What is my chart/Saturn return trying to teach me?

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Oct 25, 2021
Hello, wondering if I could get some opinions on my chart? I have been looking/learning a bit of astrology the past few years. I feel as though I understand myself a bit better however, I still have no idea what I am doing with my life. I go from moments of pure optimism to moments of complete dread. I long for closeness and family/community but, I do not know how to open myself up or even whether I want to. I have always felt as though I have a bigger purpose but my interests are forever fleeting and I cant seem to get a grip on anything. Currently, I feel an immense amount of pressure to commit and pursue a path but have no idea what that could be.

Any thoughts are welcome, whether they are specific to my post or whether they are just an observation of my chart. Thank you!


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What is my chart/Saturn return trying to teach me?

Hi linabobina,

your saturn return is over since 01/26/2021 and was only a short overrun - without coming back to exact degree of your natal saturn. Not having been the strict examination saturn in transits is known for. You might haven't even notice it.

Or what do you think transit-saturn had teached you ?
One hint - if you are a beginner in astrology- keep your chart simple - without this asteroid stuff and focus yourself on planet placements and to learn more about them and there interaction by aspects- as planets are the only effective active energies in a chart.

Asteroids help nothing - are more confusing in the beginning and take space of necessary and important planet placements - making them tiny and more difficult to read - for others.

And do yourself a favour to learn the basics from astrology books. Otherwise you will get lost in your chart and more scared than enjoying astrology as fascinating.



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I have always felt as though I have a bigger purpose but my interests are forever fleeting and I cant seem to get a grip on anything. Currently, I feel an immense amount of pressure to commit and pursue a path but have no idea what that could be.

Feeling a higher bigger purpose or a kind of an inner order in own life - is true and well perceived and typical for having all close personal planets in impersonal 4th quarter in your chart.

Sun and mercury in 10th house - house of career, vocation and life-path/life-direction. Venus in intercepted 11th house - social commitment, to get socialized and rooted in public/society. And mars and moon in 12th house. You have an inner need and want to give a personal contribution to society, to serve the Grand Whole and to play a visible role in it.

And if you have planet placements like this - you can be sure - that you won't miss your purpose - it will show itself and planet energies will guide you on your path in life- if right transit-time has come- activating then your natal planets and their house and life-theme these planets are ruling.

But what with all personal planet placements in 4th impersonal quarter of the chart - it is same time some difficult - that they are the most farest away position from the personal area and one has difficulties to feel the energies in personal way, to feel your own needs and how to help yourself with your own needs.

The pressure under which you feel now - looks like your transit-activated cap northnode in your 7th house -with which your encountering people and your relationships often happen fate-like - is now still conjuncted by transit-pluto. And your natal mars ruling your 11th house - social commitment and interest in it - is still inconjuncted by transit-pluto to get you creative active - transit lasting until 11/11/2021.

And same time your natal uranus - ruling your 9th house - education, university and training classes is now trine supported and activated by transit-uranus itself for an improvement - opening up 9th house doors.

9th house is also house of spirituality and expanding own wisdom, house of religious faith and belief in a higher power above you. House of travels and foreign countries and people from foreign cultures and house of lawyers and book publishers.

With uranus as ruler of 9th in 7th house - one often prefers a partner from another culture.
Hello, wondering if I could get some opinions on my chart? I have been looking/learning a bit of astrology the past few years. I feel as though I understand myself a bit better however, I still have no idea what I am doing with my life.
Mars (the 'doing' planet), in Gemini (mental ideas) in 12th house

I go from moments of pure optimism to moments of complete dread.
Jupiter opposing Saturn (an aspect associated with high highs-low lows, can mean tendencies towards (chronic) depression or bi-polar nature

I long for closeness and family/community but, I do not know how to open myself up or even whether I want to.
Cancer rising, but Moon in Caner in 12th house. Active Sun Aries square Moon. Self assertion versus emotional dependency.Moon opposes Uranus-Neptune in Capricorn. Unsettled and changeable feelings.
No 'grounding' regarding their control, which must be attained from within one's self. Pluto in ruling sign, yet inconjuct (strain) Mental Mercury

I have always felt as though I have a bigger purpose but my interests are forever fleeting and I cant seem to get a grip on anything.
MY first thought? Has to be a Sun in a fire sign and/or Jupiter/Sagittarius influence. The importance of one's self for one's self.
There is a Sun trine Jupiter in Fire.
Mercury in Aries. The notorious 'Instant' and 'brilliant' mental thought patterns. Yet here today, gone tomorrow; a lack of 'staying power'. Mercury square Uranus-Neptune. Genial and/or non-rational of nature.

