So, I attract in a lot of Scorpio energy - from a lot of women around me and sometimes men. I currently work with three Scorpio moons and a Taurus moon; I literally have such a hard time. I am not my best self - I feel like they are always conspiring with each other, purposely leaving me or others out and throwing each other or others under the bus. They also have their own little group chat without me, now one or two of our other coworkers aren’t in their either; in the beginning we sort of would get each other drinks etc and now with their little group what they only do it for each other; but if I ask the girls who are left out the others will sort of wonder what the hell or kinda smile. Now, this is a bit of high school drama I admit; sometimes I react in an equally or worse childlike way and I just don’t like it - but it really makes me angry, the secretive energy, the sneaky behind others backs behavior. Sometimes I love Scorpio placements depending, I’ve had a couple good friends with Scorpio venuses opposite my Venus - although those friendships didn’t end well. But I feel like they hate me - it’s like they don’t want to include me, especially these girls I work with. They all have nice aspects from their venuses to my moon but I just don’t know what this underlying tension is. I don’t understand what’s going on within my own energy and why it gets so heightened around them… I’ve also had like Scorpio Venus/mars men interested in me before and I’m like why?! When there is clearly like a Scorpio moon woman around that they also like and can understand. My Sun/moon just has such a hard time with like my mars/pluto/venus/NN energy. Does anyone have some advice or insight? I’ll attach my chart - I’m starting to think there is something severely wrong with me
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