What Should I Look Out For?

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Aug 27, 2011
I am just wondering, what are the most dangerous parts of my chart? What do I need to do to avoid the worst parts of this chart? I guess what are the weaknesses in this chart?
Just curious.
It's attached.


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I'd say your Neptune in 7th. Wherever Neptune is found in a chart, it's an area where you may be unrealistic, overly dreamy, delusional or may be deceived. In the 7th it might lead to unrealistic expectations of (marriage) partners, or rose-tinted glasses. You might end up giving more than you take, over-idealise your partner... This kind of stuff.
Hello Scorpio,

why are you just asking for the bad things of you chart? And I can tell you, that it's a bad thing to try to avoid the challenging aspects because 1. you won't be able to and 2. they're just trying to teach you something you should know. Avoiding the challenge will never end it ...

What I can see on the first sight is that your moon, the ruler of your asc, is what's know to be "wounded". This means as much as badly aspected, in this case squared by Uranus, Saturn and Venus. Your moon is naturally strong for beeing in the 4th house but also weakened by virgo giving you a very analytical attitude and the aspects indicate some kind of emotional problems, e.g. uranus squaring moon could manifest in unconcious fears but also a strong need for individuality and freedom, which interferes with your cancer-asc. Saturn squaring your moon could manifest in the need to control your feelings, hiding them infront of other and fearing to be wounded, which is a cancer-problem in general. Venus suqare moon gives your emotional nature a need for harmony which is hard so establish e.g. because of a tendency to trust to easy.

These seem to be some of the main challenges you'll have to face, but don't avoid them. The situations you'll face will be the only exit from these possible emotional problems because you'll have to learn to cope with them somehow.

You're chart is as every chart is more complex than these few sentences can say, so be aware of every other statement.
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Yes, I certainly have problems with people in my life. I spend a great deal of time alone, make friends, and then find out that they have something to hide and then retreat. Same with girlfriends. It's never what it's cracked up to be and I end up having to do more of the work which conflicts with my need to not be weighed down. Honesty is something I have rarely experienced in a person. On the other hand, for the emotional issues, my mother always told me I was the moodiest person she knew. People are always asking me "what's wrong?" Im like "what? Im fine". haha. But yes, people bring difficulties into my life. On a regular basis.
"Use your Mars" is what first pops into my mind when you talk about your problems and I see your chart. I might not be making a correct conclusion, but just try it. Do something active, even if just alone. Take out your aggression (even if you have to force it to come a little) in a healthy way. Assert yourself. This comes into my mind because you say you have problems with being too moody, but your Mars is in Libra, an air sign of communications and detachment, as well as the sign of partnerships (what you say you have problems with.) Since you're a cautious Cancerian, especially with a moon in analytical and conservative Virgo, this might be a little hard for you, but I don't have to tell you not to go all-out. I have to use my Mars a lot too, based both on my chart and real life experiences, and it definitely works for me.
Yeah and with an Aries North Node it seems as if my chart almost encourages me to behave badly lol. Oddly enough when I do assert myself, I am for whatever reason liked more for it. IDK. It's a wierd game. I can get angry, and I do have a volcanic temper. But it very rarely surfaces. Its as if my chart purposely puts me in situations where I have to fight/ take charge when I would like nothing more than to sit back and not give a **** lol.
NN in Aries + Mars in Libra = Assert yourself! I would give you a short lesson in self-assertion, but I'm not here in real life. Feel free to do something stupid if you think it'll help, just not too stupid. You'll probably get your chance to sit back later, but first you must learn your lesson about assertion that it says you really need to. I have my lessons to learn too, so don't think you're the only person in the world with problems.
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moon opposition your midheaven could leave you with the feeling of being confused at which way your life is going.

Venus conjunct saturn could create feelings of low self esteem and possible problems in relationships. Because venus is a warm planet and saturn is considered cold, it may have a censoring effect. You may feel like you are not worthy enough to have a relationship.