what happened, why did he act weird/avoid saying hi?

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Dec 20, 2023
so last night i saw this guy that ive liked for years. we haven't talked in some time and for some reason his roommate thought that he (the guy that this horary is about) felt indifferent towards me; nothing has happened with us though since i havent even seen him since october. i know this because yesterday when they saw me, the roommate whispered something to him & he immediately nodded his head saying "duh yeah yeah all good" because again nothings even happen lol. anyway the roommate passes me and says hi after and asked how i was which was nice & his energy felt different from how he was before (i couldnt go to their halloween party but thats different story) anyway this horary is not about the roommate its about the boy i like.

anyway the vibe was weird, we never made eye contact but we were near each other 8 times since we have mutual friends. he even stood next to my sister and all he was doing was be on his phone and tried not looking up like? he acts like that and then goes out of his way to ask about me to a mutual friend (i saw) but doesn't say hello? like i can't understand this? everything was weird and i hated not saying hi. i never fully made eye contact with him but it felt so off.

anyway flash forward to another moment: outside i saw him again, the roommate and him were talking about my sister and i again because we were basically next to them but still no hello. i didn't want to pressure him to say hi so i tried making it more relaxed (as in not look over keep my distance etc) but i felt so weird. anyway there was this other girl that was there and she tried blocking my sister and i from their peripheral vision? then they motioned her to not do that then she walked back to where she first was. Then he turned his back to my sister and i???? it was obvious i wanted to say hello i'm sure his roommate saw, but i was just scared and nervous for no reason like theres no reason why i should have reservations about saying hi?

he went home after and i never had the chance to have my reset with him. is it possible to see his thoughts through this chart? because i asked this question right after he walked off. this relationship (or lack thereof) feels weird because it feels like i'm an ex or someone he has dated and that is not the case at all but it feels like that.

i'm sad because i care and i regret not just sucking it up to say hi but it wasnt like he was giving me any opening to say hi which is so weird. he was basically mirroring my actions because i was also avoiding major eye contact and tried acting like i dont care or everything is fine and normal but it felt like the complete opposite within. i just didnt want to pressure him but now this weird **** happened. now im worried the roommate may even think he does have a weird feeling towards me because of how off we both acted. I dont know i'm confused and would love to know where his thoughts are. maybe i'm not even a topic of conversation i dont know its just no communication arises with us.


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Sorry for the non-astrological response, but from your recent employment query I imagined you to be decades older than you seem to be from this one.

If you are in your 20s or so, it could be that the roommate of your intended is still learning about how to be kind to others while still being respectful of their mate -- especially while acting as a kind of proxy or buffer!

Nevertheless, some common-sense possibilities:
a) the guy is aware of your interest, but not interested, and doesn't want to hurt you.
b) the guy is interested, but he's already spoken for, and committed despite other temptations.

However, in either of those cases, I would agree that it would be nice for the guy or his proxy to just lay it out so that you could move on. Maybe ask the proxy to cough it up? (in a kind way, of course) -- and one step out from all of that, this experience is a way to learn about and consider what you are looking for in a guy.

On my side, in the context of psychic ethics, I think it would be wrong to use a/an horary chart to learn about thoughts that someone else had not volunteered to express.

If it's any consolation, I often post love-notes on the Instagram posts of a certain Taiwanese actor (which I usually delete the next morning, and to which he never replies).
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kaylegg, can you clarify your real question?

"What are his thoughts?" is awfully vague. Do you mean, "Does he have feelings for me? "Does he have a crush on me?"

(MoonBucket, horary charts are often used to learn more about someone's thoughts or feelings, but (a) the question has to be specific, (b) and have no manipulative intent.]
kaylegg, can you clarify your real question?

"What are his thoughts?" is awfully vague. Do you mean, "Does he have feelings for me? "Does he have a crush on me?"

(MoonBucket, horary charts are often used to learn more about someone's thoughts or feelings, but (a) the question has to be specific, (b) and have no manipulative intent.]
To be more specific i guess what are his feelings towards me if he has any emotion or care on his end at all🤔
Sorry for the non-astrological response, but from your recent employment query I imagined you to be decades older than you seem to be from this one.

