what age is it now

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I'm pleased that the Equinoctial, Precessional, GC sidereal method, aligns so well with the Perihelion, Precessional, Age-window, tropical method. It's almost uncanny, except that it's really just a different angle of view of the same phenomena - so why shouldn't they agree? Seems they both shine a spotlight on an era surrounding 500 B.C.
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Hello David,

Here is the 'polarity-response' system that I use to explain the internal progress of the Ages. Missing are the halfway points that define each Age as having four parts. Prior to 69CE, the beginning of the latest Great Year, there's an impulse point at 473BC. The point beyond the start of Pisces is at 610AD. The position of all of these points in time is the result of equal angle changes in the First Point of Aries.

My primary objection to your perihelion system is that it is based on a metrical property of the solar system and not a topological one. I could be mistaken, of course, but recognising the topological attributes of Astrology has been the key to my success in understanding this ancient art.

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Hello David,

Here is the 'polarity-response' system that I use to explain the internal progress of the Ages. Missing are the halfway points that define each Age as having four parts. Prior to 69CE, the beginning of the latest Great Year, there's an impulse point at 473BC. The point beyond the start of Pisces is at 610AD. The position of all of these points in time is the windowresult of equal angle changes in the First Point of Aries.

My primary objection to your perihelion system is that it is based on a metrical property of the solar system and not a topological one. I could be mistaken, of course, but recognising the topological attributes of Astrology has been the key to my success in understanding this ancient art.

Three types of years, sidereal, tropical, and anomalous. An astrologically constructed Age-window of 30 degrees is situated appropriately on an astronomically located, measured point.

For the tropical Ages, there's a True-setting each year, and the True-settings Oscillate back and forth. The Mean-setting is steadily Direct, at rate of 1.1 minute of arc each seasonal year, and my calculations have the Mean-setting ingressing tropical Aquarius in 2149 AD, for the Effective start of the new Age.

The current tropical Age is 1743 seasonal years, and the current Age began in 405 A.D. By coincidence, according to Historians, this was the very beginning of the Fall of the Roman Empire.

For a sidereal zodiac, the point most used is the Vernal Point, aka the First Point of tropical Aries, a boundary point between Earth's seasons. I'm locating the leading boundary of the sidereal Age-window there. This links the Past Age with the Age-in-Progress, as a background Age, and its Domicile-ruler as the Background Age-ruler. So, for example, the sidereal Age of Pisces shares the Age-window with sidereal Aries.

For the tropical zodiac, it's the shorter anomalous year versus the longer seasonal year which causes Precession of the Perihelion through the tropical zodiac. The Point of Perihelion is on the center-line of Earth's elliptical orbit. When a constructed Age-window is CENTERED on the Point of Perihelion, with its leading point as the Age-marker for each new Age, we now have a Forefront Age-in-Progress of tropical Capricorn, with a Background Age of Sagittarius.

How does using the Center-line of Earth's elliptical orbit to center the 30° Age-window, with its leading-point Age-marker 15 degrees in advance of the Point of Perihelion, relate to the "topological attributes" of astrology you're talking about? The results for the previous Age are remarkably similar to your GC located sidereal zodiac, regarding c.500 B.C. I'm using 3-Decants per age, as Age-divisions.

Btw, these tropical Ages aren't a replacement for the sidereal Ages, they're partnered with them. Both are about Earth-Sun relations - axial tilt for sidereal, and closest approach for tropical. Coincidentally, each has its own Age of Aquarius coming up next.
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Hello David,

In creating an astrological chart we perform a transformation, in the mathematical sense, from one aspect of reality - the metrical space of science - to another, the unseen level responsible for the astrological overlay to the gravitational clock. Gone are the mass, length and time of physics to be replaced by the organisational principles of the living world of creation. Time as we know it becomes shaped according to the Logic of Life.
The only real metric in this transformed space is relative direction within a framework shaped by gravity. The organisational overlay does not care about lengths of days or years - proper time is irrelevant, only the changing relative orientation within the gravity clock.

Once the Sidereal Zodiac is fixed all of the Age periods are fixed, each being a given angular rotation against the constellations - the rest of the cosmos beyond our solar system home. No need to construct an Age-window - they 'construct' themselves.

