Hi Srimedico,
Your chart is strong for eminence and material success in life though.
Lights on angles.
You have angular Fortune with Jupiter (ruler of 2nd) on it. You have ruler of Fortune in 10th from Fortune. You have angular Part of Spirit with the ruler in 10th from it and etc. You are probably wealthy person or would be after your 30th year of life.
Another thing which I forgot to say is that the Sun and DC are on the fixed star Hamal of the nature of Saturn and Mars. E.Ebarting says that this planets are fighting for dominance over this star and this brings dangerous influence on the material sphere. Robson says about this star when mixed with sun:
"Dissipation, evil associates, loss and disgrace".
Wealth and career prospects are quite positive, from my eclectic point of view, when considering your tropical chart both in Western and in Vedic terms; it is relationships, marriage, love, where the difficulties are found (shown especially in your karma varga chart) That is the Venus area (and Ketu impacts you in this area as well); I don't detect anything much negative regarding career or wealth from my eclectic Western/Vedic analysis of your natal indications-but this area of love-marriage- relationships, that is the center of potential problems.
Hamal is a disruptive star, but then we would also have to consider:
-other star connections of other planets in your natal
-any star in Parallel of declination with Sun/desc, which, if there is one, would modify the Hamal influence upon the Sun/desc
then what for is 2nd housei have uranus ( in sag ) and neptune ( in cap ) in my 2nd house
What you WANT to do in a career may not pay off financially.
You could get an inheritance or help from family members.
Overall I'd say there are good financial prospects.
, i want to do pediatrics ,, does ur statement mean that i dont get good financial results if i pursue pediatrics
It just may not be as financially rewarding as something else and there may be some future conflict.
A chart does not DICTATE anything...it produces scenarios. Just because your chart says finances may be good, you could become a pauper if you gamble it away. Charts don't say 'this will happen', they are like the starting places for races. Just because you are put in the front does not mean you will win...
Use of the 11th place from specific significators method, applying Bright degree activations, is similar to the advanced Vedic ashtakavarga method, and these approaches (BDA analysis, ashtakavarga) are superior to simple delineations using house significances alone. My delineation determines that your astrological trend as shown in the natal chart, is for above-average material prosperity.