What are the 'facets' referred to by Simmonite in " Horary Astrology: The Key to..."

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Mar 28, 2019
What are the 'facets' referred to by Simmonite in " Horary Astrology: The Key to..."

Hi guys, I think I'm using the right subforum here, hopefully. If not, apologies.

So I noticed that in the very beginning of "Horary Astrology: The Key to Scientific Prediction Being the Prognostic Astronomer", where Simmonite begins to delve into people described by the signs [relative to the sign ascending, either on the querent's cusp or on the quesited's] that he mentions 'facets' which I haven't run across before.

Here is some context:
78. Libra alone denotes a person tall and elegantly formed, round face, having beauty, rather slender, lank auburn or flaxen hair, generally blue eyes, fine clear red and white complexion in youth, which in old age becomes pimpled; courteous, friendly disposition, just and upright.

Here is the section that now refers to the 'facets' (sidenote: this is done in the same format for every sign, I just happened to pull from Libra)
(The first facet gives a tall body, with pale complexion, grey eyes, and auburn hair. These persons are very good looking.
The second facet gives a tall body, with an inclination to stoutness, particularly after 27 years of age. The hair is light, the eyes blue, and the complexion clear.
The third facet produces a person of medium height with a dark complexion and smooth skin. The features are very attractive, the forehead is strong appearing, the eyes grey and the hair usually dark.
The fourth facet gives a slender build, with clear complexion of permanent beauty and with greenish-grey eyes. These persons are very magnetic.
The fifth facet gives a good form, a person of beauty. The complexion is fresh and the eyes dark blue.
The sixth facet gives a tall, graceful, beautiful well-developed body, with light brown eyes and hair.

Simmonite goes on to detail the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd decanates individually and in these paragraphs includes a few more lines of more specific information about the corresponding facets (1&2, 3&4, 5&6, respectively).
Since I'm working from a scanned copy I'm having to retype the text in order to quote it; I don't think those sections are necessary to understand the gist of what the question is about but if you're curious, here is the link to the full book: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/102204346; just click the 'Full View' link under Viewability to view the book in ebook form in the browser (not a download).

He notes once in the very beginning passage of Aries that a facet is a 5° segment of a sign, so we are essentially looking at 6th divisions of the ascendant of the querent or quesited here.

I was curious though if anyone had seen this term strictly defined in any other text.
Is this a technique/term that any other authors used, or did Simmonite whip this one up all on his own?
Have 'facets' been used in any other areas of astrology to anyone's knowledge?
Does anyone know where Simmonite may have pulled this idea from?

Thanks for your input!
Re: What are the 'facets' referred to by Simmonite in " Horary Astrology: The Key to.

Hello LushBomb,

Thanks for the link to the Simmonite's book.
We are talking about 19th Century Astrology in England when astrology was similar to "any other set of signs as marbles knocked against a wall, or cards dealt in a particular manner, which had predetermined qualities assigned to them." as per Kirk Little
Not the Golden Age, the other side of the spectrum.

The division of a zodiacal sign into parts does exist in Indian astrology and is known as 'Varga" (set, division). Each such fractional part of a sign, known as an aṃśa, has a source of influence associated with it, so that these sources of influence come to be associated with collections of regions around the zodiac.
There are twenty varga, or divisional, charts used Indian astrology, 4 of them attributed to Jaimini and the division by 6, known as Shasthamsa seems to be related to Health.
All vargas form the basis of a unique system of finding the auspiciousness or inauspiciousness of planets.

If you are interested by the division of the signs, I suggest you dig into more reliable sources, especially Indian KP astrology.

Kind regards,

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