What a Woman Finds Attractive…Venus OR Mars?

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Feb 4, 2012
I've seen a few places say it's Mars (and Moon for men)...why is that?

I have Venus&Mars in the same sign, so I can’t test this theory out on myself:pinched:
what about Venus aspects? Would that point to what a person finds attractive? My Venus aspects are with Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune...and I'd say that's about right for me:happy:
Hello dude (or girl):

I believe it is the mars sign that shows what a woman desires in a mate..for example, i have mars in gemini, and I have always been attracted to boyish, articulate, talkative guys my whole life. I can be attracted to Leo type too (my venus is in Leo) but I think that's due to my Leo sun...
Planets and placements are interpreted differently, depending on the sex of the person..

Mars = What a woman finds sexually attractive
Sun = What a woman would possibly want in a husband (along with any Saturn aspects/Mars aspects going to other planets)
Venus = How a woman flirts, tries to woo a man she likes
Moon = How a woman responds emotionally

For a man, its quite opposite;

Venus = What he finds sexually / romantically appealing
Moon = Who he'll likely marry or want as a wife, not necessarily the sign, but the attributes of that sign/placement will be what he looks for in a marriage
Mars = How the man flirts, tries to woo someone he's attracted to
Sun = His inner essence, core identity (does not really equate into partnerships for a man)

Also keep in mind that the 5th house rules dating/sex, and the 7th house rules marriage/long-term partnerships.. so if there are any planets in those two houses, it will put a different spin on what he/she finds attractive and appealing.

And there is even Eros, the asteroid of desire, which shows someone's secret sexual longings... :wink:

Whatever your Venus is aspecting will re-direct your seductive qualities depending on the planet/aspects... and of course, astrology runs deeply, so this is just the jest of it!
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wow thanks for replying everyone:biggrin: please I'd love to hear more personal experiences with Mars!!

Planets and placements are interpreted differently, depending on the sex of the person..

Mars = What a woman finds sexually attractive
Sun = What a woman would possibly want in a husband (along with any Saturn aspects/Mars aspects going to other planets)
Venus = How a woman flirts, tries to woo a man she likes
Moon = How a woman responds emotionally

For a man, its quite opposite;

Venus = What he finds sexually / romantically appealing
Moon = Who he'll likely marry or want as a wife, not necessarily the sign, but the attributes of that sign/placement will be what he looks for in a marriage
Mars = How the man flirts, tries to woo someone he's attracted to
Sun = His inner essence, core identity (does not really equate into partnerships for a man)

Also keep in mind that the 5th house rules dating/sex, and the 7th house rules marriage/long-term partnerships.. so if there are any planets in those two houses, it will put a different spin on what he/she finds attractive and appealing.

And there is even Eros, the asteroid of desire, which shows someone's secret sexual longings... :wink:

Whatever your Venus is aspecting will re-direct your seductive qualities depending on the planet/aspects... and of course, astrology runs deeply, so this is just the jest of it!
I didn't know most of this, especially how a woman flirts. You know the Moon description explains why I disconnect when emotional, and why I'm so bad at flirting xD Veryyyy insightful! Will be saving this thank you:cool: My 5th house is Cancer, Eros is Pisces...lots of waterrr hehe
Planets and placements are interpreted differently, depending on the sex of the person..

Mars = What a woman finds sexually attractive
Sun = What a woman would possibly want in a husband (along with any Saturn aspects/Mars aspects going to other planets)
Venus = How a woman flirts, tries to woo a man she likes
Moon = How a woman responds emotionally

For a man, its quite opposite;

Venus = What he finds sexually / romantically appealing
Moon = Who he'll likely marry or want as a wife, not necessarily the sign, but the attributes of that sign/placement will be what he looks for in a marriage
Mars = How the man flirts, tries to woo someone he's attracted to
Sun = His inner essence, core identity (does not really equate into partnerships for a man)

Also keep in mind that the 5th house rules dating/sex, and the 7th house rules marriage/long-term partnerships.. so if there are any planets in those two houses, it will put a different spin on what he/she finds attractive and appealing.

Whatever your Venus is aspecting will re-direct your seductive qualities depending on the planet/aspects... and of course, astrology runs deeply, so this is just the jest of it!

Good post, except for the Eros part.

So, when Mars is in 5th, In cancer ruler of 5th at 20°. unaspected.
how goes my attempt to lure the opposite sex?

You tell us.
definitely Mars. I have Venus in Pisces, and Sun conjunct Venus in Pisces, actually, and Pisces men freak me out.They're probably the weirest, most likely to be schizo of all men.
I've seen a few places say it's Mars (and Moon for men)...why is that?

I have Venus&Mars in the same sign, so I can’t test this theory out on myself:pinched:
I also have Venus and Mars in the one sign, wide conjunction. In Libra so Venus is natural ruler but then Mars is in detriment. We tend to get love and sex together or at least want that. Moon and Venus for men who they attract and find attractive. Mars and the Sun for women.
I also have Venus and Mars in the one sign, wide conjunction. In Libra so Venus is natural ruler but then Mars is in detriment. We tend to get love and sex together or at least want that. Moon and Venus for men who they attract and find attractive. Mars and the Sun for women.
Same, except reversed. Do you feel the way you approach men and women is pretty much equal? I never "adjust" my behavior, I treat both the same.
Planets and placements are interpreted differently, depending on the sex of the person..

