What is the correct DOB 7th Dec or 6th Dec based on life events

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Sep 29, 2014
My sister and my mom are confused about my sister's date of birth - dec 6 or dec 7th. Based on life events which date do you think is correct?
For both dates D1 chart remains the same but birth dasha and moon nakshatras are different.

Year of birth 1962, Chandigarh, 12:05 am

Life events
Marriage: Aug, 1989
Son born: Sep 1991
Son had major medical error: Dec 1993
Son died: April 2011
Husband died: April 2021
She has developed retina problem in one eye.
Hello parme,

for me, there is no doubt, taking into account the time, the elements and the biographical periods that you have given, your sister was born on December 6, 1962 at 12:05 a.m. in Chandigarh (India).

It will now be possible to make future predictions to affirm these birth data.

Ecliptique. :)
My sister and my mom are confused about my sister's date of birth - dec 6 or dec 7th. Based on life events which date do you think is correct?
For both dates D1 chart remains the same but birth dasha and moon nakshatras are different.

Year of birth 1962, Chandigarh, 12:05 am

Life events
Marriage: Aug, 1989
Son born: Sep 1991
Son had major medical error: Dec 1993
Son died: April 2011
Husband died: April 2021
She has developed retina problem in one eye.
Hello Parme,

I am also inclined to the 6th, but I need another confirmation to your query.

She married in Aug 1989 as you say.
Did 1991 bring a sharp change in her life? maybe she decided to look for a suitor, or found on or something like that?

amd or

Did 1999 bring a sharp turn in her life; maybe slow it down?

Hello Parme,

I am also inclined to the 6th, but I need another confirmation to your query.

She married in Aug 1989 as you say.
Did 1991 bring a sharp change in her life? maybe she decided to look for a suitor, or found on or something like that?

amd or

Did 1999 bring a sharp turn in her life; maybe slow it down?

1991 Sep her son was born. That is big change in life. I do not know any big change in 1999.

In 93 Dec she had a big event in her life. Her son became brain dead because of a medical error a remained like that for next 14-15 years. After that he died in April 2011.

May be in 1999 (I do not know dates, just guessing) she started to her explore art as a professional career.

We needed to confirm the dob to get correct guidnace for her future. She has a garden decor business that she runs from home. She wants to sell the business and house to retire into a smaller flat and use the funds for her retirement needs. Her question is

1. when will she be able to wrap up her business and sell the current house?

2. Also will she have blindness in her left eye where she has retina problem?
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Hello parme,

for me, there is no doubt, taking into account the time, the elements and the biographical periods that you have given, your sister was born on December 6, 1962 at 12:05 a.m. in Chandigarh (India).

It will now be possible to make future predictions to affirm these birth data.

Ecliptique. :)
Thank you. My mom also thinks it is Dec 6th so your confirmation is helpful. We needed to confirm the dob to get correct guidnace for her future. She has a garden decor business that she runs from home. She wants to sell the business and house to retire into a smaller flat and use the funds for her retirement needs. Her question is

1. when will she be able to wrap up her business and sell the current house?

2. Also will she have blindness in her left eye where she has retina problem?
Hello parme,

to answer question 1, the best period that I see is between early May 2026 and mid-March 2027: she will have good control in relationships and in the interest that will be shown to her. This will help to maintain control of herself or any problems that arise as well as to be attached to her interests and to have certainty in the choices she makes. This will lead her to have control over her aspirations.

To answer question 2, if she can, she should try to get things done to improve her vision.

Ecliptique. :)
Hello parme,

to answer question 1, the best period that I see is between early May 2026 and mid-March 2027: she will have good control in relationships and in the interest that will be shown to her. This will help to maintain control of herself or any problems that arise as well as to be attached to her interests and to have certainty in the choices she makes. This will lead her to have control over her aspirations.

To answer question 2, if she can, she should try to get things done to improve her vision.

Ecliptique. :)
Thank you. Yes she is taking regular treatment for her vision from one of the best doctor and getting a checkup every 3 months.
1991 Sep her son was born. That is big change in life. I do not know any big change in 1999.

In 93 Dec she had a big event in her life. Her son became brain dead because of a medical error a remained like that for next 14-15 years. After that he died in April 2011.

May be in 1999 (I do not know dates, just guessing) she started to her explore art as a professional career.

We needed to confirm the dob to get correct guidnace for her future. She has a garden decor business that she runs from home. She wants to sell the business and house to retire into a smaller flat and use the funds for her retirement needs. Her question is

1. when will she be able to wrap up her business and sell the current house?

2. Also will she have blindness in her left eye where she has retina problem?

Dear Parme,

Looks its certainly 6th. Dec [1962 at 00.05 hrs in Chandigarh, India]!
Sorry for the trouble.

Dear Parme,

Looks its certainly 6th. Dec [1962 at 00.05 hrs in Chandigarh, India]!
Sorry for the trouble.

Thank you Rishi Rahul.
Appreciate you analysing further.
Do you have any predictions for her two questions? It could give her valuable guidnace to plan her future.

Thanks again.
I have reached the conclusion that her date of birth is the 7th of December.
As regards the two questions that you have asked I have drawn up a chart for her with the date as mentioned above by me. My response to each is as below:
  • when will she be able to wrap up her business and sell the current house? -She will be able to sell off her current house before 2027 is over.

    2. Also will she have blindness in her left eye where she has retina problem? -Let us first examine from the Moon. The twelfth house from the Moon has Aquarius sign. It represents the left eye. Saturn owns it. Saturn is in Sravan nakshatra of the Moon. The Moon is the karak for the left eye as the Sun is for the right. So Saturn and the concerned house together represent the left eye. It is with Ketu. Ketu aggravates. Saturn owns the eleventh house. This is the twelfth from the twelfth which is the house of the left house. So her vision is gradually depleting in the left eye. To save the eye Lord Ganesh and Hanuman should be pleased. If we examine from the ascendant the left eye is represented by the twelfth house. This house has Cancer that is owned by the Moon. Saturn projects close aspect to the Moon. On account of a more detailed enquiry on the same lines as above for the twelfth house from the Moon, it shows a gradual depletion in the sight and its ultimate extinction.
It can be difficult to determine the correct birth date based on life events between December 6 and 7. Refer to official documents like birth certificates whenever possible. Significant anniversaries, family recollections, or astrological charts may provide clues if they are unavailable. However, the final authority ought to be the records of the law.
The rectified time is December 6, 1962, at 12:07 A.M.


1) Marriage: During the Mercury-Moon period, with the Moon in the constellation of Saturn and Saturn as the 7th house lord, and the Moon positioned in the 7th house.

The current progressed ascendant is Aquarius, with the Moon in the 2nd house, indicating potential right eye issues due to light rays. The 12th house(left) contains Saturn and Ketu, suggesting Śraddha or Sarpa Dosha. Saturn, which is responsible for the removal of dead cells, is eclipsed by Ketu, blocking this process and thus causing vision to be eclipsed.
left is more than right