What is good or bad in this synastry?

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Well-known member
May 12, 2011
Obs: I have no idea on time of his birth. My chart is only really correct. I guessed Libra Asc...but it is only a guess.
MIne is inside.
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In the meantime, a few thoughts. A key harmony is that his Sun trines your Sun and trines your Moon by sign. Also his Mars trining your Sun Merc conjunction. These are harmonies that are noteworthy. I think some important challenges are that his powerful Mars in Scorpio squares your Venus. This is not an easy aspect, and Mars also receives Venus poorly in detriment. So this could be problematic as to how you relate man to woman. Also your Moon squaring his Mercury can point to problems in communication, something possibly like what he might say could hurt or be insensitive to your feelings.
In the meantime, a few thoughts. A key harmony is that his Sun trines your Sun and trines your Moon by sign. Also his Mars trining your Sun Merc conjunction. These are harmonies that are noteworthy. I think some important challenges are that his powerful Mars in Scorpio squares your Venus. This is not an easy aspect, and Mars also receives Venus poorly in detriment. So this could be problematic as to how you relate man to woman. Also your Moon squaring his Mercury can point to problems in communication, something possibly like what he might say could hurt or be insensitive to your feelings.
Thank you. I hadnt noticed my Moon squaring his Mercury!
Nor the trines by sign!
The aspects I find 'irresistable", powerful, even if problematic are his Mars squaring my Vênus and a bunch of his personal planets opposite my Venus which is already opposed by my Uranus. Of course tyere is also his Mars conjunct my Moon. So the aspect man woman turns out pretty interesting. I think this chemistry affect us both. It seems when we feel the hourglass is emptying...fading, we find a way...a trick and turn it upside down and the game restarts! Sometimes I do it....sometimes he does it...sometimes fate does it. One never knows what comes next!
Man's Mars conjunct woman's Moon is a very powerful aspect. And the same Mars also squaring your Venus....it would make it a relationship that is stormy and full of strong, tempestuous emotions.
Man's Mars conjunct woman's Moon is a very powerful aspect. And the same Mars also squaring your Venus....it would make it a relationship that is stormy and full of strong, tempestuous emotions.
Also oppositions to Venus!