Mars = What a woman finds sexually attractive
Sun = What a woman would possibly want in a husband (along with any Saturn aspects/Mars aspects going to other planets)
Venus = How a woman flirts, tries to woo a man she likes
Moon = How a woman responds emotionally

For a man, its quite opposite;

Venus = What he finds sexually / romantically appealing
Moon = Who he'll likely marry or want as a wife, not necessarily the sign, but the attributes of that sign/placement will be what he looks for in a marriage
Mars = How the man flirts, tries to woo someone he's attracted to
Sun = His inner essence, core identity (does not really equate into partnerships for a man)

Also keep in mind that the 5th house rules dating/sex, and the 7th house rules marriage/long-term partnerships.. so if there are any planets in those two houses, it will put a different spin on what he/she finds attractive and appealing.

And there is even Eros, the asteroid of desire, which shows someone's secret sexual longings... :wink:

Whatever your Venus is aspecting will re-direct your seductive qualities depending on the planet/aspects... and of course, astrology runs deeply, so this is just the jest of it!

This is a good post.

I have both Venus & Mars in the AIR signs so I can't give much insight into whether I love intellectual men because of Venus OR Mars. My Venus Aspects with my Mars & Uranus so I tend to play games by those rules. But at the end of the day perhaps Sun is the ultimate cup that needs the fill. :sideways:
Neither or for me, even though I do attract Pisceans/Neptunians like a magnet - I have Mars in Pisces as well as ASC.

My Venus is in Capricorn - sextiling the above Mars as well as squaring Uranus - and I love my Capricorn friends but wouldn't picture myself with one.

I am hugely attracted to Mercury in Gemini guys - without fail - but ultimately, who can understand me better than another Sagittarius?? (I have Sun/Moon/Mercury/Jupiter/Neptune in Sagittarius in 9th :cool:)
Neither or for me, even though I do attract Pisceans/Neptunians like a magnet - I have Mars in Pisces as well as ASC.

My Venus is in Capricorn - sextiling the above Mars as well as squaring Uranus - and I love my Capricorn friends but wouldn't picture myself with one.

I am hugely attracted to Mercury in Gemini guys - without fail - but ultimately, who can understand me better than another Sagittarius?? (I have Sun/Moon/Mercury/Jupiter/Neptune in Sagittarius in 9th :cool:)
wow! Loving all your Saggi/9th house influence :biggrin:
Same, except reversed. Do you feel the way you approach men and women is pretty much equal? I never "adjust" my behavior, I treat both the same.

that is an interesting question!! I know that I like men and women equally and can be friends with both. I am not a man's woman or a woman's woman as some are.

I think it depends on the person in question but I am naturally flirtatious anyway. Four planets in Libra and in the 8th.

WIth Neptune in the Venus Mars mix I have fallen in love with homosexuals and have them as friends.

I also agree that the 5th house and its ruler show our lovers and the 7th who we tend to commit with and that may be a very different person to the one we romance. The Sun is how we see our father and other male figures as well as Saturn to some extent especially if they are authority figures.
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wow thanks for replying everyone:biggrin: please I'd love to hear more personal experiences with Mars!!

I didn't know most of this, especially how a woman flirts. You know the Moon description explains why I disconnect when emotional, and why I'm so bad at flirting xD Veryyyy insightful! Will be saving this thank you:cool: My 5th house is Cancer, Eros is Pisces...lots of waterrr hehe
Not everyone flirts even when attracted and some flirt even when they are not attracted. I dont use Eros but that is my take on it.
YOur 5th house is ruled by the Moon and shows more your children and your attitude to the issue.
I think it's Mars, not Venus. Mars with his dispositor and 7th house with planets in it and its ruler will say what a woman finds attractive.
I love this thread.

Anyone care for a real-life example? We can test it out. (Male, in his late 30s)

I love Scorpio men, but would never date one again LOL.
Venus in Capricorn, likes traditional, reserved women, women with careers and stable income. I notice Venus in Capricorn men take a long time to fall in love or make a commitment.
I'm somewhat similar to Naomi with Venus in Capricorn and a lot of 9th house/Sagittarius influences...pretty awesome that she has her Moon and Sun together, I'm jealous lol. I have my Sun in Sagittarius (fire) and my Moon in Scorpio (water) so I feel like I contradict myself a lot.

Anywho - I have Mars in Scorpio/8th house and I find that I'm highly attracted to mysterious/withdrawn men. I might as well look for a vampire...not that Twilight hokey pokey, watch me sparkle in sunlight type.

I hate it when guys ask why women fall for the bad boy type because it may seem that way for me hahaha but it's only the appearance, honestly! I think Venus in Capricorn (10th house) plays a major role as far as wanting a mate that is independent and not overly clingy. On the same note, Venus in Capricorn makes me overly cautious and I tend to treat relationships like a business deal (little compromise and not willing to throw all of the "money" on the table if the odds aren't favorable) So idk, Mars for women seems to be a physical attraction component while Venus is more personal (how she falls in love) and indirectly affects attraction...
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