What do is sooo apparent or obvious or jumps out at you about me that you see from my chart?
Hi all! I am just starting out in astrology and would like a reading. The above is a fun curious question I have! But I am actually really curious about what is it that makes me so quiet and socially awkward (and that overpowers my aries sun,leo moon and rising combi?) lol. or is that just a phase that I will grow out of, hopefully?
Your sun is seriousley afflicted by squares to saturn, uranus and neptune. Now whilst these three are generational, when it makes an aspect to personal planets it overshadows the sun's rays/expressions....
You have a bucket chart with moon as handle.
Bucket chart
I don't see pluto conj IC as *violent childhood* but I would suspect a very controlling, manipulative parent. ruler of IC in 4th suggests being strong attached to family for security, safety and your private life will be important to you.....
Also this Pluto is also square Asc
Pluto in Square to Ascendant
You have a tremendous amount of power at your command and even you may not realize how easily others are affected by your "force field." If you seem to invite more than your share of conflicts, then perhaps you can choose to develop an awareness of your approach and tone it down a bit. You're definitely the kind of person people want on their team when winning is the objective. You won't, don't, can't quit until every option has been run through. You can become a potent agent for healing and forgiveness. Can you start with yourself? Regeneration is your gift.
venus square moon
you have alot of planets in earth element, suggesting you are rather practical, but no planets in air element
this missing element tends to be someone who comes out with 'sweeping statement syndrome' with not enought thought behind speech. Mercury is well aspected (but in detriment and fall/doesn't sit well in water) and trine to pluto suggests you can articulate about deep and meaningful matters, rather than light and superficial...This mercury is also apex for talent triangle
Talent triangle
having chart ruler in 9th house of Saggi should give interests into 9th house matters, like higher education, travel, philsophy, the law, religion etc.
going back to your squares to sun, let's separate them out, just remember these *aspects* are of our personality, like breaking them down and compartmentalising them...
sun square Saturn shows lack of rapport with father.
sun square saturn
Sun square uranus, adds impatience, needing freedom and independence and to do unsual things that feed the pride/ego
Sun square neptune shows no clear self image espec noticeable in teenage years. could add psychic ability
now saturn conj uranus although generational
When Saturn and Uranus fall in the same sign or house we get caught in a cleft stick, wanting to make changes but fearing to let go of the old.
Node Node in pisces 8th house and conj mercury, suggests your Lessons will be connected to joint finances, inheritances, insurances, sex, goods of the deceased, the occult AND *other people's values* as opposed to your own values/beliefs being 2nd house..
You are just having a Jupiter return and this only happens every 12years going over MC, you should have been socialising more?? When it gets to venus next year it could suggests lots more socialising, romance or work opportunities...