Planets and placements are interpreted differently, depending on the sex of the person..
Mars = What a woman finds sexually attractive
Sun = What a woman would possibly want in a husband (along with any Saturn aspects/Mars aspects going to other planets)
Venus = How a woman flirts, tries to woo a man she likes
Moon = How a woman responds emotionally
For a man, its quite opposite;
Venus = What he finds sexually / romantically appealing
Moon = Who he'll likely marry or want as a wife, not necessarily the sign, but the attributes of that sign/placement will be what he looks for in a marriage
Mars = How the man flirts, tries to woo someone he's attracted to
Sun = His inner essence, core identity (does not really equate into partnerships for a man)
Also keep in mind that the 5th house rules dating/sex, and the 7th house rules marriage/long-term partnerships.. so if there are any planets in those two houses, it will put a different spin on what he/she finds attractive and appealing.
And there is even Eros, the asteroid of desire, which shows someone's secret sexual longings...
Whatever your Venus is aspecting will re-direct your seductive qualities depending on the planet/aspects... and of course, astrology runs deeply, so this is just the jest of it!