Venus retrograde @ 15'27" Aries March 6-April 17, 2009

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K. Venus is right now squaring your sun as Pluto goes retrograde near your sun..
Saturn is squaring your ascendant and mars is coming to square it.
These are intense transits for you and I would be quite careful out there in the world.
Hang in there.
cassanra said:
I guess my question is to those who have not had ex's come back is first does the degrees of the retro make any hits in your charts

The degrees of retro go directly over my 9th house Jupiter, Mercury, and very close to my Sun. In fact it is directly conjunct my Jupiter now, and maybe that is why the Pisces came back yesterday with apologies after I haven't heard from him in a while? :confused:

cassanra said:
and second do you have sun, moon or ascendant in Libra/taurus

Nope. Just Venus in Taurus.

cassanra said:
and three have you done any things Venusian such as overindulged, beautified yourself or your surroundings, worked on your finances, or overspent, or as some of the readings have suggested, found yourself reflecting on what has gone wrong in your love life and how you can change it etc.?

I have definitely reflected intensely on my love life and what went wrong / what went right, what I need vs. what I want, changing my approach to love relationships, etc. I actually have induldged... in books about relationships and reaffirming boundaries (Venus Rx stuff) :p . I also can't resist my favorite clothing store right now. I found myself so bored with my appearance because after I got really depressed after my ex-h and I seperated I started wearing really drab colors like grey, black, and anything dark. It was subconscious, I didn't realize I was doing it until the Virgo I was seeing a few months ago pointed it out. A couple weekends ago I finally went and bought some brighter more updated clothes, and I feel so much better. I have even gotten several looks and cat-calls on my way to work, and although I try to appear disapproving I secretly think to myself "well that hasn't happened in a while!" LOL... Men in my life are actually flirting with me again, and me with them. :) This Venus Rx will have taught me a lot in the end, I think. I needed the reflection.
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Venus retrograde in a positive light referrs to the return of something good to you. When I was using an iPhone app called Zodilist I realized how my Zodiscore turns out to be different based on Venus in retrograde, and for the better!
I find that I'm cutting back on my sugar intake with this retrograde, and I have a new love - my dog.

This Venus really kicks around the corner. Pressure is building, probably because incoming transit of Venus square Pluto and preparing to go direct.
I am interested in some things.
When you look global picture of this Venus retro, everybody is experiencing this differently. But, looking myself for example, I am not getting clue why the BIG F :), I have tr. Venus conjucting Jupiter and tr. NN conjucting Sun/Moon midpoint. Many other transits are occuring, and no matter of catastrophy on relationship plan 3 weeks ago, I still believe that effect on Jupiter, NN will unveil yet, maybe after 21st April . Am I getting the point?

Jupiter is also 'expansion of consciousness". Maybe this intense emotion is destined you for enlightenment. And this is how enlightenment can occur...turning our intense responses and reactions to our world to see how the world suffers...from self focus to world focus...
K. you are a young guy and you have some energies in your chart that will make this a very intense experience such as your natal sun square pluto. I would advise you to focus on yourself and not on her.
Thank you Cass,

You have pvt. message. I had such experience before when tr. Uranus conjucted my natal Moon in Piscies, but this is nenormal.
I thought that finnaly things start to move, and bang! I am tired, really tired.
So thats why I need some answers for my own sake.

Btw Cass,

This Venus rx is time for reflection inside us.
When you incorporated Pluto in this, and in my case Jupiter also, when we reflect inside us why I have some sick feeling that in my case "this is not over", when logic and events tell different. Is it my pain and desire guide me in that direction, or Pluto, Venus and Jupiter give me guidance that my feeling is right?

