Violent aspects in a mans natal chart?

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no, im 18. i dunno tho, thats what my birthchart shows me. i’d show you if you didnt believe me
wait im not leo saturn, my saturn is in cancer. well u could check my birthchart; march 20th 2005 at 20.20 in cirebon, indonesia

That puts your Pluto at 24° Sagittarius and your Sun on the cusp of Aries. I suppose you could make a case that it's an out of sign square, but it's a very wide orb, and it's separating (Sun moves faster than Pluto and was moving out of the square at your birth). Whether to consider it a square or not is a matter of opinion. At most, it's a weak square. To have an indisputable square between your Sun and Pluto, you would have to have a closer orb. That hasn't been possible for an Aries Sun native with Saturn conjunct a Leo Moon since 1918.

You definitely do not have a Saturn conjunction to your Moon. On the date of your birth, Saturn was at 20° Cancer. Moon was between the last degrees of Cancer and the first degrees of Leo. If it had moved into Leo by the time you were born, it was at least 10 degrees from Saturn. That's too wide an orb for a conjunction, especially out of sign and with no other planets in between. If you had several more planets in the last ten degrees of Cancer to early Leo, that could create a stellium linking your Moon and Saturn, but there was nothing else in Cancer or Leo that day.