What Rising Sign Has the Best looks

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Leo rising, if we're going only off looks. Also, Libra if we're going off looks. But Leo is more radiant. I don't believe Scorpio falls into this category. Physically speaking I don't think Scorpio is all that pulchritudinous... rather ordinary. It's just that 'X-factor' - it's grotesque, baroque charisma - that gives the illusion of attractiveness... but not all attractive people are beauty queens/kings (they would be Leo Risings). What makes Scorpio rising attractive is power and what I mentioned above, not physical beauty.

Yes, if we're going off only of physical looks (which is what I thought the topic was about), I would agree with you. Leo rising is bright and shiny and strives to be the center of attention. They're very striking and noticeable and usually with sturdy bodies. Libra rising is pleasant and usually nice looking, but not really head-turners. Their goal when it comes to appearance is to be pleasant looking and not hurt other people's visions but rarely, if ever, does it want to be the center of the attention.

Still, my vote is always for Sagittarius rising- striking, tall, lean, and a devil-may-care attitude and wild looks (Brad Pitt in Snatch is perfect). Second would be Aries rising (like James Dean)- also striking, lean, and devil may care attitude and rebellious looks. Leo rising is the most polished of the Fire risings and they're so proper and formal, which is unlike the other Fire risings. I prefer risings who are not so PC in attitude and wild looking.
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Sagittarius can easily be overweight, or just tall, lanky, and goofy looking. Only about half of them really contain physical beauty (and those end up becoming models). I agree with you on aries, but the don't have the Leo radiance. But I suppose beauty is in the eye of the beholder lol.

Yes, if we're going off only of physical looks (which is what I thought the topic was about), I would agree with you. Leo rising is bright and shiny and strives to be the center of attention. They're very striking and noticeable and usually with sturdy bodies. Libra rising is pleasant and usually nice looking, but not really head-turners. Their goal when it comes to appearance is to be pleasant looking and not hurt other people's visions but rarely, if ever, does it want to be the center of the attention.

Still, my vote is always for Sagittarius rising- striking, tall, lean, and a devil-may-care attitude and wild looks (Brad Pitt in Snatch is perfect). Second would be Aries rising (like James Dean)- also striking, lean, and devil may care attitude and rebellious looks. Leo rising is the most polished of the Fire risings and they're so proper and formal, which is unlike the other Fire risings. I prefer risings who are not so PC in attitude and wild looking.
Another explanation would be to do with my Sun in Scorpio and Scorpio Stellium. Leo sign is my contra antiscia

I'm surprised about contra-antiscion, because I usually get on quite well with Scorpio Sun and I do find them attractive. Though my x-girlfriends (those that have a Scorpio Sun), mysteriousness sometimes has worried me in the past. On occasions it even terrified the living daylights out of me. LOL

I'm in a calculating mood today :) so just to calculate mine:

Leo Sun @ 4 degrees 55'
30 degrees (i.e. 1st point of 30 degrees) = 29 degrees 60'

So, 29 degrees 60' - 4 degrees 55' = 25 degrees 5' Scorpio.

25 degrees 5' Scorpio would be my contra-antiscion point.
Sagittarius can easily be overweight, or just tall, lanky, and goofy looking. Only about half of them really contain physical beauty (and those end up becoming models). I agree with you on aries, but the don't have the Leo radiance. But I suppose beauty is in the eye of the beholder lol.

BWAHAHAHAHAHA I haven't met any overweight Sagittarius rising people. But you're actually spot on about them being tall, thin, and lanky and the good looking ones are like models and superstars. The Sag risings that I've met/are friends are tall, thin, lanky, and have been models.

I like the male Sag and Aries rising... kinda wild and adventurous looking. Aries rising both males and females tend to be pretty thin and lanky themselves. The males tend to be thin and if they work on their bodies, they'd be thin and toned which is nice... But you're correct, NONE of the risings can compete with bright, shiny Leo rising. Leo does have that star quality... like Marilyn Monroe and Lana del Rey (both are Gemini Sun) and Jake Gyllenhaal (Sag Sun).