If you are in your 20s or so, it could be that the roommate of your intended is still learning about how to be kind to others while still being respectful of their mate -- especially while acting as a kind of proxy or buffer!

Nevertheless, some common-sense possibilities:
a) the guy is aware of your interest, but not interested, and doesn't want to hurt you.
b) the guy is interested, but he's already spoken for, and committed despite other temptations.

However, in either of those cases, I would agree that it would be nice for the guy or his proxy to just lay it out so that you could move on. Maybe ask the proxy to cough it up? (in a kind way, of course) -- and one step out from all of that, this experience is a way to learn about and consider what you are looking for in a guy.

On my side, in the context of psychic ethics, I think it would be wrong to use a/an horary chart to learn about thoughts that someone else had not volunteered to express.

If it's any consolation, I often post love-notes on the Instagram page of the Taiwanese actor Tseng Jing-Hua (which I usually delete the next morning, and to which he never replies).
Hi thank you yes i'm in my 20s! lol but that is true there is just a bunch of unsaid communication, we share 8th and 12th house synastry so it's been like this since ive known him and i somehow still just care.
but good to know thank you for your insight!!
kayleeg, it looks like there is mutual attraction, but not a beneficial relationship coming out of it, at least at the present time. You are symbolized by Mercury. He is Jupiter. These two planets are in mutual reception, but in the signs of one another's detriment. Then the moon (your emotional stake in the matter) falls in Scorpio and squares Mars. There is a lot of aggravation in this potential relationship.

I'd suggest leaving it alone for the time being.
kayleeg, it looks like there is mutual attraction, but not a beneficial relationship coming out of it, at least at the present time. You are symbolized by Mercury. He is Jupiter. These two planets are in mutual reception, but in the signs of one another's detriment. Then the moon (your emotional stake in the matter) falls in Scorpio and squares Mars. There is a lot of aggravation in this potential relationship.

I'd suggest leaving it alone for the time being.
okay i see! i was mainly worried if he viewed me in a low light, i just over think a lot with him, but thank u for ur insight
In astrology, the chart indicates that there is a kind of conflict between feelings and attitudes of you and the person in question. The Scorpio and Sagittarius placements increase emotional charges and possible misunderstandings as a result. His actions might stem from some kind of inner conflict, or lack of decision, rather than from apathy, particularly if there are retrograde factors, or aspects to the negative in his horoscope. These behaviors suggest subliminal conflict, probably due to overanalysis on both ends of the relationship. However, it is much easier to get insights from the communication than to get a direct understanding of it.​
In astrology, the chart indicates that there is a kind of conflict between feelings and attitudes of you and the person in question. The Scorpio and Sagittarius placements increase emotional charges and possible misunderstandings as a result. His actions might stem from some kind of inner conflict, or lack of decision, rather than from apathy, particularly if there are retrograde factors, or aspects to the negative in his horoscope. These behaviors suggest subliminal conflict, probably due to overanalysis on both ends of the relationship. However, it is much easier to get insights from the communication than to get a direct understanding of it.​
thank you! that honestly makes so much sense with our dynamic, it's like we both try to act overly nonchalant but that type of behavior feels so off within, i just want to make sure he isn't burdened by having to say hi or something but it causes more weirdness?? and i wonder if he feels that way too??

a year ago i even asked him a question about why he didn't say hi (this thing has happened before lol) when he was standing in front of me and he was like "i never want to pressure you i want you to do you and i want you to always act as you please" or something which was so funny because its obvious i'm into him lol but i appreciate your insight!
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thank you! that honestly makes so much sense with our dynamic, it's like we both try to act overly nonchalant but that type of behavior feels so off within, i just want to make sure he isn't burdened by having to say hi or something but it causes more weirdness?? and i wonder if he feels that way too??

a year ago i even asked him a question about why he didn't say hi (this thing has happened before lol) when he was standing in front of me and he was like "i never want to pressure you i want you to do you and i want you to always act as you please" or something which was so funny because its obvious i'm into him lol but i appreciate your insight!
Well, it seems like you already know the answer to your question about why he does not say hi. If you care about him, I think this is something very important for you to truly understand that he is saying to you.
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kayleeg, it looks like there is mutual attraction, but not a beneficial relationship coming out of it, at least at the present time. You are symbolized by Mercury. He is Jupiter. These two planets are in mutual reception, but in the signs of one another's detriment. Then the moon (your emotional stake in the matter) falls in Scorpio and squares Mars. There is a lot of aggravation in this potential relationship.

