What Happened to Flight 370?

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Mar 16, 2012
[/FONT]Curious. Anyone care to give their thoughts?


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wondering if the early ascendant means it is even too early to ask...if whatever "happened" hasn't happened completely yet, or for some other reason it is too early to tell.
I have been following this story since it broke. Latest Press Conference confirms that someone deliberately turned off the transponder and other radar stuff. The plane was pinged last at around 8am, local Malasya time. It could be in the Indian Ocean, or near Kazahkstan.
The first thing to do is to determine exactly when the plane took off, what the exact longitude and latitude of the take off point.

This would be the birth data for the flight. Once you do that, then you can look astrologically at the circumstances. This is how we do it in astrology.
The first thing to do is to determine exactly when the plane took off, what the exact longitude and latitude of the take off point.

This would be the birth data for the flight. Once you do that, then you can look astrologically at the circumstances. This is how we do it in astrology.

couldn't find an exact time, so I went with a horary question.
I have been following this story since it broke. Latest Press Conference confirms that someone deliberately turned off the transponder and other radar stuff. The plane was pinged last at around 8am, local Malasya time. It could be in the Indian Ocean, or near Kazahkstan.

Hmm, wonder if this would show in the chart,
It probably would, but we need the birth chart.

I am aware that the birth chart would be most informative, but people ask horary questions (here and elsewhere) all the time concerning matters that have already happened, and the horary chart is still considered valid.
I am aware that the birth chart would be most informative, but people ask horary questions (here and elsewhere) all the time concerning matters that have already happened, and the horary chart is still considered valid.

I'm sorry. Its a separate branch of Horary called Event Horary. But Event horary is based on the time of the event, not the time of a question that anyone could answer or even more, ASK.

Astrology is built on stable single birth times. You cannot have ANOTHER birth time for the same person, corporation, question, or event until a death takes place first. So there is no way that the question can be asked in horary because that would mean that any of the hundreds of thousands of moments, at hundreds of thousands of places, for anytime in 7 days, for the birth times since the plane was reported missing would be the true question.

How would you know what the birth time of the true question is?

Remember a difference of 10 minutes can make all the difference in a birth chart. This is a difference of 7 days. Think about it; That makes no sense.
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I'm sorry. Its a separate branch of Horary called Event Horary. But Event horary is based on the time of the event, not the time of a question that anyone could answer or even more, ASK.

Astrology is built on stable single birth times. You cannot have ANOTHER birth time for the same person, corporation, question, or event until a death takes place first. So there is no way that the question can be asked in horary because that would mean that any of the hundreds of thousands of moments, at hundreds of thousands of places, for anytime in 7 days, for the birth times since the plane was reported missing would be the true question.

How would you know what the birth time of the true question is?

Remember a difference of 10 minutes can make all the difference in a birth chart. This is a difference of 7 days. Think about it; That makes no sense.

Well I've heard this idea, that a horary question posed that is likely of mass interest is invalid, because it is not as if only one person might have sought out the horary question (at a lecture by Lee Lehman I heard this). However, I have noticed people here asking questions such as will Obama win the election or who shot this celebrity, so it seemed to me that some people here might consider such a chart valid. Personally, my mind is not made up as to whether or not an answer to a question that would be interesting to many is not valid if presented as a horary question. I do believe in the synchronicity of all things, which to me seems to lend itself to the accuracy of horary. On the other hand, redundancy and divination do not exactly work well together. I asked this question out of curiosity, and I think if other such questions have gotten a response on here, it is worth asking, if only for the potential of speculation, or even the potential of gaining some kind of interesting or valuable insight. So I'm not quite sure that I agree with you. Really haven't made up my mind. But I do respect your opinion and would like to continue to find out about this sort of thing so I can decide what I think for myself.
What I do find interesting about this chart is the aspects the moon is making. I first noticed its opposition to Mercury (although this is not the first aspect it makes). It is interesting to note that Mercury is placed in the 8th and ruling the 3rd (and of course we know that they lost communication.) I then saw the Moon preparing to sextile Mars, which is ruling the 5th as well as the 10th. I am not sure of the 5th house meaning, but intuitively the 10th makes sense being that the danger (Mars) that ensued is what lead to the public (10th house) attention. Also I see that Mars is on the 4th (alluding to end of the matter?) The Moon is about to square Saturn (death? an certain authority behind the misfortune?) Not sure but it doesn't seem very uplifting, ruling the 7th and 8th. The chart ruler is separating from a trine here with Saturn. Not sure what that's about. Also ruling 6th. It is interesting the planet ruling the end of the matter is in Aquarius (planes) in the 7th (the outside world?) Also interesting this is the same planet in rulership of the 11th. I'm not a horary astrologer at all, so this is just pure speculation, and could be really meaningless, but thought out of curiosity would give it a try.
Flight MH370 departed March 8th 2014 at 0:41am from Kuala Lumpur.