A lot of people think I look like a Leo rising because I have big hair and I'm always smiling or laughing and I'm pretty jolly. But that's just my Libra Jupiter on the Asc being silly. I like being Libra rising... incognito can be a good thing, ya know.
It's funny you mention that you dislike Leo planets probably because it has to do with your 12th house being in Leo. I feel the same way about Virgo as it's my 12th house. I don't hate Virgo rising, as they tend to be well-groomed and decent looking and have a sort of classic element to their looks (which I appreciate)... but I absolutely dislike Virgo Sun. Every person that I find out who has a problem with me, dislikes me (and I return the favor) are always Virgo Sun. They just irk me like crazy. I don't mind Virgo in any other planetary placement... I even like Virgo Venus people. I just cannot stand Virgo Sun!!!

I have the first 28 degrees of Gemini in my 12th house, so I'm guessing when determining who we probably wouldn't get on with, we would be considering it in terms of the whole house system which would mean Taurus in my case yes?
Wait... my contra-antiscio is 23 09 Cap. That's weird. I can get along with Capricorn Sun... at least in the most basic social ways. I don't even get bothered by Cap planets. I do have a thing against Virgo Sun.
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I have the first 28 degrees of Gemini in my 12th house, so I'm guessing when determining who we probably wouldn't get on with, we would be considering it in terms of the whole house system which would mean Taurus in my case yes?

Yes, I always go by whole signs. So your 12th house is Taurus. How do like or dislike Taurus?
12th house Libra here. I always wondered why I could never get along with Libra sun natives. Out of all of the zodiac, I always found them the most argumentative and rather shallow. Even if they're not actually shallow people, they just have this rather airy superficialness about them gets to me... even though I'm a Gemini sun. It always puzzled me since they are supposed to be my "compatible" sign. I've managed to date or have a romantic liaison with basically every other sign except Libra (and Aquarius - don't know why, that's my 4th house, but they always under being "just friends"). We just can't seem to get along unless we're forced to.

Ironically however, I have a therapist and a mentor who are both Libras. I still find them very annoying sometimes we even argue a little and engage in mind games (or perhaps I'm the one who's being that way because even though they are very old and wise men, they still manage to get on my nerves sometimes lol). But I have learnt a lot from them and they have been the most helpful so far. I suppose they were placed in my life to help me deal with 12th house issues... which when I think of the house, seems about true.

Very interesting.

However when it comes to Libra rising, I have no problem. May not be my cup of tea beauty wise (I like striking people), but otherwise I find them very charming and pleasant, like what I image a Libra sun should be, lol.

Lately, I met a woman who is (a late) Libra with Leo rising. Still find her somewhat grating but her Leo rising is making up for that :p
12th house is the house of self undoing. I think whatever sign is in your 12th is the sign that is your enemy... like the anti-hero of the chart.
Yes, I always go by whole signs. So your 12th house is Taurus. How do like or dislike Taurus?

I don't know much about Taurus in person, because I haven't met many and neither have I dated many of them or people who demonstrate Taurean behaviour. So I guess, I'd be biased saying otherwise. I'll have to experiment and draw inference from that.
BWAHAHAHAHAHA I haven't met any overweight Sagittarius rising people. But you're actually spot on about them being tall, thin, and lanky and the good looking ones are like models and superstars. The Sag risings that I've met/are friends are tall, thin, lanky, and have been models.

I like the male Sag and Aries rising... kinda wild and adventurous looking. Aries rising both males and females tend to be pretty thin and lanky themselves. The males tend to be thin and if they work on their bodies, they'd be thin and toned which is nice... But you're correct, NONE of the risings can compete with bright, shiny Leo rising. Leo does have that star quality... like Marilyn Monroe and Lana del Rey (both are Gemini Sun) and Jake Gyllenhaal (Sag Sun).

A lot of people think I look like a Leo rising because I have big hair and I'm always smiling or laughing and I'm pretty jolly. But that's just my Libra Jupiter on the Asc being silly. I like being Libra rising... incognito can be a good thing, ya know.

