What is the astrological reason I do what I do?

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astrop86 said:
I believe I may have over-reacted a bit, I was just taken aback by having the thread moved around and then feeling like people were jumping on me for not always posting a chart.
I have your chart. I immediately captured the data. I've been looking at it. As for people jumping on you about posting your chart, no one has the right to do that. Ever. Some people in this group never share their natal charts. I may be a huge exception. I don't post a graphic because I don't like being dependent on having a chart stored on another site. I figure if someone is curious about me, he or she can take a moment to put in my data, which is in my sig file. Most of us prefer to use our own program when we are serious.
As for the Gemini on the MC, the only "planets" I have in the 10th house is a Chiron conjunct Lilith. I realize Chiron is the wounded healer, but wouldn't Lilith cause some problems to make that worse?
First of all, are you assuming that without 10th house planets, you can't be successful? You are a scientist. Looking at presidential charts, almost all show planets in the 10th house. But guess what? For many if not most of them, astrologers are *guessing* at birthtimes.
Right now I am a bit worried about career, as well as finances (as so many other people are right now), as I just got accepted into graduate school, but its a big move for me (2600 miles in about 6 days of on/off driving) and its going to be a very big change for me. I guess a part of me is worried if I'll be okay, especially with the ocean always being a part of my life (Neptune in 4th), and now I'll be leaving for the mountains.
I hope you realize how huge the fear is right now in the US. Probably in the whole world, but I have listened to more news programs in the few months than I did over the course of *years* in the past. Last night I heard that prescription drugs usage has increased by something like 30% for stress and sleep related issues. You may be making the mistake of personalizing things too much. No one with three brain cells feels confident about money or plans for the future now. I also live in Florida. I have NEVER been through a year like this.
That stellium in Aquarius 6H isn't helping me much either, as I've already failed two tests in the past two weeks from all of the stress it is causing on me lately. It just feels like I can't keep up, and sadly this thing sticks around until June or so.
Well, it's not really all about Aquarius at the moment, since Mars moved into Pisces. But I have those same planets in my 6th too, transiting. My AC is 10 Virgo, so I have almost the same transits (same planets in same houses). And it is true that people with 12th house natal planets with AC close to 10 Virgo are feeling that right now.

But in your chart look to Saturn opposition Uranus, which is the worst transit for all of us, then look where it is impacting your chart. See it lining up with your natal Jupiter? Whatever level of optimism you normally feel is directly affected by that. Two of the transiting planets (Mercury and Sun) will be moving on pretty quickly. And other planets that line up in that sensitve spot will also move by quickly. But Uranus has been fixed or locked into a rather long-lasting opposition to Saturn for some time, and like "Jason" it keeps coming back. If you study Rx motion, you will see why this happens. When slow moving planets form an opposition, one is always moving direct while the other is moving Rx, and that keeps moving these two planets back into the opposition. For those of us who have been more or less "living" with this transit right over something in our charts, the feeling of being pulled in two directions by the forces going on in the world right now is especially acute.

I have that same opposition hitting my Jupiter, only both planets are squaring it. I don't think I've ever felt so limited and so "boxed in" during my whole life. What keeps me sane is finding out that there are *millions* of people going through the same thing. I don't think what you are feeling is at all peculiar to your chart, or "caused" by things specific to your chart alone (or reflecting only your chart).
waybread said:
I have been studying astrology for 18 years, and very seldom have I felt that I have reached a dead end. There is always more to learn, and more questions to ask. But to paraphrase astrologer Steven Forrest, no planet is in our charts just to hurt us. I believe in a choice-centered astrology, in which people can develop empowering interpretations of their tough aspects. Every planet in my chart except Uranus is involved in an opposition or square. Thankfully, I learned astrology later in life, after most of it had actually turned out pretty well, nevertheless.
I've been studying astrology since my early 20s, and I've felt I've reached a dead end both with it and with life about ten thousand times.

But I never felt that I reached a dead end *because* or my chart, or because of astrology. And I'm still around and kicking, so none of those dead ends turned out to be true. Some of us are just more pessimistic, perhaps. ;)
I think much of it came from the way I interpreted and "felt" some of the responses as of late, which at times felt like people were discouraging me from attempting to learn certain things. But, that's more of a personal problem more than anything else.

Edit: Saved by gaer! Thanks for actually making sense and willing to help. And yes, I do realize the fear going on in the US. Thankfully, they don't know even half of what I know, from the underground news sites (which btw, are confirming much of Theo's posts in Astrology Now! as well as someone put a horary question on "Is there a secret war being waged by the banks (hate to say it, but yes, they actually do have world domination on the mind, and are pretty close to it). Thankfully, I only lived in FL for the first six weeks of my life, then lived in VA for the rest (btw, I live about 15 minutes from the A.R.E. for those who understand that).

