I have Venus in Scorpio: In Placidus it is in my 11th, but in Whole house it is in my 12th. My Venus is in detriment plus opposing Moon in the last degrees of my 5th (placidus), and 6th (WH). And Venus makes a conjunction with Pluto in my 12th.
I admit it... I had secret love affairs, like friends with benefits. When we were in public we behave simply as friends, but when we were alone it was like we were a real romantic couple.
I have been interested in people from afar, and also the few real committed relationships have been started in a neptunian way... I met them when they were far away, or when they were with other woman, and finally time passes and the relationship bonds well. But I always was craving and dreaming about for such person when I couldn't have it. (My relationships finally work because Venus has good aspect to Saturn, and Venus is the dispositor of the ruler of my 7th which is Mercury in Libra in the 10th placidus/11th whole hosue)
This aspect also leads to a certain soul connection with the person you like, like premonitory dreams, or mutual dreaming about each other. (This one... if the person you love, also knows you) Because if the person you like doesn't knows you (a common symptom of this aspect is also liking people that doesn't knows you)
Venus in the 12th can also bring lovers that spy you, or you spy them or you mutually spy each other without knowing it.
Basically, the repercussions that this aspect brings (negative or positive) depend on how it is aspected Venus and the ruler of the 12th... If your Venus has good aspects like trines, sextiles and conjunctions to Saturn, Uranus, and Jupiter, the results will not be bad. But id it has bad aspects from Uranus, Jupiter or Neptune like conjunctions squares and oppositions... Then the relationships will never manifest physically... they will remain being a constant dream.
Remember that Venus in 12th house is strengthened, cause 12th house belongs to Pisces, the sign where Venus is exalted. This aspect can attract lovers who are very Venusian-Neptunian (plus the sign where Venus is)... So it brings artistic partners, or people who work with images like movie makers, painters, photographers, poets, story writers. In the negative side will be drinkers, drug addicts, secret stalkers, liars, cheaters.
So 12th house Venus people can also have very very high expectations toward what they want in a partner, it is an idillic idea of love.
More about Venus in the 12th:
- Makes you appealed to Visual Arts
- Makes you able to have premonitory dreams in general (not controllable) not all your dreams will be premonitory and you won;t know it until you live it.
- Makes you a loner interested in occult, spirituality, self improvement.
- Makes you appealed to narcotics or tobacco (be aware of this ones)
- You think in Images, rather than numbers or words.
- Can make a good musical talent... but not the one of college.... the one which is innate. (but I this one if you have Librian influence)
- Create a great imagination.
- Yes... you can be interested in more than one person at a time
- Attracted and attract neptunian personalities in love. Think suns, moons in pisces or pisces risings... artists, painters, photographers, video producers, poets, etc.
- Makes you able to communicate telepathically with the loved one. Or mutual dreaming.
The psychic abilities will be innate... but you can develop them to make them stronger, and learn to control them. Personal planets in the 12th can make people been born with the third eye opened, or slightly opened. You can be a very good love guru to others.... the issue is to be a good one with yourself.... remember that pisces and water signs tend to be selfless perhaps scorpio not always.