A few of the Sag rising I know are big and jolly that's why I say that lol. Still, unlike, say, a plus sized cancer or taurus, they are VERY physically active. This one friend loves to go dancing and traveling to many different countries, and go on hiking trips. I'm a wiry Scorpio rising, and he still outpaces me. Some others I know are lanky and goofy as I said, though still attractive (I think of Dick van Dyke). Just that their attractiveness is not what I consider "star quality". You look at a Leo rising and think "wow what a hot guy/girl". Look at a Sag rising and you think basically what you said "devil may care, adventure, looks like someone to have a good time with, fun, etc." But I suppose, as I said, just a matter of opinion: I like radiant people (I have sun in 7th house), they probably balance out my dark presence.
Aries just looks fast and furious to me :p
A few of the Sag rising I know are big and jolly that's why I say that lol. Still, unlike, say, a plus sized cancer or taurus, they are VERY physically active. This one friend loves to go dancing and traveling to many different countries, and go on hiking trips. I'm a wiry Scorpio rising, and he still outpaces me. Some others I know are lanky and goofy as I said, though still attractive (I think of Dick van Dyke). Just that their attractiveness is not what I consider "star quality". You look at a Leo rising and think "wow what a hot guy/girl". Look at a Sag rising and you think basically what you said "devil may care, adventure, looks like someone to have a good time with, fun, etc." But I suppose, as I said, just a matter of opinion: I like radiant people (I have sun in 7th house), they probably balance out my dark presence.
Aries just looks fast and furious to me :p

LOL a plus sized Cancer or Taurus... oh boy... I have met MANY of those in both Sun and Rising. You are onto something there. I'm athletic... I mean, I run, I cycle, swim, I lift weights. I've had an obsession with swimming and biking since I was 5. That's how long I've been into physical sports. And yet, I went on a hike and there were 2 hefty/chunky Taurus, 1 soft looking Cancer, and a chubby Virgo were ALL outpacing me while lil ole me was losing my breath every minute and I was shocked (and so was everyone else) as to why I can't seem to go the same pace!! I hate hikes. I think it's boring. No wonder only big people get into hikes and the physically in shape looking ones go to the gym!!

The ones I seem to get along with best...on everyday social levels, are other Libra rising, no matter what Sun they have. Looks are not drop dead gorgeous but we've got the nice girl/boy next door look going on. We're non-threathening, which is good. They can be Virgo Sun for all I care, but as long as they're Libra rising, their Virgo Sun is hidden and they opt for more Libraness, of which I find to be quite agreeable to me. The ones that I get along with on an in-depth level are always, hands down, Scorpio rising.

I'm never interested in Leo rising people. I just never have been. Sure, I think they look nice, but aside from the exterior "glamour," there's not much to look at or interact with. They're too polished and picture perfect... like dolls. I just never liked anything looking perfect. I like something rebellious and wild looking... a maverick and quite interesting. I'm from LA, more importantly, I grew up in Hollywood. I suppose the Sagittarius and Aries rising I come across are of those of the "model" quality and the Leo rising I encounter are just ho hum. I mean, I am always around models/actors/actresses no matter where I go, whether or not I even know what they've done. I love the gritty, underground kind of look- tattoos, bedhead hair, non-PC attitude, an independent thinker- a rebel.

In whole signs, your Gemini Sun would be in the 6th house. I see that as making more sense as to why you like Leo rising... they look happy and healthy. Sun in 6th is very health conscious. I have Gemini Sun in the 9th house- of which the Sun is in its joy. My position would seem to give me an affinity towards Leos, but I don't care for Leo rising or any Leo planets. They're rather boring to me. I suppose the Sun in its joy could also give me an affinity towards Aries, but ironically, I don't really like Aries planets except for Aries Mars and Aries rising (but that's not a planet).

I have met quite a lot of Scorpio rising people of various Sun signs (most common being Gemini and Aqua) and
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I have met quite a lot of Scorpio rising people of various Sun signs (most common being Gemini and Aqua) and

... and what?

