What/How many aspects in my chart indicate psychic ability?

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Hi LMA. I think some of the things you talk about in your post are things that most people don't tend to experience. What you refer to as your lack of empathy is reflected in your chart by the lack of water by sign and house, I'd say. Something that stryck me as I just looked at your chart again was that with MC in Pisces and Neptune conjunct Saturn, developing Neptunian powers such as Psychic ability may be something you see as a way of gaining respect from others and also enhancing self-respect. The same placements suggest that you could apply yourself to developing the abilities - plus, we often admire in others what is waiting in our own uncounscious. At a certain point in life many people do turn some of their attention to developing 'missing' or 'weak' elements, and since your water element is unconscious, perhaps it naturally functions on a collective level?

I do think that the 9th has some connection with seeing into the future, as does the element of fire generally. The 9th is where we see the general, Universal pattern at work, enabling perception of future trends and meaningful connections. And Aquarius is on your 9th house cusp - Prometheus could see in to the future and is generally considered most closely related to Aquarius. May be the 11th house emphasis is relevant too. But perhaps the strongest indicators of foresight are Jupiter in the 12th, and the ruler of your Sun, Moon and Mercury (Mars) in the 12th. I would say the experiences that you mention may be more fiery than watery. Looking at your midpoint contacts may reveal more.

Saturn conjunct Neptune gives you a link to both sides of reality, the material and the spiritual. Depending on house position of course this is a strong psychic indicator in my opinion because it's like you have the ability to catch (saturn) the things you percieve on non-material channels e.g. energetically (neptune). Saturn helps you to integrate for he is the master of form.

Seeing this conjunction squaring LMA's sun and mercury I'd say that there is something somehow connected to this link here. She might be able to feel this and use this gift but there are problems connected like maybe it's not really easy to controll or even overwhelming.

LMA, did what you just describe ever have a sort of dangerous feeling or were you afraid of what you saw for it's not really common that people do so and have you been doubting you mental abilites because of that?
Hi Christoph K. Yes I was toying with two approaches to this conjunction earlier in the thread. I think with Saturn Neptune one will get the better of the other, generally speaking, and Neptune doesn't seem to have many friends in this chart. The ASC is in airy Gemini and the Moon is in pragmatic Taurus, neither of which are naturally inclined to Neptune's way of seeing things. And although Mars is in the 12th house, it has a natural enmity with Neptune, which wouldn't be helped by its placement in Gemini, and so I see the Aries planets more likely to side with Saturn too. This, plus the fact that LMA has said that she is not empathic makes me think that in this case Saturn, strong in its own sign, will tend to block Neptune initially, and that a fear of the chaotic and intangible will probably need to be worked through before any Neptunian powers can be consciously tapped.

A different person with, say, Moon in Pisces, and Sun Mercury Venus in Cancer would probably find Saturn rejected in favour of Neptune initially.

This is my take on it, anyway...
I was just wondering if any of the aspects in my chart would indicate psychic ability. So far, the only blatant aspect I know of is Moon trine Neptune which would indicate stronger intuition.

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Any planets in 12th and 8th and even 4th (the water houses) aspects to Neptune, espec easy aspect and poss pluto easy aspects... there can be quite a few indicators..

Saturn conjunct Neptune gives you a link to both sides of reality, the material and the spiritual. Depending on house position of course this is a strong psychic indicator in my opinion because it's like you have the ability to catch (saturn) the things you percieve on non-material channels e.g. energetically (neptune). Saturn helps you to integrate for he is the master of form.

Seeing this conjunction squaring LMA's sun and mercury I'd say that there is something somehow connected to this link here. She might be able to feel this and use this gift but there are problems connected like maybe it's not really easy to controll or even overwhelming.

LMA, did what you just describe ever have a sort of dangerous feeling or were you afraid of what you saw for it's not really common that people do so and have you been doubting you mental abilites because of that?