Here is the chart:

Ruler of Ascendant is Jupiter 10° Cancer, in exaltation in Cancer.
Jupiter is in a South-West position (indian Ocean?)
Jupiter is square Uranus the ruler of 3rd house of communication (Electronic communication were apparently stopped deliberately). Uranus also rules air travel.
Saturn, the other ruler of 3rd house is retrograde and square Mercury = self-censorship, no communication.

Neptune is precisely conjunct the IC and square the Flight charts's co-ruler the Moon which is right opposite the Ascendant. Moon square Neptune is a signature of mystery in a watery environment.

Food for thoughts.
Flight MH370 departed March 8th 2014 at 0:41am from Kuala Lumpur.

Here is the chart:

Ruler of Ascendant is Jupiter 10° Cancer, in exaltation in Cancer.
Jupiter is in a South-West position (indian Ocean?)
Jupiter is square Uranus the ruler of 3rd house of communication (Electronic communication were apparently stopped deliberately). Uranus also rules air travel.
Saturn, the other ruler of 3rd house is retrograde and square Mercury = self-censorship, no communication.

Neptune is precisely conjunct the IC and square the Flight charts's co-ruler the Moon which is right opposite the Ascendant. Moon square Neptune is a signature of mystery in a watery environment.

Food for thoughts.

Thank you for finding the time!! Wow that is something, the Neptune on the IC gave me chills. Also speaking of Saturn, as you pointed out, being square to Mercury. Saturn is in Scorpio in the 12th (hidden authority) square Mercury in the 3rd (communication.) And we know as someone here pointed out that they are at this point sure the communication cut off was done so purposefully by someone. I believe this someone might be Saturn in the 12th square Mercury.
What you said about Jupiter, being square to Uranus, the ruler of air travel and the 3rd house in this case....wow.
The Moon had already squared Neptune by the time they took off. Their fate was already decided? The Moon's next aspect is to sextile Uranus. That and the Jupiter (chart ruler) trine Sun (ruler of 10th) makes me wonder if their demise was not quickly accomplished, in the least painful way possible?
Mars is interestingly placed in the 11th, but I was a little surprised to not see more Mars action. The watery circumstance is very evident though.
Thank you again for posting the chart.


'…...Crew on Greek flagged oil tanker are responding to radio reports of suit cases floating in Straits of Malacca, between Malaysia and Indonesia.

Oil and chemical tanker, Elka Athina, reported to media it was steaming toward zone identified as field of debris,
including what appeared to be aircraft passenger's luggage.
Crew responding to report from Indonesian source, according to translation of report on two articles published Sunday afternoon Greek time.
Report unconfirmed by any other sources, however one Greek website posted audio interview with Elka Athina's first officer confirming ship headed to area after report of suit cases floating in northern waters of the Malacca Strait......'

'…..There have been several false sightings of debris since Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 went missing over a week ago
including Chinese satellite image of debris in south China Sea and reports of oil slick off Vietnam.
All proved unrelated to the missing 777-200.

Update: It appears a Reddit user found images of possible wreckage at exact location of Greek report in the Malacca Strait. Image of debris field was seen on high resolution satellite images provided by US firm attempting to find missing 777-200.

The area is also about the same point where Malaysia last lost verifiable data on the location of MH370 on Saturday, March 8 2014......'

