What does it mean if a horoscope describes the exact opposite of how the person is?

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Mar 29, 2009
..or appears to be?

I'm puzzled. Aside from the explanation that the birth date or place might be wrong, which is unlikely, I have no idea how this is possible. The person is a Leo/Rooster and is supposed to be egoistical, arrogant, self absorbed and boastful etc. But this doesn't hold true one bit. The person in question is extremely shy, insecure, doesn't like to be the center of attention and belittles herself and her abilities, although she is successful in life.

I found Horoscopes to be pretty **** accurate in the past but I can't make sense of this. I'd would be nice if anyone had an explanation for this.
only the person knows themselves, to Vince


You asked:
Vince said:
What does it mean if a horoscope describes the exact opposite of how the person is? or appears to be?...The person is...supposed to be...But this doesn't hold true one bit. The person in question is...

In interpreting someone else's chart, all you can do is to give them the information and see what THEY make out of it. We can't see into other people's lives and so we have no idea how well our chart descriptions fit their reality. I have found that often chart descriptions that are focused on the ENTIRE chart (rather than just one or two things IN the chart) are the most accurate and the most useful to others.

Interpreting charts,

Re: What does it mean if a horoscope describes the exact opposite of how the person is?

Yeah, but those are the very basic characteristics of the sign. I've never encountered something like this. I didn't want to just post the chart and ask for someone to interpret it because that seems to be a bit rude to me. I also can't talk to the person since it's a celebrity horoscope and I'm going only on the interviews I've seen. Am I allowed to make a thread about this in the celebrity forum [with a chart and some youtube links] although I'm a newbie?

The question is also a general one though, I'd like to know if this is a known phenomenon and if there's a reason for this.

P.S. Is Chinese Astrology acknowledged in this forum?
Re: What does it mean if a horoscope describes the exact opposite of how the person is?

It be most helpful to ‘post’ their charts (rather than data), for others to comment on as we are all visual. For help on how to do this, go here http://www.astrologyweekly.com/forum/showthread.php?t=12126

Generally it sounds like the time is wrong. Cannot really comment without seeing the chart
You really cannot go off just sun sign astrology cos there is far more involved than that

It's bit like saying when is a sun sign not a sun sign, when it's early or late, cos it prob has something in the sign before or after. In your case he sounds liks a shy Virgoan....
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Re: What does it mean if a horoscope describes the exact opposite of how the person is?

Sadly I don't have the birth time, just the date. I know this is far from ideal but I have no way of finding out at what time of the day she was born. I'll follow the instructions from your link and make a more complete thread in the celebrity forum, if that's okay for a newbie.
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Re: What does it mean if a horoscope describes the exact opposite of how the person is?

Am I allowed to make a thread about this in the celebrity forum [with a chart and some youtube links] although I'm a newbie?
Sure, go right ahead, as it is a celebrity horoscope. Otherwise, if you are posting another person's chart, you may do so only with the native's premission, which you need to 'declare' in your opening post. Also, if you are posting outside the Greenhorns' Lounge, you will need to share you interpretation of the chart (at least the basics) with us.

Is Chinese Astrology acknowledged in this forum?
Though Western Astrology is most in practice on this forum, you will also find threads on Vedic Astrology or Chinese Astrology on the board: Other branches of Astrology.

Re: What does it mean if a horoscope describes the exact opposite of how the person is?

aquarius7000 said:
Sure, go right ahead, as it is a celebrity horoscope. Otherwise, if you are posting another person's chart, you may do so only with the native's premission, which you need to 'declare' in your opening post. Also, if you are posting outside the Greenhorns' Lounge, you will need to share you interpretation of the chart (at least the basics) with us.
Thanks for explaining. I can't really interpret a chart in it's entirety yet, so if I were to post my own chart, would it be enough to just share an interpretation of my life? What I could do though, is looking up the short interpretations of my houses and planets and write about how they relate to my life.

aquarius7000 said:
Though Western Astrology is most in practice on this forum, you will also find threads on Vedic Astrology or Chinese Astrology on the board: Other branches of Astrology.

That's nice to know. I'm not into Vedic Astrology but I find Chinese Astrology to be very interesting.
Re: What does it mean if a horoscope describes the exact opposite of how the person is?

Your question is interesting about a horoscope describing the exact opposite of how the person is. A couple of things come to mine. 1. Perhaps the reading was read wrong. 2. maybe the reading was correct. Those characteristics you mentioned about leo seem to be the more negitive side of the leo sun. The Sun sign is the person behind the appearance, behind the handshake. The sun sign is what your close friends see that makes you an indivdual. Leo sun signs can be very sunny and creative people. Shyness could be assocatied with the ascendant. 3. Since its a celebrity and not really a friend we cant really know if were correct in are readings. I dabbled in chiense astrology about 3 years ago. I didnt find it to be to exact. I'am a Sagg Sun year of the tiger. Forget which element. I didnt go to deep into it so I dont know if it goes as deep as aknoweleging all the planets and aspects between them.
Re: What does it mean if a horoscope describes the exact opposite of how the person is?

The positive aspects of the Leo sign are missing too though, at least in the interactions with others that I've seen in interviews. But I have to apologize because I posted this too quickly and without reading further into it. Her Mercury is in Cancer and Her Venus is in Vigro, so I guess that explains it but I'm still baffled at how shy a Leo she is.

The reason I posted this too fast is because I read her description for Leo/Rooster in Suzanne White's "New Astrology" which has always been very accurate so far, although it admittedly does not scratch far below the surface. Usually the descriptions in this book are focusing more on the positive aspects of a personality but in this case it's almost completely negative, focusing on what described in the OP.