What is your Ascendant in your relocated chart and how does it influence you?

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Yep, go to astro.com in free horoscopes, Extended chart selection just put in new birth town, leave all other details same and it will give you new chart as if you were born their. :wink:

you dont need to change your place of birth. this will change the degrees of the moon and you dont want that. you need to change reference place. this option is in astro.com as well. by changing the reference place, then go to relocation chart and that is all.


kbell - how long have you being relocated though? It may take some time to see the difference.

As for me, I am going mad. I know I need to relocate but nowhere where I could potentially find a job is considered great on my chart. *bangs head on brick* I know I hate this place though, I am slowly dying (not joking)...

i too am doing this same thing, stuck in philly - looking for a place my career will take a pos turn, looking to LA, but jup squares MC in the relocation chart.. i dont think that bodes well for success, however my sun and mars trine it..so..who knows, perhaps it will strike a balance?? and keep your chin up, something always happens.. :)
When you change the location,

doesn't one need to also change the time to match the "same time" as birthplace time, meaning either move your birth time for the relocated chart ahead or back to match how many time zones you have moved from your birth place?
When you change the location,

doesn't one need to also change the time to match the "same time" as birthplace time, meaning either move your birth time for the relocated chart ahead or back to match how many time zones you have moved from your birth place?
Yes. And if you use the Relocation chart on Astra.com it will do it for you.
this is really fascinating, I have emigrated but have thought of it.

I ran a chart for a place I really like going too. my sun was in first close to ascendant! wow.
So i've read all these posts, and I'm thinking - moving does not change the essential you, becasue you move and your chart changes signifies more of a change in your position in life or position and strategy towards life. I also think in relocational astrology you have to take a look at not just your natal chart, but your solar return chart for the year. I can use me as an example.
In my charts that i posted you can see my birth chart w/ rising 25 scorp, 29 pisc sun and MC 8 Virgo.
my SR/Philly chart everything is clusterd in my 12th w/ Sun conjunct and activating Uranus (change)- ad a very strong Pluto in the 9th.

This year, (after struggling and being alone for nearly 4 years financially and vocationally) decided at the ripe age of 47-to write a book, sell my house and move to Los Angeles, where my business ( movies and TV) thrives.
in the meantime- i was presented with 2 films, one to produce another to direct!
So this year i've beemn trying to raise money for these films sell my house and move to LA- which nothing has managed to happen so far.
but you can see it all in both my birth/relocation and SR charts for both philly and LA, IT'S CRAZY but it's right there.
In LA - my jupiter sits on my Descendent, Venus moves to my 7th house Libra ASC AND MC CANCER 25 - WHICH TRINES BOTH MY NATAL ASC AND DESC AND SUN.
my relocation chart in LA everything moves to the 1st house, which signifies, new beginnings..

so my advice do both the SR chart and the relocation for both


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The SR chart location is now confusing me. I used to use to location where I was at the actual return of the Sun, which was usually the place where I lived anyways. This year, I will be in New Zealand (provided ash plumes and earth quakes aren't getting in my way) but only for a holiday. I think I'll make 2. One for the place of current residence and one for NZ and see for myself how it pans out.

I still think though that the natal charts still stand regardless. Even a SR chart with the place of birth will have validity.
I think the natal chart stands, yes, there is no taking away that the natal is your personality, it is in essence whop you are - BUT look at the SR to see how you will be in that region. MY SR in LA clearly shows new beginnings
Where my SR philly clearly shows change and contemplation and working behind the scenes., (movie deals) etc.
Some people travel to a certain place to get a certain SR chart. I'm sceptical about that, but what you describe makes absolute sense.
I'm sure they do, but with me, LA is where my business is, i can't imagine going anywhere else, with that said, i think it's also my destiny ( with Jupiter strongly place in my relocation chart- its' been there all along, it's just that now im ready and im seeing it, and it's in my chart to see it - before i've never even looked, so it took the push of my natal and my natal's SR to see where to go.
I've got natal Leo rising, relocated to Scorpio rising Mars in the 1st / Pluto in the 12th.

I was only 13 when I moved here, everything was pretty peaceful before the move and then after relocation typical Mars in the 1st experiences. Embarrassing to say, but I had plenty of fights at highschool and once at university me and 3 friends had to defend our student house with weapons from a group of over 10 guys when a bar fight followed us home (and this is in a nice neighborhood in England). :pinched:... it was diffused before anyone got hurt for the record.

