Venus return interpretation help (it actually looks good for once)

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Jul 30, 2015
I would like help interpreting my Venus return chart for the upcoming year.

To my basic understanding, it looks promising this year - lots of 7th house activity, with many good aspects to Venus and the ruler of the chart.

To add on further, if i had to say what sort of person id attract, id hazard a guess at someone younger with that Mercury on the descendant. They also could appear suddenly, or love in general is prone to sudden twists (good or bad)

Would appreciate anything that anyone might like to tack onto my interpretation!

(First chart is venus return. Second chart is overlay with natal, Third is Progressed chart, Forth is Solar Arc and Fifth is Solar return)


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I would like help interpreting my Venus return chart for the upcoming year.

To my basic understanding, it looks promising this year - lots of 7th house activity, with many good aspects to Venus and the ruler of the chart.

To add on further, if i had to say what sort of person id attract, id hazard a guess at someone younger with that Mercury on the descendant. They also could appear suddenly, or love in general is prone to sudden twists (good or bad)

Would appreciate anything that anyone might like to tack onto my interpretation!

(First chart is venus return. Second chart is overlay with natal)
Hi Sailor!
Nice Venus return! It is angular in 7th, much like it is in natal. It is not afflicted either and Jupiter, plus the Sun is co-present. I like that Mercury is present as well. I cannot tell what Mercury means, but it may mean other things too and not just someone younger, like having a good communication, I cannot tell, it's another option. Also note that Mercury rules the Venus return MC.

However, I would not depend on a single chart for predictions. You have to look into your SR and several Directions charts to see if something really important is coming into your life. Since Venus is about finances/relationships and anything that gives us pleasure, in all probability something positive is to show up, but we need to see something similar in other charts too to be more certain. Since Venus is in 7th, others seem to attract your attention, maybe you have some nice time/opportunities through them, maybe there is some excitement (Uranus) too. But what if other charts do not support this option? There is a strong probability that they do, but...I would be slightly more certain if I saw a strong indication of a new romance in Sec. Progressions/Solar Arc/Primary Directions and the more similar simultaneous indications, the greater the possibility.

T Uranus is approaching your natal DC. It will affect you in 2025. It is exact in June-1st hit-. That may shake things up a little, but I definitely cannot say more having not studied in depth your charts. In the meanwhile, I hope something good turns up.

Wishing you the best!
Hi Sailor!
Nice Venus return! It is angular in 7th, much like it is in natal. It is not afflicted either and Jupiter, plus the Sun is co-present. I like that Mercury is present as well. I cannot tell what Mercury means, but it may mean other things too and not just someone younger, like having a good communication, I cannot tell, it's another option. Also note that Mercury rules the Venus return MC.

However, I would not depend on a single chart for predictions. You have to look into your SR and several Directions charts to see if something really important is coming into your life. Since Venus is about finances/relationships and anything that gives us pleasure, in all probability something positive is to show up, but we need to see something similar in other charts too to be more certain. Since Venus is in 7th, others seem to attract your attention, maybe you have some nice time/opportunities through them, maybe there is some excitement (Uranus) too. But what if other charts do not support this option? There is a strong probability that they do, but...I would be slightly more certain if I saw a strong indication of a new romance in Sec. Progressions/Solar Arc/Primary Directions and the more similar simultaneous indications, the greater the possibility.

T Uranus is approaching your natal DC. It will affect you in 2025. It is exact in June-1st hit-. That may shake things up a little, but I definitely cannot say more having not studied in depth your charts. In the meanwhile, I hope something good turns up.

Wishing you the best!

Thank you so much for your response - It's most appreciated :)

Yes it looks a nice chart for once, probably the best looking Venus return I've had yet lol.
That's an interesting observation that you made about Mercury ruling the MC in this chart - it also rules my midheaven natally, so perhaps there is something about a job? or attracting opportunity through others in a work sense? or have I misunderstood you

I understand what you're saying about needing things to be confirmed in several charts. I have attached my progressed, solar return and solar arc charts but you by no means have to take a look if you don't wish to.

I just note that in my Solar return, I have Pluto in the 7th which is directly opposite the SR Venus.. so possible power struggles and transformation in dealing with others.
Jupiter is still touching my natal Venus (and south node) in the 11th
and Mars and Uranus are in the 5th house .. so maybe some unexpected fun around dating..
Venus is in the 1st house, loosely conjuncting the ascendant - at least I will be looking nice :biggrin:

As for the progressed chart, I have the moon making it's way through my 7th house and Venus is currently activating my natal Vertex at 12 degree of Cancer. As I say though, I have some knowledge of astrology but I'm by no means an expert.

Uranus hitting the 7th house next year is sure to bring some surprises. I'm a bit apprehensive about it lol - I hope whatever happens is pleasant for the sake of my nerves. Just glad to get it out of the 6th house, it's not been welcome there