What is Shani Good For!!!

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Mar 23, 2013
What is Shani Good For!!! :-\ :-{

Well, Shani, a natural Malefic graha is (I think), the worst of all, because whichever bhava Shani sits, it just delays the fruits of that bhava. For Libra and Taurus Ascendant, Shani is a Yogakaraka planet but its fruits are still Harsh. Let's say for Libra Ascendant people, if Shani is in 3rd house in Saggitarius-It will block your communication, courage and things related to your 3rd house, it will cast drishti upon its own house(5th), thereby delaying children and intelligence and education as well. It also casts drishti on 9th house of fortune and thus it blocks the good effects of the 9th house such as luck etc, etc. So what is the use being called Shani as a Yogakaraka???? If your not born under Libra and Taurus ascendant then you are lucky enough. If you have Libra and Taurus as an ascendant, then prepare to see the effects of your YOGAKARAKA SHANI....
Please have your say....?
I'm just fed up with Shani's activity!!! (duh)
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Re: What is Shani Good For!!! :-\ :-{

Shani is often spoken of as a malefic. True, to a certain extent. However Shani is not just about delaying, restrictions. Shani is the disciplinarian. He forces us to face our fears and consistently challenges us in those areas of our life where he deems appropriate perpetually. E.g. in a hypothetical scenario, if a subject exhibited quite a boisterous and arrogant persona in their previous life it would hardly be surprising if they had Shani in Aries or in the very 1st bhava. Shani points out to us where he wants for us to improve in order for our soul to cleanse and climb the ladder towards the very lifetime in which we are considered worthy of moksha.

P.S. This is coming from someone experiencing their Saturn return right now. I've already reaped some benefits along the way this year with great difficulties, but it has definitely been worth it. It's coming full circle next month and can't wait to face the challenges ahead and learn from them to improve myself.
okay, thank you for the post. But, my point is, if Saturn doesn't spare anyone then, what's the point calling him as a yogakaraka??? It's better to have Venus or Mars as a Yogakaraka than Saturn.... (What do you say???)
Just as in Western, so too in Vedic, Saturn is generally regarded as "always bad": yet authorities in Western and in Vedic remind us that Saturn can become a functional benefic under a variety of circumstances, indeed, highly benefic in certain situations.
True, the nature of Saturn is what we might term "catabolic"-however part of that Saturnine nature includes patience, determination, fixity, longevity, concentration, detachment, and other potentially + qualities.
We know from the commonly available literature, about Saturn's -, hard, difficult or malefic potentials-however as an antidote to the common "always bad" misconception about Saturn, there are several books (deriving from Vedic astrology) which point out the numerous instances of the functionally benefic Saturn's influences: these books (available from numerous internet vendors of astrology books, such as astroamerica.com) include "Secrets of Saturn", "Saturn:friend or foe?", "Saturn the King-maker", "Saturn: Friend and Guide", etc...
It's better to have Venus or Mars as a Yogakaraka than Saturn.... (What do you say???)

Not necessarily! It all depends ENTIRELY upon the circumstances of the individual chart.
Example: Saturn figured prominently in both my late wife's and my charts: also was prominent in our marriage chart: we were together for 40 years, until her passing (at age 57): Saturn gave longevity to our marriage (40 years!)-and I'll further add that in my late wife's case, it was a functionally malefic JUPITER (NOT Saturn!) that (I believe) mostly contributed to her death at the relatively early age of 57.
Dr Farr,

i completly agree with you . saturn dasha has been very good for me except delays and some frustrations .

was your wife tauras rising ?

Re: What is Shani Good For!!! :-\ :-{


i am tauras - - and saturn is in 3 house for me .. i accept that evrything is delayed in my case , i am sure for a good reason .

during my saturn antardasha - -i didnt communicate much with anyone - my friends and family both. shani thou brought loads of luck . so i feel shani is good .

Well, Shani, a natural Malefic graha is (I think), the worst of all, because whichever bhava Shani sits, it just delays the fruits of that bhava. For Libra and Taurus Ascendant, Shani is a Yogakaraka planet but its fruits are still Harsh. Let's say for Libra Ascendant people, if Shani is in 3rd house in Saggitarius-It will block your communication, courage and things related to your 3rd house, it will cast drishti upon its own house(5th), thereby delaying children and intelligence and education as well. It also casts drishti on 9th house of fortune and thus it blocks the good effects of the 9th house such as luck etc, etc. So what is the use being called Shani as a Yogakaraka???? If your not born under Libra and Taurus ascendant then you are lucky enough. If you have Libra and Taurus as an ascendant, then prepare to see the effects of your YOGAKARAKA SHANI....
Please have your say....?
I'm just fed up with Shani's activity!!! (duh)
I tend to just go with the trik houses regarding this consideration (6, 8, 12)-HOWEVER, this is again MODIFIED by the sarva bindu totals for these houses: I always include such an evaluation and never simply go with a blanket-generalization regarding these lordship of houses vis-a-vis lagna classifications.
so here jupiter was 6 lord .sir howver i feel 8 lord is worst and can bring biggest troubles in life .