Now I'm just trying to figure out how to survive mentally this semester and finacially this summer so that I will be able to have a successful start in grad school in ID.
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astro86 said:
As for the Gemini on the MC, the only "planets" I have in the 10th house is a Chiron conjunct Lilith. I realize Chiron is the wounded healer, but wouldn't Lilith cause some problems to make that worse?
With Chiron and Lilith in your tenth, there is bound to be some struggle and frustration, as both these bodies strengthen us by showing us 'first' our weaknesses. To heal you need to work on yourself, which inevitably involves pain and frustration.

Chiron functions a lot like Saturn I've noticed. Chiron's healing is usually accompanied by some hurt (as all healing actually is). How can you heal a wound without first making the person aware of it (of the weaknesses, that what needs to be fixed..), laying it open and accepting it- the weakness (that is the hurt part). After you have worked on the wound and healed it, it then becomes your strength, which is why Chiron shows both - our weaknesses and strengths or wisdom (which has to be attained). Also, if Saturn is involved, lessons are always learned the hard way. Saturn opposes your MC tightly involving some friction and tension. It also aspects the tenth-house ruler (Merc), though in a trine. All of this, IMO, is likely to cause some delay in settling down with a career, but Saturn's trine to Merc should also impart stability, on the other hand. It's opposition might indicate that you could have trouble with authoritative figures in your professional/public life (either through fear of them, or even simply accepting people having authority over you in some way).

Btw, with Gemini on the cusp of 10th, it might take you some time to be able to decide what you really want, and, even then, your mind could jump from one to the other in some way.

As regards Lilith, here's what Joëlle de Gravelaine wrote in her article, "Lilith und das Loslassen", published in a German periodical, Astrologie Heute Nr. 23.

"During my years of astrological practice, I have come to use the Dark Moon in all my chart analyses, as a complement to interpretating the Moon. It would never occur to me to neglect this influence. The Dark Moon describes our relationship to the absolute, to sacrifice as such, and shows how we let go. In transit, the Dark Moon indicates some form of castration or frustration, frequently in the areas of desire, a powerlessness of the psyche, or a general inhibition. On the other hand, it shows where we question ourselves, our lives, our jobs, and our beliefs. I feel this is important, since it gives us the opportunity to "let go" of something. The Dark Moon shows where we can let the Whole flow into our selves, without putting an "I" in the way, without putting up a wall in the form of ego. At the same time, it doesn't indicate passivity - on the contrary - it symbolizes the firm will to be open and trusting, to let the Greater World flow through one, relying entirely on the great laws of the universe, on that which we name God. To prepare us for this opening, the Dark Moon creates a necessary void."

Though acceptance of Chiron has gained strength, yet quite a few astrologers still leave Lilith out. For my part, I include it more and more in my readings, as it very often 'completes the picture' for me.

gaer said:
I don't post a graphic because I don't like being dependent on having a chart stored on another site. I figure if someone is curious about me, he or she can take a moment to put in my data, which is in my sig file. Most of us prefer to use our own program when we are serious.
I know what you mean.
However, speaking generally, when people ask questions pertaining to their own chart, it seems a bit courteous to attach their chart to their post, so it is readily available for others to read. As regards having "a chart stored on another site"; you can always delete it, whenever you want, on the threads here (leaving simply your data behind, if you like, for people who might want to do a follow-up), or even from your own profile at astro.com. Anyways, this is a different topic altogether.:D

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gaer said:
I have that same opposition hitting my Jupiter, only both planets are squaring it. I don't think I've ever felt so limited and so "boxed in" during my whole life. What keeps me sane is finding out that there are *millions* of people going through the same thing. I don't think what you are feeling is at all peculiar to your chart, or "caused" by things specific to your chart alone (or reflecting only your chart).
Thanks for putting that bit of information up here, gaer. I'd thought it was just me!!!! I was born 2 months before you, and it's only been since this crazy Uranus-Saturn opposition forming the dreaded t-square with natal Jupiter that I've been able to recognise how dependent I am upon my Jupiter placement for winging my merry way through life!!!!

For me, it's upsetting my whole sense of what is right and just and decent in the world. In some ways I have never been so confronted by an enormous wave of what I can only call `indecency' - and this is just in my own life. I haven't even taken into account the wider world.

Perhaps I'm just incredibly naive.......
aquarius7000 said:
However, speaking generally, when people ask questions pertaining to their own chart, it seems a bit courteous to attach their chart to their post, so it is readily available for others to read. As regards having "a chart stored on another site"; you can always delete it, whenever you want, on the threads here (leaving simply your data behind, if you like, for people who might want to do a follow-up), or even from your own profile at astro.com. Anyways, this is a different topic altogether.:D

Quickly: if I started threads asking for help or advice or analysis re my chart, yes, I would *definitely* attach the chart.

Now, to the topic: I'm not entirely sure what it is! It seems as though we could easily split into about three. :)

But perhaps this is part of it:
Btw, with Gemini on the cusp of 10th, it might take you some time to be able to decide what you really want, and, even then, your mind jump from one to the other in some way.
I have Gem on the 10th. It has been difficult for me to settle on a "career" because I hate being tied down. :)

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