the ascendant on the burnt road shows the stress and the bad situation you are in, mainly psychologically because the Moon is in the fall but also in the weakness of this Venus = you but it also shows your bad financial and professional situation.
I will take the colleagues as Jupiter who is retrograde and in his weakness ready to come to a standstill, so we see that they are completely weak and indifferent to you because they have their own issues.
Maybe there is no joy in this restaurant, there is a silent sadness?
Venus is in its exaltation and under the government of this Jupiter. that is, you are very interested in your relationship with your colleagues.
Venus in its exaltation shows us that you are good at what you do but also with anti-shadow falls in Libra so it has very good and strong points.
The Moon, progressing, an indicator of your professional and everyday life and work, has encountered the anti-shadow of Jupiter (colleagues) and is going to make a nice triangle with Venus (you) and then a sextile with Mercury.
So everything will go well and you will do well with your work. There will clearly be difficulties because it is a professional environment and it is difficult.