What Does He Think of Me Compared to His Other Dates and Will He Reach Out Now?

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Sep 20, 2012
Ended things with this guy recently with the intention of leaving the door open for the future. It ended because he is going on other dates and felt he got cold feet after being completely mesmerized by me, throwing me for a loop, and he got really scared of the strength of his emotions and was trying to diffuse the situation. I was wondering 1) Does he think about me 2) How do I compare to his other dates and 3) If he will reach out? I believe we can see all these things in one chart so I beg to differ that there will need to be multiple charts on this question. He just went on two dates and has four more coming up, I know. How will I / do I compare?

We are Jupiter (me) and Mercury (him) and Moon (me, the situation) and him (Sun). Jupiter is in H3 where I am thinking of communication and he is Mercury in H8/H2. We are in mutual reception so we like each other and it seems as Mercury, he likes me the most getting me in dignity. Same as Sun. He also gets Venus in exaltation, so if Venus is me (or another woman?) he exalts her. I also get Mercury in dignity and not Sun. Moon is exalted which is a good sign. Mercury recently separated from Saturn and Jupiter. Jupiter is me. Saturn is maybe another date he went on but assuming he didn't like her much. He will apply to Mars and Venus, which are his next dates. He seems to like Venus a lot. I would still say we like each other the most.

Whether he will reach out- I think there is a translation of light happening as Jupiter and Mercury separate by opposition and then apply to Mars/Venus. I would say yes? He will reach out ?

Thanks for your help.

1) Does he think about me
Yes, I think he does, since he/Merc receives you by dignity. He also does as Sun.

2) How do I compare to his other dates?
Immediately after he/Merc separated from you/Jup, Merc met Saturn in the 12th by square. That doesn't sound so great. Probably wasn't. And Saturn did not like him/Merc at all, receiving Merc by detriment and fall. His next date looks like a trine to Mars. Not good reception from Merc to Mars

3) If he will reach out?
If you mean reach out to contact you to say hey, I would think not immediately because he/Merc is separating from you/Jup, and also does not apply to aspect Moon.
In the longer term possibly as Merc and Jup will make a couple more oppositions this month. Then each will quickly meet Saturn by square.
So I can see that as something like a dance, coming closer, moving apart, with the mutual reception holding you together in some way. In this period there may be some reaching out. Then the square to Saturn will likely present obstacles, perhaps to help each of you learn some important life lessons.
To me, Saturn doesn't usually point to reaching out. But the important life lesson for him in this matter might be that he should reach out? The reaching out part, I don't see that clearly happening in this chart. But it could.