What kind of partner that suits me best based on my natal chart?

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Well-known member
Aug 28, 2018
I’m always wondering what does the grand trine meaning in my chart, especially related with partner and career. Honestly, rather than a question, this thread will probably more fit as a discussion.

I have jupiter, venus and mars form a fire grand trine. Jupiter in 11th, Venus in 4th and Mars in 7th. My venus is in detriment, while jupiter and mars is in their domicile signs. What I’ve noticed, I’m just bad at romance, but I do attract people, and I mostly don’t know what to do with them ( I rly want to blame my gemini moon square saturn and chiron).

Most of the time, if I’m being really honest, I don’t like it if I have to sacrifice my career for relationships (my Cap rising is really loud here). I don’t like to throw away my hard work just for a man. Unfortunately, most man I’ve encountered seems the complete opposite of what I want from a partner. Not to mention I have Neptune and Uranus conjunct my Cap ascendant. My body is quite petite, and I have a guess that my physique give an impression that I’m a docile person. I hate it.

What I’ve read about Jupiter and Venus positive aspect, it will ease material gain and romantic relationships. However I noticed, I’m still struggling in the latter department, although I have to admit the material things resonate to some degree. Being a Cap rising and Taurus sun, plus Venus-Jupiter aspect make me quite materialistic.

Honestly I don’t really mind to not get married as my goal is to create a very comfortable life and possibly achieve other goals in life. I don’t have any plan to have children as well, so there’s no really reason to wed.

However, I’m just wondering, if it fits, what kind of partner that probably reflected my natal chart? I noticed jupiter and juno in 12th house, so probably someone from foreign country? Mars in 7th, someone from military?

Let me know! Thank you


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I believe when looking at ideal partners and what were attracted too we look at the descendant. Yours being cancer so you would possibly find someone with cancerian qualities to be your ideal partner. This doesn't mean they have to be a cancer sun.
What do you want in a partner? How are the men you attract the complete opposite?

And how certain are you of your birth time? Your AC/DC is right on the cusp. If your birth time is off by a few minutes, that could change your rising and descending signs, which would make for different messages regarding partnership.

Knowing what you want in a partner and what the partners you've attracted are actually like would be a clue as to which DC sign is actually correct.
What do you want in a partner? How are the men you attract the complete opposite?

And how certain are you of your birth time? Your AC/DC is right on the cusp. If your birth time is off by a few minutes, that could change your rising and descending signs, which would make for different messages regarding partnership.

Knowing what you want in a partner and what the partners you've attracted are actually like would be a clue as to which DC sign is actually correct.
My birth time is very much accurate as described on my birth certificate from a hospital.

I attract ego driven men, possibly due to mars in 7th and the Leo cusp.
My birth time is very much accurate as described on my birth certificate from a hospital.

Is it right on the hour, half hour, or quarter hour?

If so, there's a good chance that it's rounded.

If not, not so likely. If it doesn't end in 0 or 5, it's definitely not rounded.

If it does end in 0 or 5, you can't be sure. If it's right on the hour or half hour, it's especially likely to be rounded.

Your AC/DC is so close to the sign cusp that just a minute or two's discrepancy could change its signs.

I attract ego driven men

And how is that the opposite of what you want in a partner?

possibly due to mars in 7th and the Leo cusp.

Based on the birth time you have, your DC is in Cancer, not Leo. If your birth time is off by a minute or two, your DC might be in Leo.

AC and DC are directly opposite each other. If your DC is really in Leo, you have Aquarius rising, not Capricorn. It's impossible to have Capricorn rising and the seventh house cusp in Leo.
Is it right on the hour, half hour, or quarter hour?

If so, there's a good chance that it's rounded.

If not, not so likely. If it doesn't end in 0 or 5, it's definitely not rounded.

If it does end in 0 or 5, you can't be sure. If it's right on the hour or half hour, it's especially likely to be rounded.

Your AC/DC is so close to the sign cusp that just a minute or two's discrepancy could change its signs.

And how is that the opposite of what you want in a partner?

Based on the birth time you have, your DC is in Cancer, not Leo. If your birth time is off by a minute or two, your DC might be in Leo.

AC and DC are directly opposite each other. If your DC is really in Leo, you have Aquarius rising, not Capricorn. It's impossible to have Capricorn rising and the seventh house cusp in Leo.
In some cases, the birth time that ends in 0 or 5 are NOT rounded. Mine is 5:30PM, and that's not rounded at all, because my mom remembered that the birth time is EXACTLY that, not rounded at all.
A mix of Cancerian, Leonian, Geminian, Arian and Sagittarian partners can be good for you, because your Descendant is in Cancer in a Leonian degree and a Sagittarian minute. Meanwhile, the ruler of the Descendant, your natal Moon, is in Gemini, in a Arian degree and a Cancerian minute.
In some cases, the birth time that ends in 0 or 5 are NOT rounded. Mine is 5:30PM, and that's not rounded at all, because my mom remembered that the birth time is EXACTLY that, not rounded at all.

That's why I said you can't be sure. I did not say that if your birth time ends in 0 or 5, or that if it's right on the hour or half hour, it's definitely rounded.

Because of rounded birth times, many more people have birth certificates that say they were born at 5:30 than actually were born at 5:30. Unless you have some other evidence to back it up, like in your case, a birth time recorded as right on the hour or half hour is always questionable.

But someone has to be born at 5:30. So just because your birth certificate says you were born at 5:30 doesn't mean you weren't.