I've found hard aspects between saturn and neptune anything but psychic, saturn in my mind will always get the upper hand...

Saturn conj Neptune
I've found hard aspects between saturn and neptune anything but psychic, saturn in my mind will always get the upper hand...
[FONT=Tahoma]Saturn conj Neptune[/FONT]

I know someone having saturn conj. neptune in 4th and with this person it's extraordinary. It's like neptune gives the person a pervasive psyche and saturn helps letting the impressions from the other side become something you can unterstand an work with. This aspect has a highly mythological note for it's the ultimate merging of opposites the intuitive with the rational mind, the right part of your brain with your left. It's important for this to happen in a water house I think and the 4th seems to be important for the quality of the conjunction referring to what I just said.
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1. Isn't Saturn/Neptune aspects generational?

2. Everyone I'm attracted to seems to have Saturn conjunct Neptune. Sometimes composite wise and sometimes synastry, sometimes in their own natal charts. My other astrologer friend was really ecstactic about it saying it's soul mates or karmic or something like that but I don't understand her enthusiasm if it's a generational aspect.

3. If I have Saturn conjunct Neptune both in the 7th house, does it mean I'll have exceptional intuition with open enemies and partners, or does it apply to the whole chart? I'm pretty certain it's not isolated to just the 7th house but I'm curious to know.

I feel I should also add that I feel I'm sometimes walking a line between the rational and spiritual world. Like I'm able to have a foot in both doors.
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1. Yes, they are generational, but ur neptune has too many aspects

2.do u also attracted to men who are capricorn and/or gemini??

1. Isn't Saturn/Neptune aspects generational?

2. Everyone I'm attracted to seems to have Saturn conjunct Neptune. Sometimes composite wise and sometimes synastry, sometimes in their own natal charts. My other astrologer friend was really ecstactic about it saying it's soul mates or karmic or something like that but I don't understand her enthusiasm if it's a generational aspect.

3. If I have Saturn conjunct Neptune both in the 7th house, does it mean I'll have exceptional intuition with open enemies and partners, or does it apply to the whole chart? I'm pretty certain it's not isolated to just the 7th house but I'm curious to know.
1. Isn't Saturn/Neptune aspects generational?[ neptune is generational, and has to be linked to a personal planet or Angle to be felt or in the bottom left quadrant. It can sometimes be like father(saturn) crushed ones dreams (neptune) and aspirations in childhood and linked to depressions. That's the negative side, on the positive side, I suppose it could suggests grounding dreams/fantasies and putting structure and hard work into something to make it a reality]

2. Everyone I'm attracted to seems to have Saturn conjunct Neptune. Sometimes composite wise and sometimes synastry, sometimes in their own natal charts. My other astrologer friend was really ecstactic about it saying it's soul mates or karmic or something like that but I don't understand her enthusiasm if it's a generational aspect.[ this can suggest cultural and background differences. I've seen comments in our relationship forum that this aspect alone can be a *deal breaker*]

3. If I have Saturn conjunct Neptune both in the 7th house, does it mean I'll have exceptional intuition with open enemies and partners, or does it apply to the whole chart? I'm pretty certain it's not isolated to just the 7th house but I'm curious to know.[all depends on what other aspects these two have. beside libra is an AIR house not water like 12th, 4th and 8th ]

I feel I should also add that I feel I'm sometimes walking a line between the rational and spiritual world. Like I'm able to have a foot in both doors.

there can always be a positive and negative expression of any *aspect* so I hope I have given you a flavour of both?
1. Yes, they are generational, but ur neptune has too many aspects

2.do u also attracted to men who are capricorn and/or gemini??

Capricorn, yes. Gemini? No. Well, I take that back. I was attracted to Aries and Geminis in high school but my tastes have changed since and I tend to just go straight for Cappis. I say that in very general terms as a lot of the time these people have Cap rising, Cap moon, or Cap venus.
there can always be a positive and negative expression of any *aspect* so I hope I have given you a flavour of both?

