Virgo Ruled by Chiron...?

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So what does Ceres rule? What is her core essence?

Ceres is the astrological planet of maternity, pregnancy and family. It would be a Cancerian planet, but it appears to have influence over Taurus and Virgo, the sign of a virgin/maiden/woman. All 3 are the first half of feminine sun signs.
CAP, then what distinguishes Ceres from Juno or the moon in a woman's chart?

I'm not sure, Juno is another indicator of maternity in some women's (but not men's?) natal charts. What about a Ceres-Juno-Moon conjunction since some people may have this natal chart aspect. Or what about horoscopes when a woman wanting a child finds a Ceres-Juno-Moon conjunction in her future?
Ceres is the astrological planet of maternity, pregnancy and family. It would be a Cancerian planet, but it appears to have influence over Taurus and Virgo, the sign of a virgin/maiden/woman. All 3 are the first half of feminine sun signs.
I would say Ceres/Virgo are more physical/routine mother love verses emotional mother love and nurturing of yourself and others. Ceres/Virgo are physical care and stewardship of the physical body (health/fitness/nutrition), children, and animals. The other large asteroids (Juno, Pallas, Vesta, Hygeia, Astraea) are other aspects of Virgo energy along with Libra, and Scoprio. Taurus/2nd House, Cancer/4th House, and Virgo/6th House each has different aspects of mothering/nurturing.
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I would say Ceres/Virgo are more physical/routine mother love verses emotional mother love and nurturing of yourself and others. Ceres/Virgo are physical care and stewardship of the physical body (health/fitness/nutrition), children, and animals. The other large asteroids (Juno, Pallas, Vesta, Hygeia, Astraea) are other aspects of Virgo energy along with Libra, and Scoprio. Taurus/2nd House, Cancer/4th House, and Virgo/6th House each has different aspects of mothering/nurturing.

And I supposed the feminine asteroids are influential in other feminine signs like Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces. Ceres represents the autumn harvest, food and fertility of agriculture, which is a Virgo trait when the northern hemisphere autumn arrives on Sep 23 when the sun transits into Libra. I have a stellium of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn in Virgo conjunct Lilith, both are transiting into Libra, and Mars=procreation, Jupiter=pregnancy, Saturn=parenting, Lilith=intimacy...all are in the sign of Virgo, I guess sometime in my life I'll become a father.
I have spent the past 4 years studying and researching dwarf planet Ceres and the other larger asteroids (which all larger and closer than Chiron) in charts to confirm various theories surrounding their role in our System put forth by other astrologers over the years. It is likely that Ceres, and the entire Asteroid Belt, are various facets of Virgo with large connections and combinations with Libra and Scorpio. There are thousands of asteroids, some can be classified as being dominated by multiple signs. I personally suspect that there is an asteroid, Centaur (like Chiron, who I see as closer to Scorpio & Pisces energy as they are transformative energies/conduits in our evolution), comet, and dwarf/minor planets or other Kuiper Belt objects. Asteroids in the Ceres Belt are divided into over 100 families which are energetically in resonance with each other, providing pockets of energetic mass within charts where each piece is a fractal of the larger group. This is why it is essential to include dwarf planet Ceres and the other large asteroids your charts (which are typically included in add-ons on most mobile chart apps). Ceres and the larger asteroids in her belt (she's the largest object there) are larger than even Chiron. If you are looking at Chiron and not Ceres first (or at all), Juno, Pallas, Vesta, Hygiea, and Astraea, you are missing a vital portion of your energy which links the inner planets from Mars back to Jupiter and beyond. And yes, Asteroid retrogrades are a thing and need to be considered. I've gotten my best work completed and reached closest to my health and routine goals through working with the retrogrades (and transits) of Ceres and family in through my own chart and witnessed similar experiences occur in charts of others as related to their specific chart.

I also suspect that trojan asteroids and planetary moons are associated with energies of the gravitational controller of their local system (Jupiter, Saturn, etc).

Wow, that's deep!
The Nonagons (every 40 degree aspects in natal charts) combined with Ceres, Eris, Venus, Jupiter and Uranus aspects determine pregnancy (9 months period). However, I'm a biological male and this shouldn't apply to me.