The Aries-Libra axis is the Ascendant-Descendant axis for the current world as a unit - useful to remember when looking for Age evidence.

The above diagram shows the temporal hierarchy involved. To every instant we call 'now', there is a contribution from each of these hierarchical scales. This is the reason that a natal chart displays both Signs and Houses - both are necessary to the description of 'now'.

My four divisions to each Age is informed by my 'modelling of the moment' - the derivation of the twelvefold system from first principles. Also, from my first-hand experience of the 'Personal Ages' and how they are divided in time. My work stands as a coherent whole.
Hello David,

In creating an astrological chart we perform a transformation, in the mathematical sense, from one aspect of reality - the metrical space of science - to another, the unseen level responsible for the astrological overlay to the gravitational clock. Gone are the mass, length and time of physics to be replaced by the organisational principles of the living world of creation. Time as we know it becomes shaped according to the Logic of Life.
The only real metric in this transformed space is relative direction within a framework shaped by gravity. The organisational overlay does not care about lengths of days or years - proper time is irrelevant, only the changing relative orientation within the gravity clock.

Once the Sidereal Zodiac is fixed all of the Age periods are fixed, each being a given angular rotation against the constellations - the rest of the cosmos beyond our solar system home. No need to construct an Age-window - they 'construct' themselves.

The Aries-Libra axis is the Ascendant-Descendant axis for the current world as a unit - useful to remember when looking for Age evidence.
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The above diagram shows the temporal hierarchy involved. To every instant we call 'now', there is a contribution from each of these hierarchical scales. This is the reason that a natal chart displays both Signs and Houses - both are necessary to the description of 'now'.

My four divisions to each Age is informed by my 'modelling of the moment' - the derivation of the twelvefold system from first principles. Also, from my first-hand experience of the 'Personal Ages' and how they are divided in time. My work stands as a coherent whole.
Very impressive! Have you been able to get it "officially" accepted yet by any astrological organizations?

As for the 30° sidereal Age-window I'm using, you're right - it didn't require construction - tropIcal Aries is already there!

Although most schools of sidereal astrology want nothing to do with the tropical signs, they're already using the Vernal Point, which is the locator for the First Point of tropical Aries.
Very impressive! Have you been able to get it "officially" accepted yet by any astrological organizations?

As for the 30° sidereal Age-window I'm using, you're right - it didn't require construction - tropIcal Aries is already there!

Although most schools of sidereal astrology want nothing to do with the tropical signs, they're already using the Vernal Point, which is the locator for the First Point of tropical Aries.

In the preceding few decades, I have found it impossible to get astrologers to move from their 'comfort zones' - what they have been taught about Astrology is their 'Truth' - whether it hangs together, or not. A coherent view, uniting the parts of astrology into one internally-consistent system, has had little appeal.

These days I don't take it personally - at one time I did, locking horns with anyone who denied the validity of my insights and arguments. I'm older and wiser now, so I keep working on my model of Astrology - for the future!

In the preceding few decades, I have found it impossible to get astrologers to move from their 'comfort zones' - what they have been taught about Astrology is their 'Truth' - whether it hangs together, or not. A coherent view, uniting the parts of astrology into one internally-consistent system, has had little appeal.

These days I don't take it personally - at one time I did, locking horns with anyone who denied the validity of my insights and arguments. I'm older and wiser now, so I keep working on my model of Astrology - for the future!
I hadn't thought the sidereal Age of Aries could explain the 500 B.C. - centered outpouring of knowledge and wisdom, but your G.C. located sidereal work with sine waves (inadvertent pun) and pressure points has managed it!

I'd like to see a thread dedicated to explaining just how it all works, including during the Renaissance period. Is there any concern about copyrights?

Astrology is BOTH an intriguing, somewhat arcane art, AND a science in the modern sense of the word.
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There are 2 types of equal-sign zodiacs - sidereal (fixed on the constellations, according to opinion) - and, tropical (fixed according to the Seasons.

There's a Precessional, Earth /Sun astrological Age, that differs in Age-sign and Age-ruler from one type of equal-sign zodiac to the other.

