I see the word Anti-christ as someone who is opposed to Christ's teachings.
We see a LOT of that going on in the world today for sure, and sadly, right here in the good ole' USA.
His teachings centered around the 7 Virtues, as opposed to the 7 Sins.
The virtues are always, (imo), something we are constantly working on and hope to reach before we pass on.
Sounds simplistic, but thats how I see it.
The Seven Contrary Virtues which are specific opposites to
the Seven Deadly Sins:
Humility against pride,
Kindness against envy,
Abstinence against gluttony,
Chastity against lust,
Patience against anger, Liberality against greed, and
Diligence against sloth.
I believe as come down in history, the wording is not to be taken TOO literally of course, it's the spirit behind the words.
For example, "Deadly" sin may suggest only that to embrace these opposite viewpoints, would be deadly to your soul's vital interest.
http://changingminds.org/explanatio...ty against greed, and Diligence against sloth.