Walking in the danger zone.. I've been surrounded by alot of dark people in my life lately, I've been setup attacked, beaten..

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On June 7, there are a number of positive indications for this chart.

First, the Major progressed Moon is trine natal Jupiter. Jupiter rules professionals, including lawyers, and the law and legal cases in general. This indicates that the legal outcome can be favorable if proper diligence is taken.

The Major progressed (by Solar Arc in longitude) Midheaven is trine Pluto in the 7th house in Libra. Libra is the scales of justice, lawsuits and disputes, and Pluto represents deep underlying forces, the power of groups of people, and in a sense the power of karma. The 7th house also represents disputes, rivals, and confrontations of various kinds. The progressed Midheaven is also sextile Neptune in the 9th house, which also has to do with law and professionals, and is in the sign of Sagittarius, with a similar meaning. Neptune also rules the 12th house of confinement.

In my judgment, these harmonious aspects indicate the possibility of a favorable outcome to the June 7th legal action, without jail time. Please keep in mind that this writer is not a lawyer, does not have any knowledge of the particulars of this legal action, and writes only as an amateur astrologer and private citizen.

June 7th may be a stressful day. The native is advised to keep their emotions and thinking under control, be mindful of their speech and actions. There will be opposition but it is believed the major factors are in the native’s favor.

That said, the native should take advantage of any social services (legal and social aid, medical services, clergy), see to their personal security, and avoid confrontations. Keep the best possible outcome in mind at all times (that is, do not focus on their fears, but the best that can happen) and focus their inner reserves to meet these challenges.

Chart with Major progressions attached below.
On June 7th, you will have Transiting Jupiter working on your behalf trine your DC cusp (others and probably the court or contracts with the count) perhaps a probation.....instead of jail. There is also Transiting Venus 17 deg. Gemini over your 3rd house Venus and Ceres in Gemini, and trine to your 7th house (others) Pluto. As Frater said, there seems to be some good positives on this day perhaps in your corner.

BTW - people almost never ever change as change has to come from deep within a person. Women always make the error that they think they can change a man for the good "if only"......but hanging in there for the sake of this never seems to work in the female's favor.

Best of luck to you and your dad.
I would suggest the native seeks assistance from professionals -- counselors, social services, clergy, or lawyers. Strict measures and personal honesty and discipline on the part of the native may be necessary and should be taken. Avoid violence and confrontation; take whatever measures are available for your safety and security. Do not be swayed by smooth talk or promises from partners or family members.
It is generally not reasonable to assume an overnight change in another person, especially if patterns of behavior have been established.
My discipline and integrity is down the tubes at the moment I think I’m depressed which is making it harder to find my footing I’m really trying to comeback but I feel I’ve already in over my head because of my lack of discernment and judgement with people I feel a lot of people a working against me, I haven’t done anything Superbad but my mouth tends to run away with me when I’m angry and I say all sorts of things I regret and don’t mean I feel at a loss also my negligence with emotions is also against me
My discipline and integrity is down the tubes at the moment I think I’m depressed which is making it harder to find my footing I’m really trying to comeback but I feel I’ve already in over my head because of my lack of discernment and judgement with people I feel a lot of people a working against me, I haven’t done anything Superbad but my mouth tends to run away with me when I’m angry and I say all sorts of things I regret and don’t mean I feel at a loss also my negligence with emotions is also against me
It's OK. Take it one day at a time, and sometimes, one minute at a time.
Nobody here is going to judge you (as long as you don't insult anyone!).
Is my safety in question this year? I feel it is 😬
I ended up in a cra crash that almost cost my life July 22 last year I'm still recovering now and will never be same I guess, I'm also sorting through multitude of charges (personal honesty) I feel I've reached a spot where there's abit of reprieve from it all is there any other advice pretty please,
It's OK. Take it one day at a time, and sometimes, one minute at a time.
Nobody here is going to judge you (as long as you don't insult anyone!).
Hahaha at end comment.. I ended up in a cra crash that almost cost my life July 22 last year I'm still recovering now and will never be same I guess, I'm also sorting through multitude of charges (personal honesty) I feel I've reached a spot where there's abit of reprieve from it all is there any other advice pretty please,