Currently, I feel an immense amount of pressure to commit and pursue a path but have no idea what that could be.
At 30 years of age, the progressed Sun has reached and settled in Taurus, the sign of physical security and stability. Progressed Moon will have reached Leo, opening T-square with s.p. Sun in the FIXED signs.

Any thoughts are welcome, whether they are specific to my post or whether they are just an observation of my chart. Thank you!

Your query re: Saturn in Aquarius could be likened to viewing archeological rock. It contains all those past experiences that form and provide structure to one's life, keeping them in a fixed, unchanging pattern. Yet there is a positive Sun sextile Saturn. Two planets (traits) each desiring control in their own fashion.
I learnt that sextiles refer to productivity and [can] work only after the harsh aspects within one's self are faced and have been dealt with. Saturn is the planet of acceptance of situations (within one's self) as their manifestation has shown them to be that you cannot change. Yet it can be used to your advantage. Aries is the sign of active self assertion towards 'being one's self', even if it can mean not feeling to be like (or accepted by) everyone else. As you become aware of the Aries 'inner power' within you and ignite it to work for you, you could find that the maturity that is reached after the Saturn return has been there all along. :wink::smile:
One hint - if you are a beginner in astrology- keep your chart simple - without this asteroid stuff and focus yourself on planet placements and to learn more about them and there interaction by aspects- as planets are the only effective active energies in a chart.

Asteroids help nothing - are more confusing in the beginning and take space of necessary and important planet placements - making them tiny and more difficult to read - for others.

And do yourself a favour to learn the basics from astrology books. Otherwise you will get lost in your chart and more scared than enjoying astrology as fascinating.


I appreciate this advice! I have found, I can get a bit obsessive and anxious when looking at all the information online. Are there any books you would recommend?
Feeling a higher bigger purpose or a kind of an inner order in own life - is true and well perceived and typical for having all close personal planets in impersonal 4th quarter in your chart.

Sun and mercury in 10th house - house of career, vocation and life-path/life-direction. Venus in intercepted 11th house - social commitment, to get socialized and rooted in public/society. And mars and moon in 12th house. You have an inner need and want to give a personal contribution to society, to serve the Grand Whole and to play a visible role in it.

And if you have planet placements like this - you can be sure - that you won't miss your purpose - it will show itself and planet energies will guide you on your path in life- if right transit-time has come- activating then your natal planets and their house and life-theme these planets are ruling.

But what with all personal planet placements in 4th impersonal quarter of the chart - it is same time some difficult - that they are the most farest away position from the personal area and one has difficulties to feel the energies in personal way, to feel your own needs and how to help yourself with your own needs.

The pressure under which you feel now - looks like your transit-activated cap northnode in your 7th house -with which your encountering people and your relationships often happen fate-like - is now still conjuncted by transit-pluto. And your natal mars ruling your 11th house - social commitment and interest in it - is still inconjuncted by transit-pluto to get you creative active - transit lasting until 11/11/2021.

And same time your natal uranus - ruling your 9th house - education, university and training classes is now trine supported and activated by transit-uranus itself for an improvement - opening up 9th house doors.

9th house is also house of spirituality and expanding own wisdom, house of religious faith and belief in a higher power above you. House of travels and foreign countries and people from foreign cultures and house of lawyers and book publishers.

With uranus as ruler of 9th in 7th house - one often prefers a partner from another culture.

