Thanks for your very kind words, blackempress.
Hi Scorpio176. The eye immediately goes to the 8th house in this chart, regardless of this being the theme of this thread. The 8th house planets are also in Scorpio and include Pluto, which closely conjuncts Sun and Venus here. One way to look at this is that there's a very pure theme here.
Pluto, Scorpio and the 8th house can be thought of as parallel to one another from their respective systems (i.e. planets signs and houses.) They all represent the radical transformation which potentially arises out of the relinquishing (or unwilling loss) of control. People such as yourself, who have these energies emphasised, are attuned to that which has been suppressed by societies and individuals (including of course yourself). There is a need to know this hidden realm, and to integrate it into everyday life. But this need itself may be suppressed, due to fear of change, of losing control, of being alienated from others, of ending up being nothing if the known self is offered up for sacrifice to a greater power.
The trust necessary for willing participation in the Pluto/Scorpio/8th house process doesn't always come easily. The attunement mentioned above can feel overwhelming in early life. Expressing the unspoken may have invited resentment and alienation from others, and the humiliation of being controlled by others may have been a part of life. This is possible because other people in the early life would have shared the same kind of attunement, and they may have responded in their own lack of trust in life - their own sense of defeat by greater forces - by clinging onto whatever control they could.
The Sun and Venus both say a great deal about how we find joy and what we value. These planets are a barometer of self-worth, self-love and the capacity for happiness. Through the Sun and Venus we create that which we find valuable, beautiful and special, and see our essence reflected in these creations.
So putting the Pluto/Scorpio/8th house together with the Sun and Venus, there is a sense that the joy of being yourself and the urge to create is closely tied to the process of transformation through the encounter with the 'other within' and perhaps with social taboos. This could mean that you find and celebrate your unique identity by acting as a channel for that which is suppressed by society. You may identify with that which seeks recognition, and it is important that you maintain individual values and morality while at the same time honouring the impersonal forces of social evolution.
A very strong sense of purpose is ultimately implied by Sun Pluto in Scorpio in the 8th, but in some cases there is a need to free the sense of being a valid individual from a swamp of difficult emotions, including perhaps self-destructive tendencies and intense resentment and will to power. A kind of purifying process can be necessary before the incredible power offered by this placement can be used in a truly creative way. This purifying may involve the burning away of egotistical desires which arose out of an early sense of defeat. The goal of the process is the formation of a sense of self which includes a genuine sense of self-validity along side a willingness to yield when appropriate. And this is still accompanied by the depth of insight arising from the attunement to that which is hidden, along side tremendous reserves of determination and stamina.
Moving out from the Scorpio stellium, a triangle is formed with Saturn in Capricorn and the angular Moon in Virgo. This configuration suggests a likelihood of a need for control on some level. Both the Moon and Saturn are concerned with finding a protective matrix within which to live, and here they form a trine in earth signs. The element of earth adapts to life through understanding and utilising material world, and needs to feel that the world is orderly, secure and manageable. Saturn in Capricorn could bring out the possible defensiveness of the Scorpio placements, while Moon in Virgo could add to Scorpio's tendency to self-scrutiny. There is a real sense of thoroughness about this triangle of planets in these signs - possibly compulsively so.
Integrity is vital. I would say that a large part of your life path involves accepting yourself for who are, while also working towards self-mastery and a worthwhile place in the world which reflects your true nature.
The Sun's placement is given added significance by its rulership of Jupiter in Leo. Jupiter in Leo suggests that your search for meaning and faith leads you to explore who you are as an individual, and that you believe in the power of the individual to shape her/his own life. This backs up the need for self-determination suggested by Saturn in Capricorn aspecting the Scorpio planets.
Jupiter is the traditional ruler of your Ascendant and Midheaven, so the way you make an impact on the world is coloured by this belief in individual self-expression (Leo), which in turn is coloured by your Scorpio/Pluto need to always seek deeper and deeper levels of self rather than being satisfied with a superficial definition of your essential self.
Jupiter also rules Mercury, which is in Jupiter's sign and natural house, the 9th. So the mind operates intuitively and seeks the broadest possible perspectives, finding meaningful ways of viewing the intense experiences of the 8th house. The mind is probably enthusiastic to learn, especially with Mars in Gemini in the 3rd. The restless and adaptable approach to learning perhaps complements the focus and determination of the Scorpio Capricorn energies very well. Although intellectual insecurity could combine with the possible defensiveness of Capricorn and Scorpio, and also the self-assuredness around beliefs of Jupiter in Leo.
Pisces rising is in accord with the watery Sun and Venus, and the chart as a whole seems to be predominantly water/earth. Your Moon in Virgo opposes the Pisces ascendant, so this sign polarity is very important for you, especially in the way you relate to others. You may fluctuate between the two signs, sometimes being very orderly and at others more chaotic. Both signs are concerned with adapting to the wider world and synthesising with it, Pisces through abandoning the self to the greater whole, and Virgo through refining the self and finding a useful niche for that self.
Water is often self-protective because it concerns the feeling realm. With Sun in Scorpio and Pisces rising, you may tend towards a camouflaged manner of self-expression. In other words, you may try to express yourself and achieve your aims without standing out too much. You may be very perceptive to the feelings of others - able to sense hidden motivations. The potential for healing others is huge, assuming that you have been able to make peace with your own intensity.
If you don't feel able to relax into, and enjoy, intimate relationships, then this is likely to be an indication that some of the issues mentioned above need addressing. Although you may one day reach a point where sexual relationships seem superficial, this needs to be genuine rather than something you tell yourself because of a fear of allowing another to influence your feeling state.
Your chart brings to mind the song 'Joga' by Bjork, though I'm not sure I could fully articulate why. Anyway, the rest of this thread is worth reading as people have put some really insightful stuff about the 8th house, and hopefully others will look at your chart too, and you'll add to the discussion with your own experiences.
Best wishes,