What is the future of my career at this company?

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Feb 8, 2017
Hi all,

Just went through a difficult time at my company last year. I made a complaint against a very difficult coworker to HR but was ultimately blamed for the incident. The coworker has since retired, and my team environment has changed for the better. I still can't forgive HR for what they've done, though, so much so that I am actually considering leaving. If I continued to stay on here, I don't see any job prospects or even any promotions to management (as I really hate them, so wondering why I should join a team of people I really dislike)?

So I asked the horary today about the future of my career at this company, but as I am still not very experienced, please offer your insights.

I am signified by the Sun, the company is signified by Venus. For some reason, Sun and Venus have mutual exaltation? I can't help but wonder what all the various aspects of Sun to Mars and Moon to Jupiter mean?


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Thanks, unfortunately it's very hard to see how things will improve here. Management are starting to think of extremely silly ideas to try to drum up business in this company eg making it a goal for all employees to promote them on social media!

Does anyone else have insights?
hello renjer
your job is venus essentially in detriment and cadent accidentally, so basically is in a bad state.Moreover venus isn't going to change any time soon and leave his debility and enter taurus, in order to say this we must have had venus in 28-29 degrees of aries.
you on the other hand are signified by a peregrine succedent sun in pieces and a peregrine cadent moon your co-ruler in aries.So basically you are essentialy-accidentally weak and you have mixed feelings about this job. On one hand moon has venus in her term but detriment(detriment is stronger than term-you hate it ) while sun exalts venus-put her on a pedestal.In real terms though you like your job there are certain issues which make you feel uncomfortable and dislike the workplace.And for sure saturn-l7 your colleagues and mars (possibly boss since has power over venus and saturn) being in moon's detriment is not easy to handle, they both harm moon.We see also than moon previously found venus contrantiscion, so obviously you faced tension .sun being in pisces in jupiter's domicile depicts your need to resign(in this chart part of resignation and dismissal is Jupiter).
So as i said previously you have a job that though you like it and there's mutual reception (venus exalts sun), still you face a hard time from colleagues and mars-management
As for the forthcoming aspects, moon will tol jupiter to venus, so in fact moon will get embraced between two essentially benefics, though since jupiter in his fall and in moon's detriment and venus in her detriment i don't think this would be a great help, considering also that in this chart Jupiter signifies also resignation i hope this won't be the case.After that will aspect saturn as essential malefic, being also in moon's detriment.

So frankly i don't see any major improvement for you in the near future, considering the above, but as i said the good part is that venus in sun's exaltation. Your salary mercury (as your pocket also) essentially and accidentally debilitated (retrograde-combust-in his fall and detriment) but gets a boost from formalhout, so i would say you are not in a position to act right now.

*regarding colleagues speaking long term- about 2 something units (months seems more logic in this instance) : saturn from aquarious and sun from aries will be in mutual negative reception
Thanks Aria this was very insightful. I have been looking for other jobs but it has been very difficult to find another one right now.
you are mostly welcome Renjer.Keep in mind though than in such type of questions the important thing is to see how the job(l10) or relevant sigs to the context always affect the querent.You might work in a very good company and still not feel appreciated there, or feel miserable due to the boss or else. Still your question wasn't should i leave this job(or mayby was the underlying issue), or whether the next one will be better.The good part in this case as i said previously is that this job though is no good at the moment,is in mutual reception with sun through exaltation.So the job doesn't harm you per se, in fact puts sun on a pedestal. the problem stems from co-workers and management who both harm moon and they are in mutual reception and unfortunately sun is the beginning of pisces peregrine with no power to act as also moon.
You are mostly right, Aria. I have always wanted to leave this job since last year, but ever since going through some team changes this year, the environment has somewhat improved. However, at the same time management is steadily getting worse, thus leading to my mixed feelings about this job. That's why the question wasn't "when will I leave this job" but more like "what is the future for me in this job".