Well I've heard this idea, that a horary question posed that is likely of mass interest is invalid, because it is not as if only one person might have sought out the horary question (at a lecture by Lee Lehman I heard this). However, I have noticed people here asking questions such as will Obama win the election or who shot this celebrity, so it seemed to me that some people here might consider such a chart valid. Personally, my mind is not made up as to whether or not an answer to a question that would be interesting to many is not valid if presented as a horary question. I do believe in the synchronicity of all things, which to me seems to lend itself to the accuracy of horary. On the other hand, redundancy and divination do not exactly work well together. I asked this question out of curiosity, and I think if other such questions have gotten a response on here, it is worth asking, if only for the potential of speculation, or even the potential of gaining some kind of interesting or valuable insight. So I'm not quite sure that I agree with you. Really haven't made up my mind. But I do respect your opinion and would like to continue to find out about this sort of thing so I can decide what I think for myself.
By the way, Horary astrology has very definite rules :smile:

FREE HORARY ASTROLOGY TUTORIAL from well known Horary expert Deborah Houlding

Guidance from authoritative horary student, member tsmall is as follows:

......casting an horary chart for this type of event isn't the way to go.

As has already been pointed out on several of the threads here at AW about the flight, as well as on the many, many other astrology forums out there.

Let's just use a bit of logic here.

Imagine that every astrologer decided at some point over the last several days to query the Universe and cast a chart about this plane.
How many charts, with how many ascendants, would we end up with?
Too many.
That is why we use an event chart for these matters,
as Zarathu has already done on another thread.

I personally am not in possession of enough time (I have other charts working) or interest,
but if I did I would want to look at the chart from the moment the flight took off,
and possibly compare it to a chart for the moment the plane disappeared from radar.

Lilly himself did at least once cast a chart to determine the fate of an overdue ship.

The difference between this
(and any other curiousity chart)
is the the querent in that case had a vested interest in the ship

the OP is a good example of 'a curiosity chart'
Curious. Anyone care to give their thoughts?
The question is prompted by curiosity
the querent has no vested interest in the matter

in the case of the missing plane,
if a family member of one of the passengers or crew went to an astrologer to discover the fate of the flight, that chart would be valid.

Otherwise. NO.

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I'm going to go ahead and stand by the fact that I found this question interesting to ask so I asked it.
You can think what you like but I still think this chart is interesting anyway. I don't know what that means in terms of horary as you define it.
However I do see that in the opinion of about half the posts here I have definitely broken a rule so I will respect your study of horary and your expert understanding of it. Peace.
I'm going to go ahead and stand by the fact that I found this question interesting to ask so I asked it.

You can think what you like but I still think this chart is interesting anyway. I don't know what that means in terms of horary as you define it.

However I do see that in the opinion of about half the posts here I have definitely broken a rule so I will respect your study of horary and your expert understanding of it. Peace
I'm no expert, just simply quoting the advice of Horary experts who have been found reliable in the past -
thanks for understanding

Currently, mainstream newsmedia Yahoo are reporting that the plane flew much longer than anyone previously was aware
and that data is useful for anyone with an interest in this matter


'….Although ACARS system was disabled on Flight 370,

it continued to emit faint hourly pulses recorded by a satellite.

Last "ping" sent at 8:11 a.m. - 7 hours and 31 minutes after the plane took off,

placing the jet somewhere in a huge arc as far north as Kazakhstan in Central Asia

or far into the southern Indian Ocean.

Many believe the plane has crashed,

but there is a small possibility it may have landed and be relatively intact.

Affendi, the air force general, and Hishammuddin, defense minister,

said it was possible for the plane to "ping" when on the ground
if its electrical systems were undamaged.....'


'…...Australia is sending one of two AP-3C Orion aircraft involved in the search to remote islands in Indian Ocean at Malaysia's request to search north and west of Cocos Islands, remote Australian territory with airstrip about 1,200 kilometers (745 miles) southwest of Indonesia, military chief Gen. David Hurley said.

