What is your Elemental +/- # Rating?

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dark heart

Active member
Sep 16, 2019
I have +3 & -8 = -5

(Earth & Water signs = negative / Fire & Air = Positive)

Can anyone elaborate on the significance of these numbers?

Thank you
You are apparently a very negative person. Try smiling.

But to call you negative...sounds so negative. Let's call you Yin instead.

If +4-4 is "balanced", and +7-1 is whacko, then a +5-3 split is within the normal range.

What are you trying to find out with these numbers?
not a math equation, to heart


You wrote:
I have +3 & -8 = -5
(Earth & Water signs = negative / Fire & Air = Positive)
Can anyone elaborate on the significance of these numbers?

The "+"s and "-"s are NOT a math equation. This indicates how many planets (and your Ascendant) you have in "positive" (active) and how many you have in "negative" (receptive) signs. Having more in receptive signs indicates you need to wait to see how things go and THEN take action. Trying to force actions will be frustrating and probably lead to disappointment. This is all about how you USE the energy you have. Everyone has the same 10 planetary energies (the Ascendant is NOT an energy, so I'm leaving it out of the discussion) but how they USE them differs based, in part on how many active/receptive signs they have.


Re: not a math equation, to heart

You are apparently a very negative person. Try smiling.

But to call you negative...sounds so negative. Let's call you Yin instead.

If +4-4 is "balanced", and +7-1 is whacko, then a +5-3 split is within the normal range.

What are you trying to find out with these numbers?

G.B. Thanks for the reply.

"Try" indeed, but every time I ever smiled for a photo; it was painfully fake. I chose the name Dark Heart because that is how I have felt since a very young age. At birth I was dropped off at the gate of the Left Hand Path.

My resources do not elaborate on this subject and I would much rather hear answers from individuals than cookie cutter responses from google sources.


You wrote:

The "+"s and "-"s are NOT a math equation. This indicates how many planets (and your Ascendant) you have in "positive" (active) and how many you have in "negative" (receptive) signs. Having more in receptive signs indicates you need to wait to see how things go and THEN take action. Trying to force actions will be frustrating and probably lead to disappointment. This is all about how you USE the energy you have. Everyone has the same 10 planetary energies (the Ascendant is NOT an energy, so I'm leaving it out of the discussion) but how they USE them differs based, in part on how many active/receptive signs they have.



Tim that is a clear and decisive response thank you. I know an evil woman with a Firey Grand Trine and she has +9 / -2 ... Just trying to understand some of the trends. Cheers.
What you looking at is the oldd division into:

Masculine. Feminine
Positive. Negative
Yang. Yin
Generative. Formative
Active. Passive

With a 5-3 split, you are sort of average. Nothing outstanding here.

And it's often helpful to look at what stands out, what separates you from the herd.