Your daughter is not even a year old yet so a bit early to choose her after school activities. LOL But I do understand the enthusiasm about a new baby in the house.
Just a few things I notice off the top of my head—[ I do not like to get too involved with the charts of very young kids—they need to be who they are going to be, without poking or prodding.]
But I, of course, studied both my kid’s charts all of the time for any hints and help I could glean. So I get it. Just keep it in perspective and do not become obsessed with it because she has FREE WILL and needs to use it during her unbridled childhood.
She does have a very very nice multi-Trine from the Cap stellium to the Jupiter/Node/Asc in Virgo. Mercury tightly trines the Virgo Asc, which it rules. So I would look up the skills/talents associated with Mercury/Ascendant trine in Virgo/Capricorn.
An artist/craftsman of some kind perhaps? A chef, gardener, conservationist, geologist, veterinarian, a naturalist?
You mentioned an energetic temperament? Mars squaring Moon/Mercury will need a physical release to keep calm and balanced. I would do a lot of baby massages to help relax her muscles and also do a lot of calming down type of routines so she can learn to calm herself if she needs it. That square involving Mercury [mind]/Moon [emotions] challenging the Mars[physical body] can indicate nervousness and anxiety when emotionally stressed/upset. Learning to overcome that herself, and be able to get centered and balanced will be important to begin early. The trines to Neptune and to Jupiter indicate that it is possible for her to find soothing, supportive methods to control anger/frustration. [ music, art, meditation?]
Her exalted Mars would probably enjoy some sports. She may well appreciate competition and she can absolutely use the physical release. But with the squares to Moon/Mercury, I would make sure it is not a pressured type of sport. Nothing where she would feel upset, insecure, judged harshly by others. Not unless she herself leads you to it. But she is pretty young for that. Just do T-ball , tennis, soccer and dance when she is old enough and see which one she likes best.