The Precessional Age that's locatable using a sidereal zodiac, is the "Age of Pisces", according to a majority of astrologers, ruled by Neptune.

The Precessional Age that's locatable using the tropical zodiac, is the "Age of Capricorn", ruled by Saturn.

So, the apparently simple question, "which Age is it now?", isn't so simple after all! Both types of Ages are occurring simultaneously, and are followed by a Uranian-ruled Age of Aquarius, each in its own zodiac.
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For some inexplicable reason, tropical astrologers prefer the sidereal Ages, which aren't even available in tropical charts.

And, for some inexplicable reason, most sidereal astrologers don't even use the sidereal Ages that tropicalists love so much!
For some inexplicable reason, tropical astrologers prefer the sidereal Ages, which aren't even available in tropical charts.

And, for some inexplicable reason, most sidereal astrologers don't even use the sidereal Ages that tropicalists love so much!
On second thought, of COURSE a warm and fuzzy Age of Pisces ruled by Neptune IS preferable to a cold. prickly Age of Capricorn ruled by Saturn.

UNLESS, one has a true need to more fully understand the astrological basis for our current reality! BOTH types of Ages are required for that.
And, for some inexplicable reason, most sidereal astrologers don't even use the sidereal Ages that tropicalists love so much!
The reason's not far to seek. If one doesn't care about the tropical Zodiac (or whether or not it even exists) they sure aren't going to care about where it starts.
Plus a lot of the Siderealists' conceptualization was in reaction to/against the work of the 19th-20th century Theosophist (and Humanist) schools. It was especially the Theosophists who popularized the notion of the Ages.
I wonder how many current astrologers appreciate that Cyril Fagan was one of the first 20th century writers to investigate the ancient roots of astrology, predating Project Hindsight by at least two decades.
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The reason's not far to seek. If one doesn't care about the tropical Zodiac (or whether or not it even exists) they sure aren't going to care about where it starts.
Plus a lot of the Siderealists' conceptualization was in reaction to/against the work of the 19th-20th century Theosophist (and Humanist) schools. It was especially the Theosophists who popularized the notion of the Ages.
I wonder how many current astrologers appreciate that Cyril Fagan was one of the first 20th century writers to investigate the ancient roots of astrology, predating Project Hindsight by two decades.
Fagan objected to the Precession of the Equinox Ages being used by tropicalists in a sidereal zodiac that they weren't using for anything but the Ages. Mainly, since he demanded valid mundane correlations from the Ages, and the purported sidereal Age of Pisces was FAR too warlike. It looked to him, more like an Age of Mars-ruled Aries.
Fagan objected to the Precession of the Equinox Ages being used by tropicalists in a sidereal zodiac that they weren't using for anything but the Ages. Mainly, since he demanded valid mundane correlations from the Ages, and the purported sidereal Age of Pisces was FAR too warlike. It looked to him, more like an Age of Mars-ruled Aries.
Maybe, but remember, we did quit crucifying people here in the West at some point.
That ought to count for something.
Maybe, but remember, we did quit crucifying people here in the West at some point.
That ought to count for something.
Ages don't start or stop on a dime, and they're not tabula rasa. Mars-ruled Aries naturally continues as background Age to the forefront sidereal Age of Pisces, and far too often, overwhelms it. Mars won't cease being a background Age-ruler until the true start of the sidereal Aquarian Age, which will then have Pisces contintuing as its background Age-sign. It's a forefront/background, 2-sign overlap, from one Age to the next.

The problem was the tunnel-vision obsession with an impending Aquarian Age, instead of an honest analysis of actual mundane correlations in progress.
A note about the tropical Age of :capricorn:, which has both a steadily-Direct Median-setting and a True-setting which oscillates each year - 2025 will be an Oscillation-forward year, accompanied by Pluto's long transit in :aquarius:.

That's in comparison with 2024, which is an Oscillation-backwards year, and at the time of the Presidential election was accompanied by Pluto in :capricorn:.

So, a forward-thinking, True-setting year, beginning on Perihelion day, January 4, 2025, @29°26' :capricorn: + Pluto in :aquarius: - should be interesting!
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