The "job putting me on a pedestal" could also mean that they would really like to see me get promoted and assume more responsibilities. I have mentioned some time ago that I don't wish to be in management, but the current management won't want to hear of that.
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i know what you mean but i always try to stick to the core of the question and you didn't ask whether you should get promoted or whether your boss appreciates you or else. Judging from this chart though this powerful mars is indifferent to sun and in moon's detriment, still needs the job to be done and let's say for that you are suitable.So if this means that they want to give you more responsibilities, then you could see it that way but as i said sun is the beginning of pisces, we cant stretch the chart and put him in his exaltation in aries, however the fact that moon will be embraced between two essentially benefics, even though they are in their debilities and jupiter in moon's detriment gives a positive hint short term, unless of cource you decide to resign (jupiter)

Hi all,

Just went through a difficult time at my company last year. I made a complaint against a very difficult coworker to HR but was ultimately blamed for the incident. The coworker has since retired, and my team environment has changed for the better. I still can't forgive HR for what they've done, though, so much so that I am actually considering leaving. If I continued to stay on here, I don't see any job prospects or even any promotions to management (as I really hate them, so wondering why I should join a team of people I really dislike)?

So I asked the horary today about the future of my career at this company, but as I am still not very experienced, please offer your insights.

I am signified by the Sun, the company is signified by Venus. For some reason, Sun and Venus have mutual exaltation? I can't help but wonder what all the various aspects of Sun to Mars and Moon to Jupiter mean?

Retro Mercury is the change up power source here for a decision maker, he is in charge as lord of the 2nd HC future Virgo prospects (work) in the chart. Retro, (goes back to work as usual) question does Mercury make an aspect with Moon or Venus, yes a sextile (opportunity) to Venus to call the shots. There is your answer. The ball is in your court. Mercury is on the way to Venus with a sextile, (opportunity) Moon will see Venus (conjuntion, meeting of the minds) as head of the court and create a smoothed out feeling betw. the company and yourself also. That is should you be so inclined to chit chat with the higher up sources...are you prepared to settle this situation on your own? Make demands? You could ease out of the career opportunity and get another gig very easily, but as you say the company doesn't really want to see you leave.


Student of Astrology
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Retro Mercury is the change up power source here for a decision maker, he is in charge as lord of the 2nd HC future Virgo prospects (work) in the chart. Retro, (goes back to work as usual) question does Mercury make an aspect with Moon or Venus, yes a sextile (opportunity) to Venus to call the shots. There is your answer. The ball is in your court. Mercury is on the way to Venus with a sextile, (opportunity) Moon will see Venus (conjuntion, meeting of the minds) as head of the court and create a smoothed out feeling betw. the company and yourself also. That is should you be so inclined to chit chat with the higher up sources...are you prepared to settle this situation on your own? Make demands? You could ease out of the career opportunity and get another gig very easily, but as you say the company doesn't really want to see you leave.


Student of Astrology

I could try to start talking to management but not going to expect results - over here they seem to think they know what's best for me, ie I never have any control on where my career is going.
The immediate future is: I got a pay cut. Should've seen this coming with my pay (Mercury) combust in this chart. Please refer to the latest question (Is the Boss Lying to Us?) for more development.
The immediate future is: I got a pay cut. Should've seen this coming with my pay (Mercury) combust in this chart. Please refer to the latest question (Is the Boss Lying to Us?) for more development.
sorry to hear that renjer but it was expected considering the overall situation in your job and you specifically.i will now look your other thread.what happened by the way with these directors over there? i recall you said previously that indeed there was a background related to your boss but i cant find this comment anymore
sorry to hear that renjer but it was expected considering the overall situation in your job and you specifically.i will now look your other thread.what happened by the way with these directors over there? i recall you said previously that indeed there was a background related to your boss but i cant find this comment anymore

Directors probably got a pay rise, and the other staff, a pay cut, from my impressions on the annual reports released by the company