What is the Cause?

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The rust on dust

Well-known member
Aug 28, 2014
So here I am again. I updated my other post with the results of the blood test which does not show anything. Since being specific about what might be troubling me has not really worked, I decided to just ask what the heck is the cause of my issue.

Hopefully it will shed some light on how I can or have to proceed forward, thank you for your time and effort!


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So I have been asked by my doctor to take a stool sample during my last visit to check if there was any bleeding or something else going on. I have been pretty concerned because I have been finding quite some blood in the stool when I got the sample. After that day I have been checking my subsequent stools and the blood is consistently there. I Have been searching online and it could be related to a ulcer. Seems that bleeding ulcers are at some times a source of complications.
Is this chart related to this and do the planets point to a surgery which if it is a bleeding ulcer which I suspect it is, is the most likely way to resolve it(will get the data back from my stool sample in a week or so). So do the planets in the 8 house paint a picture concerning this? Perhaps even a dire outcome since the 8th house is related to death? Just curious here and hope someone can reply to me here concerning this whatever the outcome of the chart, would just be nice to know. Thank you for your time and effort
I wonder with your significator in the 8th applying to meet exalted Sun in Aries, if blood in the stool may not be related to bleeding of inflamed internal hemorrhoids, 8th house being associated with excretory/removal of waste/decay function?
I hope it is something benign like this.
Please let us know how you do.
So here I am again. I updated my other post with the results of the blood test which does not show anything. Since being specific about what might be troubling me has not really worked, I decided to just ask what the heck is the cause of my issue.

Hopefully it will shed some light on how I can or have to proceed forward, thank you for your time and effort!
Looks like the other chart, doesn't it? L1 in H8 and doctors have no clue what it could be. So I'll stick with my opinion in the other thread, the lymphatic system,

Here's how I understand it works: The lymphatic system is a bit of a ghost system because it doesn't show up in tests, and yet it is everywhere. What shows up in tests is the results of a clogged up lymphatic system, mainly chronic inflammation (Ma/Aries) or ulcers. The lymphatic system is your waste elimination system (H8), when that doesn't work properly, the body cannot get rid of cellular waste via the normal channels and it starts accumulating in the body and so the body will try to get rid of that waste thru other channels, like the skin. Which can cause all kinds of skin problems again.

So I would suggest the same as last time. Go to a naturopathic doctor (ND), not a medical doctor (MD). Clearly MD's can't help you. Their perspective of the human body is very limited which leaves them with only very few options for treatment. The ND perspective is much broader which gives them a lot more options for treating your issue. Some might even understand medical astrology.
So I have been asked by my doctor to take a stool sample during my last visit to check if there was any bleeding or something else going on. I have been pretty concerned because I have been finding quite some blood in the stool when I got the sample. After that day I have been checking my subsequent stools and the blood is consistently there. I Have been searching online and it could be related to a ulcer. Seems that bleeding ulcers are at some times a source of complications.
Is this chart related to this and do the planets point to a surgery which if it is a bleeding ulcer which I suspect it is, is the most likely way to resolve it(will get the data back from my stool sample in a week or so). So do the planets in the 8 house paint a picture concerning this? Perhaps even a dire outcome since the 8th house is related to death? Just curious here and hope someone can reply to me here concerning this whatever the outcome of the chart, would just be nice to know. Thank you for your time and effort
Horary can be only as specific as your context. If you ask "What's wrong with my big toe on my left foot?", that's a rather specific context. Or if you ask, "I've got something stuck in my foot, is that splinter a piece of metal or wood?" that's even more specific. In that case you can get a very specific answer from the chart because then what L1 in H8 in Aries means can only have a very limited number of possibilities. But if you ask a very general question like "What's wrong with me?" then you could fill pages with what L1 in H8 in Aries could mean. And you are not going to make sense of this, especially if you are not a doctor.

And death isn't predicted like that. Predicting death because your significator is in H8 would be extremely reckless. There are rules on how to predict death, and even those rules are not reliable. That's why most astrologers shy away from predicting death, not to mention the ethical issues involved.

Also, don't keep googling this stuff or doing horaries, trying to diagnose yourself. You are not a doctor, so you have no idea how to prioritize the information you find. Let's say you google 'strong chronic headaches' and go thru the list of what this could mean, then, without having the ability to prioritize and being able to judge what is likely and what isn't, you may actually convince yourself that you may have a brain tumor because the symptoms listed for brain tumors mostly match your symptoms. You already concluded that your significator in H8 could mean this could be deadly. See how this works? Your gaps in knowledge, your mind will fill in with imagination. So don't scare yourself unnecessarily. Take the information that the chart or google or other members here offer with at least two grains of salt. Medical astrology is complicated. It's not like predicting marriage or landing a new job. You need some actual medical training and background knowledge in order to make reliable predictions. AFAIK, no one here qualifies as such, myself included.

That's why you need to go and see someone who understands this stuff. Your doctor obviously doesn't. So you need to go look elsewhere if you want to get to the bottom of this.