Whoever disabled the plane's communication systems and then flew the jet must have had a high degree of technical knowledge and flying experience, putting one or both of the pilots high on the list of possible suspects, Malaysian officials and aviation experts said....'

Flight MH370 departed March 8th 2014 at 0:41am from Kuala Lumpur.

Here is the chart:

Ruler of Ascendant is Jupiter 10° Cancer, in exaltation in Cancer.
Jupiter is in a South-West position (indian Ocean?)
Jupiter is square Uranus the ruler of 3rd house of communication (Electronic communication were apparently stopped deliberately). Uranus also rules air travel.
Saturn, the other ruler of 3rd house is retrograde and square Mercury = self-censorship, no communication.

Neptune is precisely conjunct the IC and square the Flight charts's co-ruler the Moon which is right opposite the Ascendant. Moon square Neptune is a signature of mystery in a watery environment.

Food for thoughts.

Based on Jupiter's position, it looks like the plane will be in the Indian Ocean. The no communication part goes with turning off the transponder and radars.

I am not well versed in charts yet, but does this one point to who would be responsible for this?
how many charts do you guys need to run to realize that everyone on the plane suffered asphyxiation? At a high altitude, access to emergency nitrogen is low so the pilot absolutely has to drop an altitude immediately. An airplane can stay in the air for hours. The plane dived into a lot altitude to avoid radar, (at low alt a plane CAN and DOES avoid being spotted by a radar). Mobile phone data suggests the passengers' phones were still functioning after the aircraft lost contact with air traffic control (ATC) and the transponder was turned off/failed. Meaning that 9 out of 10 it's asphyxiation. asphyxiation had happened numerous times during WW2. Pilots are flying but they are dead.
I'd like to see when was this plane checked for fatigue metal.
an interview with A&P certified FAA mechanic who has worked on B777
the timeline when the copilot transmitted last message and the time when the plane vanished from the radar.

I am outruling terrorism or hijacking - no one came forward.

this is the dialogue in A&P FAA group. A&P = airframe and powerplant mechanics - basically, they keep jets in the air.
Pete 1 day ago 1 65
I am an A&P (FAA Licensed Aircraft Mechanic) mechanic and I have worked on aircraft for over 35 years. I have worked on everything from a small Cessna all the way up to the C5. I have worked on the 707,737, and the 747 so I am familiar with Boeing Aircraft.

What I find strange is I have been watching CNN's and other news stations coverage of this story and every expert that they have talked to are either former pilots or NTSB investigators.

Well let me say this. I have done 3 crash investigations in my career two of them were for the US Navy one with the FAA and NTSB. When both the NTSB investigators and the pilots wanted to know something about why this happened or why that happened they both came to the mechanic's to get the answer!

Ask yourself this who do pilots go to when they have a problem with the aircraft? It is always the mechanics, now don't get me wrong these guys that they have interviewed are very smart and knowledgeable about aircraft's on how they work and fly, but both of these experts would come to a A&P mechanic when they need to know how to fix a problem, so I do not understand why CNN and other news stations have not interviewed an experienced 777 mechanic?

This is a copy of my Facebook post on March 11th 2014.

Here is a little insight for everyone on that missing 777 aircraft as most of my friends know I am an A&P (FAA Licensed Aircraft Mechanic) and I have worked on everything from a small Cessna to the C5 including the 707, 737, 747 so I am familiar with Boeing aircraft. I have worked on aircraft since 1980 so I know a little about them by now I think.

This story about the missing aircraft is by far the strangest one I have ever heard of or seen in 35 years of working on aircraft's. The fact that it just seem-ally disappeared is well virtually impossible to happen. Here why I am saying that. On all large passenger aircraft like the 777/200ER there are the following antennas connected to their corresponding systems in the cockpit.

These are the communication and navigation system antennas:
-Weather Radar-
TCAS (traffic alert and collision avoidance system)-
ATC (air traffic control)-
GPS (global positioning system)-
VHF (very high frequency) communication-
SATCOM (satellite communication)-
ADF (automatic direction finder)-
HF (high frequency) communication-VOR (VHF omni range)-
Marker beacon-RA (radar altimeter)-
DME (distance measuring equipment)-
ILS (instrument landing system).

