So i've read all these posts, and I'm thinking - moving does not change the essential you, becasue you move and your chart changes signifies more of a change in your position in life or position and strategy towards life. I also think in relocational astrology you have to take a look at not just your natal chart, but your solar return chart for the year. I can use me as an example.
In my charts that i posted you can see my birth chart w/ rising 25 scorp, 29 pisc sun and MC 8 Virgo.
my SR/Philly chart everything is clusterd in my 12th w/ Sun conjunct and activating Uranus (change)- ad a very strong Pluto in the 9th.
This year, (after struggling and being alone for nearly 4 years financially and vocationally) decided at the ripe age of 47-to write a book, sell my house and move to Los Angeles, where my business ( movies and TV) thrives.
in the meantime- i was presented with 2 films, one to produce another to direct!
So this year i've beemn trying to raise money for these films sell my house and move to LA- which nothing has managed to happen so far.
but you can see it all in both my birth/relocation and SR charts for both philly and LA, IT'S CRAZY but it's right there.
In LA - my jupiter sits on my Descendent, Venus moves to my 7th house Libra ASC AND MC CANCER 25 - WHICH TRINES BOTH MY NATAL ASC AND DESC AND SUN.
my relocation chart in LA everything moves to the 1st house, which signifies, new beginnings..
so my advice do both the SR chart and the relocation for both