What is your Ascendant in your relocated chart and how does it influence you?

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From 24 Vir to 26 Lib

I moved from a form of (family) servitude to a form of empathy for the often-forgotten.

Don't regret a bit of it, for what it taught me.
Go to astro.com, resister if you haven't done so already, go to Free Horoscopes, AstroClick Travel. Click on the map and read:

Saturn/MC Line

With the position of Saturn in Midheaven you are required to deal with your professional and social ambitions. Your personal goals undergo a critical test. You may face difficulties if you have unrealistic expectations or if you have had a tendency in the past to omit and neglect certain parts of your duties.

You may be required to assume greater responsibility and increased performance. Here you are confronted with the situation to either fight completely for a cause or to yield under the pressure of your duties.

Your pride and strong ambition can attract powerful opponents but you meet such opposition with stoic serenity and unflinching firmness. Trusting in your own abilities, you make patience and time a prerequisite to all your endeavours, and this turns out in your favour.

In these regions, there is a good chance of coming closer to finding your true destiny. You divorce yourself from misleading illusions or false ideals, and focus your efforts on solving attending problems. Step by step, you make your long-term projects come true. You are generally admired for the way in which you complete tasks, for which you gain recognition and respect. You are seen as a public role model for independence and discipline.

This is super interesting. I have this where I am living now and I am all about my career. I started Law school and I feel very focused in this path and I am not intimidated with hard work, it actually motivates me...

In my natal chart my 10th house is empty with its ruler in the 9th, MC is in Virgo. POF is in Leo in the 9th.

Where I am currently living, I have Saturn and Pluto in the 10th and MC is in Libra in the 9th. POF is in Libra in the 9th.

My natal ASC is Scorpio with Uranus in the 1st and in my relocation chart is in Capricorn with Jupiter in the 1st; I do feel I became more serious and with a sense of responsibility that I did not have before.

I have got to study more relocation astrology, it is really intriguing me.
There’s some great information in this thread. And to Isis, Hey, nice to read you. We have that Saturn/Pluto in the 10th. Tough one, but do-able, right?

Once again my earlier post was abrupt. To me, the most important feature of a relocation chart is that it can show us what choices (milestones) we made in relation to our souls' paths. After many years of studying the symmetries and coincidences within my relocation and family circles, I’d like to offer this wider perspective:

(I feel that) … relocating to the East might offer early growth within your naturally progressed path -- maybe getting a head-start or a chance to 'practice' whatever. Relocating to the west might offer a quick re-run of past lessons, past karma, passed souls. In either case, a sling-shot switchover shouldn’t be the goal. We need time and patience for the body to find the rhythm and webs of its new wheel.
There’s some great information in this thread. And to Isis, Hey, nice to read you. We have that Saturn/Pluto in the 10th. Tough one, but do-able, right?

Once again my earlier post was abrupt. To me, the most important feature of a relocation chart is that it can show us what choices (milestones) we made in relation to our souls' paths. After many years of studying the symmetries and coincidences within my relocation and family circles, I’d like to offer this wider perspective:

(I feel that) … relocating to the East might offer early growth within your naturally progressed path -- maybe getting a head-start or a chance to 'practice' whatever. Relocating to the west might offer a quick re-run of past lessons, past karma, passed souls. In either case, a sling-shot switchover shouldn’t be the goal. We need time and patience for the body to find the rhythm and webs of its new wheel.

Yep, it's tough and slow... Well, I am here for 3 years and just now I started studying law... Saturn had its way, nice and slow. To not even mention how many year I needed to figure out my passions (Saturn square Sun and Sun square ASC natally). But, I try and keep myself motivated with eyes on the prize!

It's very interesting your perspective on this. Do you have a link you would recommend reading? I am trying to learn a bit more about this. :)
No, Isis, no link. I wish there were more on relocation astrology but I don't find much out there -- yet.

Since we're on the Saturn on the (relo) MC subject, I will offer this 'coincidence'. When I look at the charts of my half-brother & half sister (same mother), and my son (only child), the one thing we all have in common is that Saturn influence.

You might want to look at who you were with 'then' versus 'now' to see if it lends any insight.

-- hope this helps.


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    We four - Sat.gif
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No, Isis, no link. I wish there were more on relocation astrology but I don't find much out there -- yet.

Since we're on the Saturn on the (relo) MC subject, I will offer this 'coincidence'. When I look at the charts of my half-brother & half sister (same mother), and my son (only child), the one thing we all have in common is that Saturn influence.

You might want to look at who you were with 'then' versus 'now' to see if it lends any insight.

-- hope this helps.

Yep, it's a pity there isn't much information yet.

That's a curious find. I will check out what Saturn is doing in some people charts.

Thanks :smile:
Natal ascendant :
Conjunct Uranus/Neptune
Trine Moon
Sextile Pluto
Aquarius intercepted in the 1st
Saturn intercepted in the 1st.

Relocated ascendant :
Square Mercury/Venus/NNode
Trine Jupiter

Experience? Feels like Saturn return! :annoyed:
I was born with Saturn in my 1st but never before felt this terrible! With Saturn now stuck in the 12th, it took me hardly a few months to grow up in the worldly sense.

