What Rising Sign Has the Best looks

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Looking through the charts I have:

Scorp ASC does nothing for me. I really like and connect with Scorpio Moons though.
Fire ASC and Scorpio Moon = fireworks! :w00t:
I thought It would interesting to discuss what rising sign you find the most Attractive

Physically and Mentally

well that assumes you know everyones rising sign who you meet and who u find most attractive which is impossible, unless ur talking about celebs and proven signs..,,in any case rising sign means nothing...attraction is a combination of a few factors
I'm a Scorpio Moon. My first love was probably a Leo Rising. I miss him so much. He was so out there and playful and joking...but he could never be serious. But that's a topic for another thread.
our looks have a lot to do with the ruling planet of the rising sign i.e. the chart ruler, and its aspects.

Traditionally Libra and Taurus are beautiful and if Venus is in the 1st house and well aspected. for instance For women where our Mars and Sun are and what signs is what is attractive to us and Moon and Venus for men. thankfully it is different for everyone.
How funny! Amongst a group of love-living astrologers... when we must first love ourselves to love the world, our-self...

Of course if it is Vedic then I agree - Scorpio Rising
But if it's Western Canon then I have to say, for a guy, it is surely Sagittarius Rising. My noble thighs and cheekbones are sure signs of this! :p I think it also saved me from being short. I turned out 5'10" with the physique of the short side of the family (the other was the opposite, tall and waif like...) so that's good.

In a woman it is surely Virgo Rising :) or perhaps Sagittarius - if only because of the 'narcissist' (read: love of the world our-selves) vein and their adorable 'overgrown baby fawn' physiques :)

What I'm saying is I am Jupiter's child even if he is in my 12th house and waiting for me to get his messages still :p

Virgo Rising I have two Junos in a certain sign and they have this and are stunning. I also love the motivational character it alludes to... opposites attract, hey :)
Leo Rising, of course. Best hair and body in the zodiac. :smile:

I personally like Virgo and Taurus Rising. Virgo has refined features and Taurus is kissed by Venus.