Yes, for sure. My dad never crushed my dreams so I look at Saturn conj. Neptune as slowing one's dreams down. Manifesting them at a reasonable pace.

Also, if Saturn conj. Neptune is a huge deal breaker. WHY on earth do I keep going for it?!

Seeing this conjunction squaring LMA's sun and mercury I'd say that there is something somehow connected to this link here. She might be able to feel this and use this gift but there are problems connected like maybe it's not really easy to controll or even overwhelming.

LMA, did what you just describe ever have a sort of dangerous feeling or were you afraid of what you saw for it's not really common that people do so and have you been doubting you mental abilites because of that?

Sorry, I just saw this now Christoph. Hope I didn't catch it too late!

I know it goes against what my chart says, but I believe I have some kind of psychic ability even if only a little bit. I'm not sure if it has to do with Sagittarius being my Descendent (Rageypoo explained if Gemini was my rising sign or 'face' then Sagittarius would be my true nature, and I've often heard Sags are clairvoyant.) or if it's because I simply believe but I manifest things. Right now, it's simply small things but who knows what will happen later.

No, I don't remember it being a dangerous feeling but I did get overwhelmed believing what just happened. I mean those were only a few examples I gave, really I have a lot more. Some people I meet and I know them right away. I "recognize" them if that makes sense. It's extremely complicated when this happens. However, I don't know that I'd call that psychic. Maybe karmic or something?

I've been self-conscious about my learning speed or that I live in a different world than most people, yes, although other people have been very nice and reassured me I'm in fact very smart. I've also concluded that it's the extremely intelligent people who often turn out to be the most psychic (not implying that I'm the MOST psychic, but other people who are are also intelligent.)

With Tarot it is easier to draw out. Otherwise I think the ability comes and goes as it pleases and without much help which is frustrating.
alot of these flashes seem a bit guided, I'd say it's more intuition than anything. Still cool though!

Can you elaborate on what you mean by guided? If I've never seen a TV show before and saw an image that related to it later, I don't understand how that's guided. Also at what point does intuition turn into being psychic? I suppose reliability is a key element in defining the two.
I feel I should also add that I feel I'm sometimes walking a line between the rational and spiritual world. Like I'm able to have a foot in both doors.

Well, if these are your experiences, then these are your experiences. Perhaps Jupiter bi-quintile Neptune brings about your spiritual experiences. Pluto in Scorpio could bring penetrating insight into the deeper meaning of life and your NN in Pisces would make these kind of experiences very meaningful and fulfilling to you. I believe that we are all psychic but are we empty enough to experience it? When people are too busy with physical life and the rational, the subtle intuitive things go unnoticed. When we habitually become quiet and empty of busy-ness, we will easily perceive that which has always been there.

Hope that helps.

all the best
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Can you elaborate on what you mean by guided? If I've never seen a TV show before and saw an image that related to it later, I don't understand how that's guided. Also at what point does intuition turn into being psychic? I suppose reliability is a key element in defining the two.

Because of how our brain works. There is a concept called "Deja vu" that plays to my theory.

Deja Vu is the experience of feeling sure that one has already witnessed or experienced a current situation, even though the exact circumstances of the previous encounter are uncertain and were perhaps imagined www.wikipedia.com

this is a general idea of it, but it is also in some ways true that the eyes can pick up an image faster than the brain can register it, so sometimes we can see an image, and then see an image again because our brain catches up to the reality (hope I explained that well enough)

so when you see something on TV and see it later, your brain is already equipped to notice that "image" later on in your normal function, so the idea here is your intuition is guided, and if you relate to all the experiences you mentioned, they are all suggestive, someone either suggested something to you, or an image popped up, and THEN you had the image or thought or "coincidence" happen.

I'm not saying it isn't possible to be psychic, you could certainly be, what I'm saying is the examples given to me seemed very "guided" as in, more coincidence and circumstantial or happenstance.