What is my purpose in life ?

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Apr 9, 2010
My question; What should I do with my life? What should I do to be happy?

I feel hopeless; I can't define a life purpose for myself. I need a direction in life..but I can't find. I had difficult life since childhood... then I graduated and began to work to have my own way and be happy; but I gave up my job. Then I married but this seems like a wrong decision,too. My best friend disappointed me.

This time, I really feel hopeless about my life.This world is too difficult for me. People around me dont understand me. They are too worldly. I need some advice.

My significator venus is in tenth house in leo with jupiter. If you give me some advice according to this chart, I'd be very grateful.


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Your natal and progressed charts might be better tools than the horary chart, but I'll play this as it lays. Also, please understand that one's true purpose in life might not be a paying career. It might have something to do with the other areas of life, like family, a hobby, or friends. And for sure, we can't look to other people for our happiness. We have to create it internally, regardless of any evidence for-or-against.

Also, a personal aside: I went through a real crisis of self-confidence some years ago, when I didn't know why I was on the planet, or what I was supposed to be doing with my life. I got into astrology then, to find some answers. But the answers always eluded me. One day I realized that, with Neptune in my first house, I probably never was going to learn who I really was: but that it was all right. I had a reasonably good life notwithstanding, and as a side-benefit, I learned a lot of astrology in the process. I still don't know why I'm on the planet, but I've made my peace with that.

With Libra rising, you are symbolized by Venus. Your "calling" or vocation in life is a 10th house matter, ruled by the sun. The sun and Venus do not aspect one another, and the moon's final aspect is a square to Mars. So you may turn out like me-- not knowing what we're supposed to be doing in life, but realizing that life is about the journey, not the destination.

With Venus conjunct Jupiter in the 9th house of one's vocation in life, and the sun in the 9th house, I think "9th chord" matters would be that next walk along your life pathway. These are activities that broaden our mental horizons in some way: long-distance or armchair travel, developing a life philosophy, higher education, or finding a meaningful religious faith. This is the chart of a seeker.

So in one way, your question shows that you are beginning to do what you are supposed to be doing: finding your philosophical or spiritual center.

With that part of fortune conjunct Pluto in the third house and Mercury in the 8th, this could be a time to read deeply, or communicate with others who are equally on a soul's quest.

If, in the meantime, you need an actual job that pays the bills and/or really want to find meaningful work, please so indicate, ideally with a natal chart. This chart suggests "9th chord" fields like the travel industry or higher education. (No, you don't have to be a professor unless you wish to: there are many academic support office types of jobs in universities.)
Your natal and progressed charts might be better tools than the horary chart, but I'll play this as it lays. Also, please understand that one's true purpose in life might not be a paying career. It might have something to do with the other areas of life, like family, a hobby, or friends. And for sure, we can't look to other people for our happiness. We have to create it internally, regardless of any evidence for-or-against.

Also, a personal aside: I went through a real crisis of self-confidence some years ago, when I didn't know why I was on the planet, or what I was supposed to be doing with my life. I got into astrology then, to find some answers. But the answers always eluded me. One day I realized that, with Neptune in my first house, I probably never was going to learn who I really was: but that it was all right. I had a reasonably good life notwithstanding, and as a side-benefit, I learned a lot of astrology in the process. I still don't know why I'm on the planet, but I've made my peace with that.

With Libra rising, you are symbolized by Venus. Your "calling" or vocation in life is a 10th house matter, ruled by the sun. The sun and Venus do not aspect one another, and the moon's final aspect is a square to Mars. So you may turn out like me-- not knowing what we're supposed to be doing in life, but realizing that life is about the journey, not the destination.

With Venus conjunct Jupiter in the 9th house of one's vocation in life, and the sun in the 9th house, I think "9th chord" matters would be that next walk along your life pathway. These are activities that broaden our mental horizons in some way: long-distance or armchair travel, developing a life philosophy, higher education, or finding a meaningful religious faith. This is the chart of a seeker.

So in one way, your question shows that you are beginning to do what you are supposed to be doing: finding your philosophical or spiritual center.

With that part of fortune conjunct Pluto in the third house and Mercury in the 8th, this could be a time to read deeply, or communicate with others who are equally on a soul's quest.

If, in the meantime, you need an actual job that pays the bills and/or really want to find meaningful work, please so indicate, ideally with a natal chart. This chart suggests "9th chord" fields like the travel industry or higher education. (No, you don't have to be a professor unless you wish to: there are many academic support office types of jobs in universities.)

Waybread, thanks a lot. :) Your answer made me feel happy.
I feel like you.. Many times I think why I'm here and feel lonely and unhappy. I can't explain why; but I feel very different than most of the people - I don't mean something positive or negative- I can't keep up with the life here on this planet. I need more depth and spirituality...

Maybe as you said, a journey, a part of a journey.. You mention about ninth house; foreign languages and places and travel sound nice things. Maybe with time, I'll have a purpose even if it is nonsense to many people.. Thanks for all your suggestions, I'll take into consideration. :)
I just felt too aimless and needed to ask :)

You might want to consider posting a natal chart and transits. That would more likely show an influence that is the cause of this. Horary is great for answering specific questions (IMO) but, (and again IMO) lack an overall picture that the natal and transits will show.