In my Opinion, If any graha ruling the 8th house in a Chart also rules a Kendra and a Kona simultaneously, then the malefic effect of the 8th is neutralized. Lets say for example, for Libra-Ascendant, Venus has a mixed Lordship of 1st and 8th and, we can't say that Venus is an inauspicious planet for Tula Lagnas. Same goes with Aries Ascendant people.
However, if any graha rules two dushthana houses, then its problematic, like Jupiter(3L+6L) for Libra Rising People.
Hi Midi ,

oh ok . well jupiter is a natural benefic so may be he wont be that bad . i feel so .

I am tauras rising - jup is 8 nd 11 lord placed in lagna ..howver no gains during jup ad .. life was in a way miserable .

okay, thank you for the post. But, my point is, if Saturn doesn't spare anyone then, what's the point calling him as a yogakaraka??? It's better to have Venus or Mars as a Yogakaraka than Saturn.... (What do you say???)

Venus and Mars or any other graha for that matter has it's advantages and disadvantages. Unfortunately, it is not for us to decide which yogakaraka is applicable to a native. Saturn I feel would make a person rather serious which would manifest itself into early maturity in life. Thus their Sade-Sati would not be as challenging as it would be for the average bear. (Other factors will apply of course).
To QUANTIFY all these various factors, I have come to depend upon ashtakavarga evaluation (especially the sarva bindu totals) for the needed clarification.
Re: What is Shani Good For!!! :-\ :-{

Well, Shani, a natural Malefic graha is (I think), the worst of all, because whichever bhava Shani sits, it just delays the fruits of that bhava. For Libra and Taurus Ascendant, Shani is a Yogakaraka planet but its fruits are still Harsh. Let's say for Libra Ascendant people, if Shani is in 3rd house in Saggitarius-It will block your communication, courage and things related to your 3rd house, it will cast drishti upon its own house(5th), thereby delaying children and intelligence and education as well. It also casts drishti on 9th house of fortune and thus it blocks the good effects of the 9th house such as luck etc, etc. So what is the use being called Shani as a Yogakaraka???? If your not born under Libra and Taurus ascendant then you are lucky enough. If you have Libra and Taurus as an ascendant, then prepare to see the effects of your YOGAKARAKA SHANI....
Please have your say....?
I'm just fed up with Shani's activity!!! (duh)

I have the exact same setup. Libra ascendant, Shani in 3rd house and a miserable life. Higher education not getting completed, no job satisfaction, not having a good social circle, basically no idea as to where life is going. Can someone please throw more light on this area? Sade Sati has just started for me and i am also running Rahu Mahadasha, where Rahu is also malefic for me.
shani is not good for material things , infact it is for clearing our karmic account , the moment you start shani mahadasha it gives u failures , losses , debts , health issues specially pain in back and legs , fractures , accidents , and i have seen taurus and libra ascendent ( lagna ) people more suffer then other lagna , as it is yogkaraka so it is doing good for you ,cleaning your karmic debt , making you clean for next dasha in this life or better next birth , but dont expect it will give you material gains and money , even you earn good amount , there will shortage of money in shani mahadasha , one problem going , second about to reach , third fourth fifth coming , it will never allow you to enjoy any single moment of life , this is what shani gives us pain for our bad karmas ,
if you go to school , you enjoy , but then exams time , there is stress , same is shani mahdasha ( testing time )
remedy for shani listen vishnu sahasaranama
Sashi good for nothing.
Sashi is The Worst.
My Saturn/Saturn currently running.
Life totally miserable and fcked up.
Saturn 9L and 10L and it's in Vergo in Hasta 5th House. Saturn in 5th aspecting 7th and 2nd house destroyed the total fun of life. Saturn makes me a looser,a slave. Saturn not that with Bad Dignity in chart. Saturn got most strength in Sadbala after Sun and Moon respectively. Saturn is with good dignity in other Varga Charts too. Still I will say Saturn *****.
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No planet is good or bad per se. They are instruments in the hands of destiny and they just cause the circumstances that the karmas of each one of us warrant. The portfolios of some planets have more of tough acts than those of others. That is why these planets are termed as naturally malign planets such as Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Ketu unlike the naturally benign planets like Jupiter, Venus etc. As the quality of karmas unfold with time the required planets get activated. But experience shows that no planet is wholly adverse and no planet is wholly favourable.
Yea,no planet good or bad. It's just different pov. In paper(my natal chart) Saturn is good. At least I can see with my very limited knowledge. But from my pov(reality/frm my own experience till now) Saturn good for nothing.