You're a little off there, in whole signs my Sun is in 8th house ;)

I understand why you say Leos wouldn't stimulate you much. I feel the same way about their Sun signs... just big egos. In fact I was going to say that Sagittarius seems like the "full package"... they are fun, funny, sporty, adventurous, AND good looking (for the most part). But again, we're not talking about qualities, we're talking about actual physical appearance; just picture each rising sign as mannequins.

I actually love Sag rising people... but they bug me in just two ways: They CAN'T SIT STILL! This is ironic since I am a Gemini and a social butterfly, but when I'm at a party or similar event, I find one corner of a room, and just stand or sit there for the entire evening (until I get up to dance, or say hello to someone, but mostly I just return to that spot, and people know to come find me there to chill because it has become 'my' spot). This also contributes to their spontaneity. I was out with a girl who is a Taurus with Sag rising once. Within a few minutes she wanted to suddenly get up and go on some "adventure", while I just wanted to sit, drink, have a riveting conversation, and listen to some music. Eventually, she asked me where is my spontaneity. I retorted that of course I am (thinking that I'm a Gemini, so I should), before I could finish she pulled me in for a kiss which jolted me lol. It kind of bothered me, but it was nice.

Oh and the other thing that bugs me is their sense of style... of which (unless something else in their chart helps them), they have none. A jeans or shorts, t-shirt, flip-flops or tennis shoes, is not style. This what I love about Leo rising, lol.
My MC is in Leo. If I'm not mistaken that would be reputation, public image, etc. For as long as I can remember, I have always held that honing a proper public image and reputation is extremely important, and for me, doing so would mean knowing how to "shine": dress, speak, carry one's self like royalty. "Life is a show and we are all participants and spectators" I either tweeted or facebooked some years ago.

Since I analyze charts in Placidus my sun in the 7th house ruled by the 10th means that I want to see this in others, and not just myself. I haven't gotten into whole signs, so I don't know how to analyze my Sun for the 8th house. I don't see Leos as "healthy" as you put it. Moon would be in my 6th house, in whole signs (5th for placidus). I do find Cancers rather comforting and having a holistic energy when I think about it. I will have to stop here before I confuse myself trying to interpret a different system lol.
Whoops, I pulled an all nighter and kinda losing steam about an hour ago. I meant, you have Sun in the 8th for whole signs. The "and" part is "and they usually don't look like typical Scorpio rising and look more airy."

I noticed that Sagittarius rising don't have style too. It's like they literally throw on whatever, even from the hamper that smells the least yucky. By nature they're really usually sloppy looking if they don't have a professional stylist pull something together for them. I had an ex who was Sag Sun/Cap Moon/Sag rising... he wasn't as bad as I described typical Sag rising. To be fair to him, he had Virgo Mars so he was meticulous, clean, and well groomed. He was lean and tall standing at 6'2. Even one of my former employers who I keep in touch with still, he's Sag Sun/Aries Moon/Sag rising will wear flip flops 24/7. I never saw him in anything except flip flops. Wait... once I saw him in Rockports and he said it was cold so he couldn't wear his flip flops. He always wears jeans and flip flops as his normal uniform and he strangely hates the corporate suit look...despite having Cap Mars. He is quite handsome and he's also 6'2 and lean...even though he eats junk food. Despite all that silliness, I always like Sag rising for men because when they get dressed up, they look very dashing without even trying.

Also, I am not bothered by Sag rising fidgeting in social settings, however, I've not met any Sag rising that I think are all that impatient and flighty. If anything, I'm the one they tend to look to take charge and usually I'm the fidgety one if I'm bored but if I find someone/something interesting, I stay put. But that's the beauty of having a cardinal rising, I suppose. Also, the majority of those (both men and women) who think that I'm good looking and like me, are Sagittarius rising. They must recognize Jupiter on my AC or something.

Ahhh... your MC is Leo which makes sense why you would place quite a bit of importance on striking/glamourous appearances. My MC is Cancer, so basically, I don't care about showy looks, I want the natural and honest looks- which doesn't necessarily mean I want someone wholesome but I do like honesty. I dislike heavy makeup on women, and I dislike metrosexual men and that's what Leo rising represent to me: overly made up people- all sparkly. I suppose that's why I like Sag rising so much as they have a tendency to be honest all the time and don't have a need to behind showiness.