I don't know K. Pluto does rule your 12th house of collective unconscious. I have a relationship which has broken and come back together several times and I know that sick feeling....I stop eating weeks before the actual break up as if my instinctive or psyche knows more than my conscious does. And we have come back together on those occasions but we have a strong Uranus connection (his moon/uranus conjunction is conjunct my venus/mars/uranus conjunction at 6 degrees Leo) thus breakups and reuniting is going to be part of the deal.
If you have some connection to her via pluto and or neptune..maybe the moon too or uranus ...planets of unconscious or ability to be psychic it might be that you can know what will happen with her. I think we can have connections like that with people. But in your case I don't know. The stomach hurting is an adrenaline response...your system is being pumped with that fight or flight neurotransmitter. It is not good for you in the long will wear you out eventually thus your fatigue...try to bring in some alpha rhythms going in your brain which will help...meditate as often as you can even if it is just minutes at a time, go out in nature...I garden. As much alpha as you can get will counter the adrenals.
That is my two cents
ALST123 said:
Jeez, I1!

That's the last thing I expected you to say! But congrats, anyhow!

I REALLY hope this Venus rx doesn't make me fall in love with Mr Ex-H again! Feel sick just at the thought of it :(

Moving swiftly on...

Has brought me back in contact with a childhood best friend, though. I have realized how important he was in my life as we both grew up, and I actually quite fancy him now. He's flippin' married though!!!! Blurr!

Anyway, have started very sensibly seeing Mr Shy. Let's see how that plays out...

Good luck, my friend!

Ah I shall take your luck and stow it for a day when I will need it, and I know I will! I never believe what I see under a personal planet retrograde, Mercury for issues of communication, Venus for issues of love, or Mars for issues of action. After we leave the shadow period, then I will believe.

I find it very interesting regarding your childhood friend. Too bad he is hitched to another, but remember that love does not only exist in a romantic flavor, it can appear in many forms.
Good said impatient,

I will believe maybe now, and feel that maybe this is not over. HOpefully I will get answer to my questions after Venus retrograde. Than I will believe it was all about testing myself how much I can stand and Do I really know who to love?

Kindjali do you know the story of true love?

A long time ago in the universe (in a galaxy far far...never mind), all love was concentrated into one little sphere. Every being in the universe sought to possess this sphere and all its wondrous power, and eventually it became the source of much conflict and anger.

So the creators got together and decided that to stop this craziness, they would hide it. But, it was too big to hide in one piece, so they broke it into billions of little tiny pieces and hid a piece inside of each of us.

So now you know where to begin your search for the truest form of love.
This Venus retrograde has been in my 1st house, since Aries starts midway through my 1st, and Pisces occupies the first half of my very large 1st house. Anyhow, I've been trying to look better, but without much success! My skin is acting up by getting dry and blotchy no matter what I do to it, or not. I've been trying out some new makeup, and my skin thanks me by breaking out, or blotching - ugh! My fitness program is taking it's own sweet time despite the fact that I've been quite good with my diet and going to the gym and working hard. I just have those last few pounds I would really like to see gone(like 5 or so). On the other appearance fronts, I was looking into some different hair treatments, a couple of which worked out fine, and a couple that I had to return to the store because they didn't. I was thinking of changing my brand of haircolor and going with something a little different, but I was thinking with the Venus retrograde it isn't wise to try new beauty treatments. Sorry to be so detailed, but this is how this Venus retrograde is playing out for me. Maybe after the 17th I'll make some progress with my improvement projects - LOL!
ALST123 said:
It's almost like when Mars is dignified Venus is chasing him. Then Venus seems to step into her own power when she becomes dignified in Taurus, and gets her man!

Very interesting indeed, Neptune.

I love that theory, hope it's true:D
Ok,so has anyone been hit hard financially..or vice versa? For the most part i have been broke during this rx period.
Well, I was seriously expecting to get a scholarship, but I still haven't heard back from the scholarship board. It seems like a rather long delay to me.
Is this Venus retrograde "over" or main strike is coming?



I just checked something out...Venus gonna catch Mars in late June on my Jupiter in 5th house trining Mercury, ruler of the 7th house ;). And there is Supermoon in my 7th house in Cancer.