Now for this aircraft to just disappear the following systems would need to be either turned off by the switch that controls it in the cockpit or have the correct circuit breaker pulled for that system (This requires knowing which breaker is the right one to pull and there are 100's of them on a 777) This would need to be done at or near the same time for a 777/200ER to just disappear.


So you see it is virtually impossible for an aircraft like this 777/200ER to just disappear. Even if you knew all the right switches or circuit breakers you still could not turn them off at the same time.

On the 777/200ER aircraft, the ACARS system is made up of an avionics computer called an ACARS Management Unit and a Control Display Unit. The management unit was designed to send and receive digital messages from the ground using existing VHF radios.

This is what makes this whole thing so strange. There is no evidence of a crash so far, no demands from any hijackers yet, only one crazy terrorist group claiming they took the plane (Ya Right).

What do I think? The only thing I can think of is either a sudden decompression in the flight deck that would have knock out the pilots or maybe killed them, or an APU exhaust leak through the Air conditioning system that killed the crew.

The pilots took the plane on purpose or were forced to take it. By doing this they would have purposely turned off all the navigation and communication equipment on board. The only people who would know how to do this would be other trained pilots or mechanics. Maybe someone could learn how to do this without knowing anything about aviation, but not likely.

If either one of these things happened (other than the pilots taking the plane) the plane would have been on auto pilot at 35,000 feet so it would have lost some altitude with the decompression lost, but would continue flying.

If it was an APU exhaust leak (Not likely because this requires a crack in the APU exhaust and a crack in the bleed air lines being used for the AC. I have never seen two cracks like this at the same time) the plane again would continue flying on course until it ran out of fuel.

So they need to look 100,s maybe 1000,s of miles away from where they are looking and that is why they can't find the missing plane.

This is a conversation that I had with my friend and fellow A&P mechanic Anthony. Ant and I worked together for awhile and Ant has close to 20 years of experience working on aircraft. So between the two of us we have a total of 55 years of working experience on all kinds of different airplanes.

Anthony: As a fellow aircraft mechanic I see your logic. One correction because of the increasing fuel cost ALL airlines make the pilots turn the APU off prior to takeoff and as you know no APU can be started at 35,000 feet. But you're right can't happen without SOMEONE KNOWING
Yesterday at 6:01am • Unlike • 1

Pete: @Ant Oh Ya I had forgot that (Been retired since 2011) you are right on starting the APU thanks for reminding me.

Well then the only other thing I can think of would be a carbon seal leak in one or both of the engines bleed air systems, supplying air to the ECS. These leaks are usually found pretty quickly and even if this happen my understanding is the air would not be toxic enough to kill someone. These are called Fume events in aviation, but they rarely ever happen.

So I am at a lost here to make any sense of this. It is really looking like either one or both pilots took the plane on purpose or they were forced to take it. From my experience there does not seem to be any other answer.

What do you think Ant? Did you find that ELT info? I found where it says that an ELT or ULB will ping up to a depth of 20,000 feet, but still would like to know what the manual says.
Yesterday at 10:06am • Like

Anthony: I found out that ULB's have a short life once activated. And it also depends on how new they are. Most are old units and the batteries they run off don't last for several days. They were meant to help locate a plane quickly and if that signal was never received by someone because of where the ULB's are located on the plane as you well know in an UNPRESSURIZED area there's no access to it other than from on the ground NEVER in flight. The same thing holds true for the ELT. If the c/b is pulled then the battery won't charge which mean it wouldn't emit a signal for long and I have no idea if that part of the world has equipment capable of tracking or receiving it.

The Paine Steward plane crash is the only thing that makes sense other than the pilots/whoever was flying taking it after turning off the transponder and going wherever and only transmitting on HF because not every tower has the capability of hearing those transmissions. REALLY STRANGE situation.

If the plane nose dived into the water it would have broken up. If it landed like the US Airways plane did in the Hudson smoothly in the water it could have sank after hours but wouldn't explain why no one jumped out. To many scenarios but mechanically the plane should be able to be found under normal circumstances
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