Your observation of 9th house topics being active makes sense. I have had a strong urge to further my education for a long time now (did not have much support in that arena when I was younger), but more intensely in the last year. To find a subject to commit to for the future is an intense right now. Where I struggle is, WHAT TO COMMIT TO!? I dip my toes in different things and for a short while I truly believe "this could be it, what I am meant to do". Not too long after this optimism comes the dread. The feelings of uncertainty, self doubt, inadequacy, etc etc. Also, have a tendency to make decisions based on the people around me rather than what I personally want.

Is there something in my chart I may be able to work on to alleviate some of these tensions? I feel like I am constantly getting stuck and wasting time.
Saturn has been retro since June, and is now ready to turn ‘direct’ again on November 1, where it will adversely affect your Moon, and further emphasize the t-square . The retrograde period allows us time to reconsider and evaluate: to look inward in determining our ‘current state of being’. At the same time
the Saturn Return is significant in so much as it represents a ‘crossing of the threshold into maturity’.

This particular transit is about having the awareness and consciousness to reassert the Identity in a more balanced way. Letting go of childhood fears and perceived weaknesses is a necessary part of the healing. Above all, the key is about learning to forgive the past and move on with greater confidence about who you are and what you are here to do”.
Saturn typically relates to personal areas of restrictions and limitations, weaknesses and fears that we must overcome in order to move gradually to realize our full potential.

Initially, the themes of Saturn can seem depressing, but the energies released are an attempt to bring structure and meaning to our world.It represents our past development which contributes to the personal boundaries
we have set for ourselves in this lifetime.

Still, we also learn much from Saturn’s natal position as it shows some of our embedded fears, restrictions and limitations, which can contribute to social dysfunctions or detachment.


Since Saturn rules [puts restrictions] on your 7th H, this further emphasizes your difficulties in social relationships

Of special note is the t-square configuration that predominates the chart: Saturn in opposition with Jupiter, while both square Venus. Since that configuration has recently been amplified for you, it is no wonder you feel intense pressure to commit to a particular path in life.

“I go from moments of pure optimism to moments of complete dread”.
This is especially denoted by the opposition of Saturn/Jupiter. Add Venus to the mix, and issues relating to your sense of self-esteem/confidence mixes things up. That is one of your primary lessons in life.

Our conditioning up until the age of 7 is largely based on the parents’ influence, which is denoted initially by the interaction between the Sun and Moon in the chart. In your case, you were born at the First Quarter Phase, meaning there was likely tension between the parents in early life; while such memories are planted deep within the psyche, they still can manifest as personal difficulties at the conscious level.

Your Aries Sun in the 10th H represents ‘the father’ while the Moon /Cancer in the 12th H represents ‘the mother’: as such we might conclude that there was some ongoing discord between the two, which may well have played out as the father being domineering, while the mother was more complacent. Your experience as a witness to the interactions between them may have seemed contradictory or confrontational, which was then imprinted on your early psyche.

Our early conditioning has a profound effect on our personal social/relationship development in life. Another important factor to consider regarding our overall life path comes through the Nodal Axis,
which can help to provide clarity in terms of our individual path in this lifetime.

“The North Node is the single most important point in the chart…it describes what your Soul wants to learn and experience in this life. It is our individual Soul Messenger.”​
The South Node describes the themes and dispositions brought over from our previous life and were further developed through our early childhood conditioning. As we move through the Saturn return, honest self-evaluation is demanded of us in order to defeat our inner demons and move forward in our personal journey of evolution. As Saturn moves away from the influence of the Saturn Return, it then moves into adversity with your Moon which can also undermine your emotional stability.

For you, this demands that you work towards a balancing between the
the energies that fluctuate between Saturn [in Aquarius] and Jupiter [in Leo]: achieving such balance must eventually be reconciled within the psyche in order to strengthen the energy of a weakened Venus [low self-esteem, lack of confidence, introversion, fear ]].

I am available to offer you personal guidance should you wish to continue to examine the implications of your chart and learn how to track your transits, which are also an important factor to take into account. Namaste.
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What is my chart/Saturn return trying to teach me?
Your saturn is on 4°31 aquarius. Transit saturn went retrograde until 6°53 aquarius on 10/12/2021 -only. No more touching your natal saturn -and is since then direct again - now.

If a transit is over - the door is closed - it's over and finished and done - until next time.