Now grown up it seems to be more Pluto in the 12th with me having taken up interest in astrology and spirituality. People's first impression of me here seems to be that I'm some tough guy at first, until they get to know me.

It's all balanced with Sun and Venus in relocated 5th, so I have plenty of fun here.
Oh yeah, also notice how your Part of Fortune changes in your relocation chart. It can change signs as well as houses, because it's calculated with your ascendant.
interesting, how it changes in the new environment, but also you natal birthchart w/ Leo rising give syou the confidence to take it on..correct? so internally your character doesn't change, but your environment and how people see you does..

m not clear how part of fortune works? what' its' purpose is?
A very brief description of the Part of Fortune is that it's a point in your chart which by sign, house and aspect shows where you're at home and where you find success. It's a calculation of your Ascendant/Sun and Moon, and is like where you find balance between those 3 points.

I was just perusing relocational stuff on Google and happened accross some interesting opinions regarding the Vertex being one of the most important factors in choosing a new location.

On this page: http://noeltyl.com/discussion/index.php?topic=3929.0;wap2, someone goes as far as saying it's the deciding factor in people feeling drawn to certain locations.

Quote: "
I have met quite a few astrologers who were puzzled as to why a supposed beneficial location didn't work out, when you check their Vertex axis for that location you usually get your answer.

...the relocated Vertex axis does give an attraction to a certain locality and is usually the deciding factor on whether to live in that locality. It can give an emotional sensation of pleasure if the relocated Vertex axis is conjunct a pleasant planet in our natal chart and can give us shivers if it is conjunct a scary planet in our natal chart. Just as regularly we are drawn to a locality and can't quite put our finger on why."

Here I've got Vertex opposite Neptune and I can vouch that attract people here who tend to excessively indulge in drink and other naughty stuff. Also I've known several people who have gone crazy, mental wise.

It's fascinating actually looking at it now... I've been strongly attracted to Stockholm, Rome and Berlin as travel destinations and just looking at it now my relocated Vertex in those locations are aspecting Jupiter/Venus.
the part of fortune really has nice aspects so that makes me feel good, however my vertex is squarely aspected to pluto and uranus which could mean power struggles, but again everything trines my part of fortune in this location, we shall see, stay tuned :)
Okay...so I was thinking about the whole relocation chart...because I have moved out of the country I was born in.I still have the same Ascendant in different degrees and changes many of my planets placements in the houses...Unlike the 1st house,now the emphasis is in the 12th house...
Also my Saturn has moved from house 2 to house 1.But not conjunct my asc.The planets are still conjunct my Asc thankfully.
But I don't know how I am supposed to feel about this new discovery...
Good luck!

Thanks fo rsharing!

Thanks for sharing that as well - wow, didn't know about the guy who predicted the two wars!
I got Venus Mars Sun conjunction in Cappy,hence when moving to a Venus line I take mars wiyth me too. Anyone experienced Mars-Venus conj by relocation?

Your natal chart always remains your natal chart and is always used. Astrocartography is very good for revealing what planets are operating in what manner depending on the lines going through your new location.
Any change in the ascendant may not be very significant unless it is aspecting your natal planets as well.....in the same way that your birth ascendant is also doing... You may look a little different, have a different persona or change your appearance somewhat...change your mode of dress, your hair and lose a bit of weight or put it on..

Your natal chart always remains your natal chart and is always used. Astrocartography is very good for revealing what planets are operating in what manner depending on the lines going through your new location.
Any change in the ascendant may not be very significant unless it is aspecting your natal planets as well.....in the same way that your birth ascendant is also doing... You may look a little different, have a different persona or change your appearance somewhat...change your mode of dress, your hair and lose a bit of weight or put it on..


in my case the new asc cancer is trine moon in MC and Uranus setile in IC
i feel more comfy and relaxed in those places,namely germany,though i dislike the bureacracy
The ascendent carries such a heavy load; we must give it a 'round of applause' for the debilitating 'circumference dance' it is forced to perform. "round and round" she goes and where she stops only the butterfly knows. Transformation is the name of the tune of the song playing. You will dance and you will pay the fiddler according to the time, place, and environmental emotional charades required. "Just do it" as the Sloan for NIKE declares...MODE of Cosmic Therapy