I'm so rude & hostile to everyone I meet & the main reason is lack of personal space. I share my place with 2 more people so I don't get to what I call "recharge", something that I've been doing ever since I can remember. Moreover, I've a budget to keep tabs on & I'm not really cool with handling money so I spend frugally. I was generous when I came here but learnt that people aren't like that. Some I know live parasitic lives, others just won't return your money...many don't have any self respect. I used to be an open book but this place taught me to share things only with a few because if you tell them that you've a boyfriend, they'll go tell their friends that you had sex & are pregnant. I choose not to rant anymore. In conclusion, I feel the real me is lost somewhere & even thought of consulting a psychologist. I don't want to live like this but I don't think I can return to my original self after such experiences. :unsure:

Venusian effect :
- dimples have become even more conspicuous.
- gave up the tom boy look. Prefer to look conservatively feminine.
- Have been consistently losing weight without additional effort.

11H in Capricorn, Saturn in the 12th :
-I've more than a dozen friends & acquaintances at home, some I can trust, others are like the wind. Here, I have a few friends but I know that they are friends in the true sense.

Sun/Mars Conjunct MC :
- was voted as the first batch representative.
- seen as a responsible & hardworking student by teachers & fellow class mate. Earlier ones said stuff like playful, loud speaker, never attends classes, back answers, etc.

Venus/Mercury/NNode/Pluto in 9H :
- became the first & only person in my combination to achieve academic distinction this year.

Moon in 7H :
-I was never really into & I'm still not into relationships.
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Hi all,

I just came across the subject of relocation charts recently. I'm still quite skeptical about it since I can't seem to find much good info on the subject elsewhere online. All I know is that a relocation chart is supposed to be used for seeing the influence and which areas a person's life are empathized after he/she moved.

From reading this thread so far, it seems that the effects of a relocation chart depends on the length of time that a person has resided in the new location. So does that mean eventually the influence of the relocation chart is becoming more significant as the person resides the new location longer? And most importantly, does it really work? I mean, is it really true that relocation charts do have some influence or is it that people THINK it works, especially when there are more favourable aspects that shown up on the relocation charts? After all, the same logic could apply when a person tells himself that he is confident everyday in front of a mirror (hypnotizing himself), and eventually he really believes that he is confident.

In case, anyone think my questions are offensive, I'm really just asking these questions purely for discussion and educational engagement. =]
A very brief description of the Part of Fortune is that it's a point in your chart which by sign, house and aspect shows where you're at home and where you find success. It's a calculation of your Ascendant/Sun and Moon, and is like where you find balance between those 3 points.

I was just perusing relocational stuff on Google and happened accross some interesting opinions regarding the Vertex being one of the most important factors in choosing a new location.

On this page: http://noeltyl.com/discussion/index.php?topic=3929.0;wap2, someone goes as far as saying it's the deciding factor in people feeling drawn to certain locations.

Quote: "
I have met quite a few astrologers who were puzzled as to why a supposed beneficial location didn't work out, when you check their Vertex axis for that location you usually get your answer.

...the relocated Vertex axis does give an attraction to a certain locality and is usually the deciding factor on whether to live in that locality. It can give an emotional sensation of pleasure if the relocated Vertex axis is conjunct a pleasant planet in our natal chart and can give us shivers if it is conjunct a scary planet in our natal chart. Just as regularly we are drawn to a locality and can't quite put our finger on why."

Here I've got Vertex opposite Neptune and I can vouch that attract people here who tend to excessively indulge in drink and other naughty stuff. Also I've known several people who have gone crazy, mental wise.

It's fascinating actually looking at it now... I've been strongly attracted to Stockholm, Rome and Berlin as travel destinations and just looking at it now my relocated Vertex in those locations are aspecting Jupiter/Venus.

my pofortune is in cancer in 2nd house
does that mean i should move to a place where that degree rises?
Mine doesn't change too drastically. Natally, I'm early Libra rising and the relocation rising is late Virgo. Part of Fortune would be in Gemini but natally, my POF is in Cancer.
All IMHO --

... the effects of a relocation chart depend on the length of time that a person has resided in the new location. True

So does that mean eventually the influence of the relocation chart is becoming more significant as the person resides the new location longer? Yes

And most importantly, does it really work? I mean, is it really true that relocation charts do have some influence Relocating east advances karma, relocating west clears karma. (There is no 'best' side.)

or is it that people THINK it works, especially when there are more favourable aspects that show up on the relocation charts? A potential alternative. Hope can be a very helpful component. Clarity is the goal for most seekers.

After all, the same logic could apply when a person tells himself that he is confident everyday in front of a mirror (hypnotizing himself), and eventually he really believes that he is confident. 'Cept that the magic of relocation is the help that might come from beyond yourself.

In case, anyone think my questions are offensive, I'm really just asking these questions purely for discussion and educational engagement.
I am thinking about moving to Paris, as my ascendant sexitiles my sun there 00 seconds, and Fortune conjunct Saturn, which fits my rather severe nature.

In New York, my Ascendant falls 00 degrees Taurus. Normally it is 18 Aries. Also an option if I want to get some work done.

My Sun opposes Saturn and trines Moon and Pluto.
Based on these data, what would you recommend?
I'm considering a move that will have a leo rising, with my sun staying in the same natal 12th house. I'm wondering if that will help me "get out" of the 12th house of hiding?

The only concern I have though, is now, Saturn is squaring the ASC with an orb of 4' 44". Would this orb be significant, or is it too wide?