Starting from my ascendant: 17' Cancer (1st)>27'Leo(2nd)>7'Libra(3rd)>17'Scorpio(4th)>27'Sagittarius(5th)>7'Aquarius(6th)>17'Pisces(7th)>27'Aries(8th)>7'Gemini(9th).

And back to Chiron, what about a natal chart that has a Pluto and Chiron conjunction, esp in signs Scorpio and Sagittarius? Esp. the Pluto in Scorpio and Sagittarius generations (2nd half of 1980s-1990s-early 2000s decade).
And I supposed the feminine asteroids are influential in other feminine signs like Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces. Ceres represents the autumn harvest, food and fertility of agriculture, which is a Virgo trait when the northern hemisphere autumn arrives on Sep 23 when the sun transits into Libra. I have a stellium of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn in Virgo conjunct Lilith, both are transiting into Libra, and Mars=procreation, Jupiter=pregnancy, Saturn=parenting, Lilith=intimacy...all are in the sign of Virgo, I guess sometime in my life I'll become a father.

The Nonagons (every 40 degree aspects in natal charts) combined with Ceres, Eris, Venus, Jupiter and Uranus aspects determine pregnancy (9 months period). However, I'm a biological male and this shouldn't apply to me.

Why would it apply to you then? Though one can make the argument that if you're expecting a child you are technically "pregnant" though you may not be the one physically growing the child inside of you. "Feminine" Placements (aka traditional Yin energies), work in the charts of males and females just as how "Masculine" Placement (aka traditional Yang energies) manifest in the charts of females.

There are "masculine" asteroids which also play a role in personal development or . The "feminine" asteroids like Ceres, Juno, Vesta, Pallas, Hygeia, etc still work in the charts for cis men. I personally noticed Juno at play in past working relationships, specifically when accounting for the charts of my superiors or those who pay me of various genders. Basically we had the same Juno sign or Juno in aspect.

Ceres/Virgo also represent nutrition and care of the physical body, something males definitely experience. The "mothering" or care aspect of Ceres is akin to the rearing of domestic animals and plants (agriculture), both ruled by Virgo. Plainly said, Ceres is a symbol in your chart of how you care for yourself and others. Virgo is how we begin to integrate with others by performing a service or working relationship. This is where the virgin aspect comes into play. When it comes to the stewardship of the body through the routine rituals of fitness, nutrition, and hygiene, while also associating with others, purity of mind and heart must be behind each action. If not the result can terrorize the mind (through Virgoan hypochondria) and cause aliments to physically manifest in the body or in one's relationships with others (Libran relationships are what Virgo values aka 2nd house). How can one truly do their very best job/work if their routine rituals of health, hygiene, nutrition, and fitness are not in working order? How are you able to truly be of service to others if you're not taking care of yourself first? This is not only a biological female issue. Ceres represents this sort of care in the chart which transcends biological gender (even Cancer and Taurus nurturing energy transcends biological gender).

Interestingly, on January 12, 2020, Ceres, Pluto, Saturn, Sun, and Mercury were all conjunct at 22 Capricorn. Ceres also retrograded in 2020 from Pisces back into Aquarius beginning at the exact same degree of Pisces that Mercury began retrograding at in 2020. Ceres, and her work, was instrumental in why 2020 was the way it was. Everyone's routine was completely derailed as a global pandemic affected people's health and work. The situation has required a great change in habits while adopting new routines and being more conscious of health and hygiene.

And back to Chiron, what about a natal chart that has a Pluto and Chiron conjunction, esp in signs Scorpio and Sagittarius? Esp. the Pluto in Scorpio and Sagittarius generations (2nd half of 1980s-1990s-early 2000s decade).
For the record, Chiron and Pluto only conjuncted in Sagittarius in 1999/2000, so only those born around then year have that particular sign/aspect combination natally (the two were never in Scorpio at the same time). Pluto and Chiron only conjunct about every 60 years. So the only other people who have a natal Pluto/Chiron conjunction were born in the 1940s when both celestial bodies were in Leo.

As a Pluto in Scorpio generational, I can say that the time frame in which transiting Chiron conjuncted my natal Pluto was a particularly interesting time period that was pretty character-defining.
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