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What did the ancients think about retrograde planets?
What did the ancients think about retrograde planets?
In the East (India): Parasara and all of the Vedic authorities prior to the 10th century AD, considered rx to increase the influence of all planets; Parasar taught that a planet in rx is to be considered the same as a planet in its exaltation.
Interesting. There may be something to that as well in horary; RX applications one signifcator RX and the other direct, applying to each other cause things to happen more quickly, or suddenly, than normal direct applications of significators.
I have Mars in the 9th in Aries retrograde. Looking at the 9th House affairs in my life, I'd say it's pretty useless. I haven't been on any distant travels, I haven't furthered my education, I'm not particularly religious.
I'm honestly having a hard time seeing how Mars here is doing me any good.
Well, Saturn is rx in Virgo in my natal 1st house;
I have Mars in the 9th in Aries retrograde. Looking at the 9th House affairs in my life, I'd say it's pretty useless. I haven't been on any distant travels, I haven't furthered my education, I'm not particularly religious.
I'm honestly having a hard time seeing how Mars here is doing me any good.
Good point-there is an astronomical fact, though, and that is that when retrograde the planet is closer (physically closer) to the Earth, than when the planet is not retrograde.
Does nearness (physical nearness) to the Earth mean a greater effect/influence of the planet on the Earth?? for thought (at least it has been for me)
Good point-there is an astronomical fact, though, and that is that when retrograde the planet is closer (physically closer) to the Earth, than when the planet is not retrograde.
Does nearness (physical nearness) to the Earth mean a greater effect/influence of the planet on the Earth?? for thought (at least it has been for me)