You might want to consider posting a natal chart and transits. That would more likely show an influence that is the cause of this. Horary is great for answering specific questions (IMO) but, (and again IMO) lack an overall picture that the natal and transits will show.

Unfortunately, my birth information is inaccurate.. so I tried horary. Thanks.
I too have Neptune in my first. I'm one big ball of confusion in my head. I've never quite got the hang of figuring myself out.

Thanks, Jaded. I feel there is an uncertainty; I can't know.. and lack of direction in life.. One day I feel hopeless, the other day hopeful.. about what to do.. confused in the end :)
This is a perfectly valid question for those who don't understand Horary.

My question; What should I do with my life? What should I do to be happy?

I feel hopeless; I can't define a life purpose for myself. I need a direction in life..but I can't find. I had difficult life since childhood... then I graduated and began to work to have my own way and be happy; but I gave up my job. Then I married but this seems like a wrong decision,too. My best friend disappointed me.

This time, I really feel hopeless about my life.This world is too difficult for me. People around me dont understand me. They are too worldly. I need some advice.

Did anyone notice the 12th House Moon?

Probably not.

My significator venus is in tenth house in leo with jupiter. If you give me some advice according to this chart, I'd be very grateful.

Your significator Venus is afflicted by Retrograde Saturn in Scorpio, but Venus is with Jupiter, so that makes your health about average. No real concerns there. Next order of business is the 6th House Ruler Jupiter. He's also afflicted by Saturn, so expect some health problems in the future, but nothing major.

Lily gives the time in years, since the signficators are in Fixed Signs, so figure about 15 years from now, when health problems start to surface.

With Venus and Jupiter together in the 11th House, and Jupiter ruling your 6th House, plus the Sun in the 10th House, you might want to consider going back to work, and in the meantime, get involved with some group activities that interest you. That might help you understand the world around you.
Thanks, Jaded. I feel there is an uncertainty; I can't know.. and lack of direction in life.. One day I feel hopeless, the other day hopeful.. about what to do.. confused in the end :)

Same here! One day my life is complete no the next I feel it could crumble around me lol. Ugh such a heavy mind :crying:
This is a perfectly valid question for those who don't understand Horary.

Did anyone notice the 12th House Moon?

Probably not.

Your significator Venus is afflicted by Retrograde Saturn in Scorpio, but Venus is with Jupiter, so that makes your health about average. No real concerns there. Next order of business is the 6th House Ruler Jupiter. He's also afflicted by Saturn, so expect some health problems in the future, but nothing major.

Lily gives the time in years, since the signficators are in Fixed Signs, so figure about 15 years from now, when health problems start to surface.

With Venus and Jupiter together in the 11th House, and Jupiter ruling your 6th House, plus the Sun in the 10th House, you might want to consider going back to work, and in the meantime, get involved with some group activities that interest you. That might help you understand the world around you.

Thanks, Bobzemco. I've already had some health problems..
And your guess is true: I'm thinking about going back to work; yet I don't have a final decision. This time I want to give a good decision...

What I understand from this chart is; my life purpose is to do with work in a way...
At last, my understanding from this chart; my life purpose is related to work..
- briefly - I should work. I must grow up and be more responsible and patient because my significator is in the tenth..
Since the ruler of the tenth is in the ninth house; my job might require travelling, going to different places.. And jupiter, ruler of the third is with my significator; maybe I should work in the educational field..
Neptunian, just keep in mind that the 10th house and MC relate to your career in the sense of vocation, or even your calling in life, as well as your public imagine. (The first relates to how you come across to other people as a body and personality. The 10th indicates how you are known even by people who have never met you personally.)

The sixth house relates more to the more ordinary world of work. What we might do to earn a paycheck, like work on an assembly line or as a clerk, even if it wasn't truly fulfilling.

Sometimes one's vocation in life doesn't relate to how we earn a living and pay the bills.

But you know your life far better than anyone else! So if this is the meaning you take from your horary chart, it is consistent with the chart, and sounds truly positive and life-affirming.
Neptunian, just keep in mind that the 10th house and MC relate to your career in the sense of vocation, or even your calling in life, as well as your public imagine. (The first relates to how you come across to other people as a body and personality. The 10th indicates how you are known even by people who have never met you personally.)

The sixth house relates more to the more ordinary world of work. What we might do to earn a paycheck, like work on an assembly line or as a clerk, even if it wasn't truly fulfilling.

Sometimes one's vocation in life doesn't relate to how we earn a living and pay the bills.

But you know your life far better than anyone else! So if this is the meaning you take from your horary chart, it is consistent with the chart, and sounds truly positive and life-affirming.

Waybread, thanks. I never heard that thing about the tenth house.. Unfortunately, I don't know my natal rising sign and mc...

If I think in terms of an ordinary work, then sixth house; and its ruler is in the ninth house, too - same with the tenth house :) then this highlights that my calling is related to ninth house things as you said in your previous answer.