Venus & Moon in cancer shows co-dependancy? help

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Hi, lisahearts--

I don't take a deterministic view towards astrology, so I wouldn't say that planetary positions cause a certain problem in our lives. But they can point to trouble spots that we can improve.

First off, are we looking at the right chart? Your 10th house is ruled by Jupiter, but it is in the 8th, not the 10th house. Your moon is in the 5th house, not the 7th house.

If this is your correct birth chart, just let us know.
Yes,this is my correct chart.. I was also looking at my chart in Vedic astrology when I asked the question, sorry for the confusion.
Moon Venus in Cancer is not co-dependent - It rules over Sun and Mars. It is a combo of divine intervention and be reasonable, do it my way.

If you have this placement - you need to find willing submissive mates and develop strong assertive children and be truthful to yourself and them.

The moon rules the tides and emotions - Venus rules desires and peace - and if you don't find the ones who follow your tides of brilliance - and find yourself running over them with co dependency - than you have failed the lot.

Mother earth. Mother love. I will keep you safe as long as you listen to what I say. Moon knows all tides and emotions and reacts immediately - If you can't get a handle on what happens in your home or family or love life, then you are willingly allowing someone to grab the reigns - then of course the question is - what are you getting out of that - because Cancr is very acquisitive.
Two things pop out, Lisa.

One is your 7th house ruled by the sun, which is square Saturn. Saturn square sun is one of those aspects indicating a struggle with one's self-esteem. Somethings when women have self-esteem problems, it is tied up in being single, and feeling that you don't deserve a good relationship, while paradoxically feeling that you must have a relationship to feel good about yourself.

Then you have a kite formation in your chart pointing to Mars. In a hetereosexual woman's chart Mars is one of the indicators of the man in her life. Of course, Mars is also her own assertiveness.

You have 3 planets in Cancer, notably your very strong domiciled moon. Cancer longs to merge with another human being, and operates through its feelings, not hard-headed realism or analysis.

Neptune-Uranus opposite Venus suggests relationships (Venus) with sudden beginnings and endings (Uranus) and where you cannot get clarity (Neptune) on what the relationship is really like.

So can you see ways to work on your self-esteem, as the best solo you that you know how to be? What if you took a brief holiday from feeling you need to have a man in your life? And then made some projects to strengthen your assertiveness?

This is about being you-- for you.

Mars rules athletics, so this might be something like a fitness program.

I am also struck by how many quintiles are in your chart . These show talent plus the ambition to manifest your talent. So what are your talents that you would like to work on?

Once you get your self-confidence in better shape, you'll be ready for a good relationship on a better footing.
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Hi Lisahearts, if you place the SN in your chart you'll notice there's a Water/Earth "mystic" rectangle.

The Rectangle:
SN 23°39' Tauro
Pluto 26°03' Scorpio
Uranus 25°41' Capricorn
Venus 25°07'Cancer

I took a look at some "dark" and sexual asteroids in your chart, though I cannot give you a reading at the moment. Maybe asteroids experts as Rahu can give an opinion.

If you want to take a look here are the numbers of the objects to include in the chart:


Plus Vesta, Nessus, Ixion, Orcus and Sedna


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Then you have a kite formation in your chart pointing to Mars. In a hetereosexual woman's chart Mars is one of the indicators of the man in he

So can you see ways to work on your self-esteem, as the best solo you that you know how to be? What if you took a brief holiday from feeling you need to have a man in your life? And then made some projects to strengthen your assertiveness?

This is about being you-- for you.

Mars rules athletics, so this might be something like a fitness program.

I am also struck by how many quintiles are in your chart . These show talent plus the ambition to manifest your talent. So what are your talents that you would like to work on?

Once you get your self-confidence in better shape, you'll be ready for a good relationship on a better footing.

The kite formation is very interesting to me, even more so that it’s pointing towards mars, I’ll have to look into the different aspects of the kite formation. Some people don’t have kite formation so I wonder if it’s just a coincidence or if the different formations of charts take on a bigger meaning.

As far as career, I have been very confused. I began college studying nursing but it’s not for me so I switched to study Psychology, maybe I can be a social worker or clinical psychologist. But I’m a very introverted person so talking isn’t my best strength. I have a natural talent in arts, crafts. I love making things by hand and painting, but in this real world you’ll need a real career to sustain you and pay bills, I do my crafts as a hobby but I have always had the idea to one day sell them, I love making dolls and would like to , I’m currently working with elders and part/time assistant teacher at a preschool. I enjoy working with children. I do feel like I’m just beginning to figure out who i am.
Hi Lisahearts,

I feel your pain here. I know it’s not what you probably want to hear, but it sounds like you could benefit from spending some time single, and focusing on building up your life to better reflect who you truly are into the world. What I really notice in your chart is Neptune Opposite Venus. That is such a difficult aspect for truly connecting with healthy people and seeing relationships in realistic terms. It’s like the noir film is running in your head and you are seeing that instead of who is in front of you. You can train yourself to work with that aspect but it will always have a great deal of influence. This year and next you are moving into a period of intensity and possible alienation and sadness regarding love. I really think if you use this time to find out who you are rather than trying to wrangle relationships, you might find that the type of men you are attracted to changes. You have an upcoming Neptune Sun square, so I would really avoid relationships over the next two years if you have a well established pattern of attracting predators. There is such a thing as out of the frying pan into the fire.
Starsareround raised some good points.

Neptune often deals with some kind of victim-savior dynamic. It might be entirely one or the other, but one doesn't get to be a savior if there are no handy victims. One doesn't get to be a victim without longing for a savior.

Kites are not rare, but I don't know how often they show up in horoscopes-- maybe one in 20? I'm a stickler for having planets at each of the corners, but some astrologers accept chart angles or asteroids. A kite has a lovely conjoined grand trine plus a "talent triangle" of two sextiles joined by a trine. Then there is an opposition to give these easy aspects some tension and backbone. With 5 of your planets invested in your kite, it is an important factor for you.

It's interesting that Mars-- the apex planet-- is in the third house. I wonder if you have a brother or some sort of sibling issue. Then the third is also your thinking and communication functions, plus things that are local: your neighbourhood and short-distance travel. It includes primary school or preschool children (vs. the 9th, which is higher education.) One of these may be the arena where you can best develop the Mars side of your personality.

Your moon-Mercury in the 5th also suggests working with small children or hobbies. Had you thought of selling some of your crafts at a local farmers' market or craft fair? Sometimes gift shops will take things on consignment, as well. Hey, send us a picture?

You'd think a Cancer moon would be good for nursing or psychology, but actually I think Cancer moons absorb too much of the suffering of other people. It takes too much out of them.

I noticed that your NN of personal growth conjuncts Pluto in your 9th house. In addition to higher ed, the 9th rules religion and developing a life philosophy. Maybe now, when you are feeling like the center isn't holding very well in your life, it would be a good time to delve into a belief system that is helpful in sorting out the meaning of life.

Transiting Pluto is about to hit your natal Neptune and sextile your NN, so you mind yourself drawn more to spiritual concerns.

Best wishes for your journey, W.
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Venus trine Pluto

You said,

I am terrified of dating again because the few times I have tried, I have ended up with men that use or abuse me...I am truly desperate for any outside understanding.

You have Venus (attraction) trine (energy goes easily with) Pluto (power, also control) so you easily attract controlling people. Pluto energy is about controlling or being controlled, especially in relationships. Somehow you need to own your power and take control of the situation. Your more powerful in relationships than you give yourself credit for.

In control,