I guess if we have to think of all the rising signs as mannequins and determine which mannequin is the best looking of all, my vote would go to Libra as I think the mannequin form would be well proportioned and nicely dressed in pleasant pastels for the female and the male would be in a nice 1920s suit.

I think it would be more accurate to think of all rising signs as celebrities and compare those in terms looks. Maybe we can pick 1 of each sex of each rising sign and we take a vote.
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I'm a libra with virgo rising. I read that it's the most beautiful combination... I won't post a photo of myself lol but I have posed for many photo shoots. :whistling:

Libra sun, virgo rising, scorpio mars & venus = Beauty, young looking & sexuality. Grrrrrr....
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder so that statement is rather sweeping.
Libra can be beautiful but the rising sign planet and its aspects will denote the looks. So if Virgo rises then Mercury would be looked at. IF Venus is challenged then the person may not be so attractive or will have bad taste or be over indulgent and cause weight gain.

Astrology is much more complex than saying one sign is more attractive than another.:happy:
My MC is in Leo. If I'm not mistaken that would be reputation, public image, etc. For as long as I can remember, I have always held that honing a proper public image and reputation is extremely important, and for me, doing so would mean knowing how to "shine": dress, speak, carry one's self like royalty. "Life is a show and we are all participants and spectators" I either tweeted or facebooked some years ago.

My MC falls in the scope of Aquarius. No wonder I've always had a capricious tendency of wearing the wrong attire for the wrong occasion. I remember as a child I use to wear some rather bizzare clothes. E.g. at the tender age of just 3 I was dressed up with a three piece baby suit a sky blue bow tie for my uncle's wedding day. Bit young to wear bow tie wouldn't you say? My MC has now progressed to 24 degrees Pisces and on the cusp of my 11th house. I can look back and say I become rather distasteful with my clothing post the age of around 8 (when MC moved into Pisces). But now it seems to have picked up again. I'm quite excited about the prospect of the MC going into Aries in a few years time. I'm trying to sit here imagining how I'll carry and present myself in public life.

IF Venus is challenged then the person may not be so attractive

Absolutely. Having a challenged Venus will only reduce Venusian power. I've experienced it first hand. Venus opposite Moon tightly conjunct Uranus, opposite Neptune and inconjunct Saturn.
Absolutely. Having a challenged Venus will only reduce Venusian power. I've experienced it first hand. Venus opposite Moon tightly conjunct Uranus, opposite Neptune and inconjunct Saturn.

Well, having difficult aspects to Venus isn't enough to "damage" it. There are plenty of people who have very strong Venus powers but have severely challenged Venus. I believe that having Venus in one of the angular houses and on an angle will be strong enough to curb the negative effects from difficult aspects.

Angelina Jolie is an example. I do not consider her "beautiful" but she have been determined studies and public that she fits an idealized form of beauty.

Ok, she has detriment Cancer Saturn parallel her Venus (that's bad) and she has Venus square Uranus (exact)... which isn't great either. What negates such bad planetary influences over her Venus is that her Venus is accidentally dignified...and further, it's right on the AC which actually adds tremendous power.

Brigitte Bardot- a major sex icon of the late 50s and early 60s had an unaspected fallen Virgo Venus in the 10th house. However, being that it was placed in an angular house, her Venus was accidentally dignified.
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Trying to find out her horoscope, anyone have any ideas what her asc. is?:unsure::unsure::unsure:

:leo:or :taurus:(wanton looking glance)???????:whistling:

She is Apollo in the Crab...easy to see...and a aggressive showy Aphrodite in the Twins(she'd be a flirt forever obviously!

She may even have the Delilah:sun::aquarius:(Samson was a Lion:leo:) Complex!:devil:


She may be the Lion rising, so flamboyant, or the Bull and even the Eagle..but whatever her ascendant she qualifies as one of the earth's rare beautys maybe like Helen of Troy!:unsure:
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