition Chiron 12 Scorpio 52'56" 8 Taurus 6'43" 4.77
S Sun trine Ceres 12 Scorpio 52'56" 18 Pisces 37'38" 5.75
S Moon trine Mars 7 Leo 17'45" 2 Aries 27' 2" 4.83
S Moon conjunction Jupiter 7 Leo 17'45" 29 Cancer 22'11" 7.92
S Moon square Chiron 7 Leo 17'45" 8 Taurus 6'43" 0.82
S Moon trine Juno 7 Leo 17'45" 11 Aries 31'28" 4.23
S Mercury trine Jupiter 5 Sagittarius 39'20" 29 Cancer 22'11" 6.28
A Mercury square Saturn 5 Sagittarius 39'20" 7 Virgo 48'51" 2.15
S Venus opposition Sun 24 Libra 40'10" 19 Aries 43'45" 4.95
S Venus square Jupiter 24 Libra 40'10" 29 Cancer 22'11" 4.7
A Venus sextile Neptune 24 Libra 40'10" 20 Sagittarius 24'34" 4.27
A Venus conjunction Pluto 24 Libra 40'10" 17 Libra 47'46" 6.88
S Venus sextile Lilith 24 Libra 40'10" 19 Leo 58'23" 4.7
S Venus trine Pallas 24 Libra 40'10" 22 Aquarius 21'43" 2.32
S Mars opposition Mars 5 Libra 28'17" 2 Aries 27' 2" 3.02
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Pluto can be sexy, intense, obsessive and transformational.. but I have a hard time saying Pluto alone is true love.

Every planet has a role to play in true love. Sun aspects may bring companionship. Moon an emotional nurturing love. Mercury a meeting of the minds, etc.

Even Saturn and Chiron may demonstrate true love in the person who commits to a discipline, sacrifice, etc for the sake of their beloved.

I also think it takes more than synastry. The great love of your life could be someone you met and dismissed years ago because one or both of you have natal chart and/or transit challenges to work out on you own.
Venus rules love and relationship and if you use Pluto it rules the sexual orgasm and need not involve love at all. When connected to Venus it makes love and sex very intense, often controlling and obsessive.

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