I'd suggest leaving it alone for the time being.
(sorry to kayleegg for the digression)

waybread: thank you for your reading, not because of its details, but specifically because this is the one that finally made me realize I really didn't know the first thing about horary astrology (i.e., how to determine the significators). Some study to follow.
His thoughts are his 3rd house, ruled by venus in your 5th. So there has been some romantic interest going on in his mind.
However, venus squares Chiron, indicating a tense situation that would lead to learning quite a bit about romantic ties and sexual matters.
Both you and he, jupiter and mercury, are retrograde, not moving forward but going over the past at the moment.
Each of you is in the other's space, but at the same time out of your own element. An uncomfortable position for sure.
The two planets will complete an opposition, and the opposition sometimes does bring together but it isn't necessarily stabile, especially in mutable signs.
You, mercury, are also approaching a square to Neptune in the 7th, and neptune is his co-significator.
So again there is reason to think you might have a connection but it will be an elusive and disappointing one.
Both the mercury and jupiter in opposition will soon or later square this disappointing neptune.
Moon is the question you asked, but also the ruler of the 11th, and it approaches the square with mars, in the 11th.
So all the tension you described between you is really quite clear in the chart.
Moon and mars, just like mercury and jupiter, and mercury and neptune, are all in difficult aspects.
If something comes of this situation, you both will probably not be particularly happy about it.
Mars also rules your 3rd of thoughts, so you are getting irritated about the whole thing.
Mars also rules your sister, and it is possible he had been thinking about making a advance towards her, although his too wouldn't end positively either.
Notice saturn near the 7th cusp. Saturn rules both his 11th and his 12th, so he is dealing with some psychological fears, which could be shyness as well as a lack of self confidence.
With South Node in the 1st house you are the one who lands up giving, probably overly so.
So, the tickle is there, but you will probably get over it soon.
His thoughts are his 3rd house, ruled by venus in your 5th. So there has been some romantic interest going on in his mind.
However, venus squares Chiron, indicating a tense situation that would lead to learning quite a bit about romantic ties and sexual matters.
Both you and he, jupiter and mercury, are retrograde, not moving forward but going over the past at the moment.
Each of you is in the other's space, but at the same time out of your own element. An uncomfortable position for sure.
The two planets will complete an opposition, and the opposition sometimes does bring together but it isn't necessarily stabile, especially in mutable signs.
You, mercury, are also approaching a square to Neptune in the 7th, and neptune is his co-significator.
So again there is reason to think you might have a connection but it will be an elusive and disappointing one.
Both the mercury and jupiter in opposition will soon or later square this disappointing neptune.
Moon is the question you asked, but also the ruler of the 11th, and it approaches the square with mars, in the 11th.
So all the tension you described between you is really quite clear in the chart.
Moon and mars, just like mercury and jupiter, and mercury and neptune, are all in difficult aspects.
If something comes of this situation, you both will probably not be particularly happy about it.
Mars also rules your 3rd of thoughts, so you are getting irritated about the whole thing.
Mars also rules your sister, and it is possible he had been thinking about making a advance towards her, although his too wouldn't end positively either.
Notice saturn near the 7th cusp. Saturn rules both his 11th and his 12th, so he is dealing with some psychological fears, which could be shyness as well as a lack of self confidence.
With South Node in the 1st house you are the one who lands up giving, probably overly so.
So, the tickle is there, but you will probably get over it soon.
Thank you for this insight it sounds incredibly accurate, that so I have been thinking about him more than usual these past days and everything still currently hurts me but I do over give i'd say so its so interesting how the horary has that shown. I sometimes feel his insecurities or the fact that he feels "inadequate" for me but again this comes from how I feel when I'm with him (our 12th house synastry I assume) nothings ever said or open which is so frustrating.

It feels so uncomfortable to ignore one another but I also don't want to push or overextend myself but then I also regret not doing so (like saying hi) at the same time? Anyway thank you so much for your thoughts I really appreciate it!