Very true. I found math boring until physics and calculus came along. Understanding natural phenomena with math is so awesome.It's also possible that your son does not yet appreciate the reason that Maths is important. It can be a very boring subject for some children.
I love maths and am pretty good at it, my math teacher was encouraging me to do a degree in it..
no Mercury-Saturn aspects, nor Mercury-Uranus, not many aspects to Mercury at all, and nothing in Aquarius or 11th house in my chart.. ???
Did you check your declinations?
I just did...Only Mercury/Uranus parallel with 1° 22' orb, would that count??
I love maths and am pretty good at it, my math teacher was encouraging me to do a degree in it..
no Mercury-Saturn aspects, nor Mercury-Uranus, not many aspects to Mercury at all, and nothing in Aquarius or 11th house in my chart.. ???
Given what you describe here, I'm not surprised you enjoy puzzles, but struggle with Maths. As I understand it, combos (esp the trine) between Mercury (and not in Gemini or Sag) and Saturn generally are an indicator of Maths ability.I have TONS of mercurial energy in my chart and quite some Uranus/Aquarius as well. Chart ruler is Mercury, I have moon, Venus, Mars, in Mercury ruled signs, aspects from Mercury to 5 planets and ascendant as well as being in the 10th house, Sun in 11th house, Saturn in Aquarius, Uranus aspects to 5 planets and ascendant. Terrible at maths... I love puzzles, but maths are hard for me to grasp lol. A math professor would have to be at the end of their rope to ever steer me in that direction. There definitely has to be something more to it