What suggests ability to do math

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I have Sun conjunct Mercury in the 9th too and Mercury trine Uranus, but Saturn squares both Sun and Mercury... I was always mediocre at Maths.
Deanna, the Mercury-Uranus conj in Pisces is a sign post for me. It indicates an active and changeable mind, with ideas of his own, and perhaps a mind more suited to creating something new and unique to him, than to following an organised body of thought which has been created by others (which in essence, Maths tends to be.)

Your son's mind may not, at 11, be terribly organised, but Science would appeal to him, since it is based upon concepts and ideas, many of which are new and exciting to children. That Jupiter in Scorpio probably wants to know why something is so.
As for the Chinese, perhaps he has a flair for languages. The Mercury-Uranus certainly describes a mind which appreciates flair and the unknown, rather than order.
It's also possible that your son does not yet appreciate the reason that Maths is important. It can be a very boring subject for some children.

I keep going back to the Mercury-Uranus conj in Pisces. It describes a unique mind, one which perhaps daydreams about fanciful, even preposterous ideas. It is a gift he has, but mainstream schooling may not be where he discovers such gifts.

[And Maths and Science skills are only related when you get into more advanced sciences, such as Physics, or Astronomy. Maths is fundamental to calculations required to pursue such subjects.]
I majored in applied calculus. I have combust mercury in scorpio. Third house in virgo. Leo saturn on ascendant is about 8 degrees from out-of-sign trine to mercury. I love applied math, but I don't care too much for the theoretical side, especially at the graduate level.

It's also possible that your son does not yet appreciate the reason that Maths is important. It can be a very boring subject for some children.
Very true. I found math boring until physics and calculus came along. Understanding natural phenomena with math is so awesome. :love:
Hmm, I'm not a huge fan of math and this is coming from someone who's majoring in electrical engineering. I can grasp math concepts fairly easily.

Truly LOVE languages and enjoy science.

I have Mercury in the 11th quincunx Uranus in the 4th. I have a fairly packed 11th house.
Mercury rules my Ascendant.
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I love maths and am pretty good at it, my math teacher was encouraging me to do a degree in it..
no Mercury-Saturn aspects, nor Mercury-Uranus, not many aspects to Mercury at all, and nothing in Aquarius or 11th house in my chart.. ???

Did you check your declinations?
I love maths and am pretty good at it, my math teacher was encouraging me to do a degree in it..
no Mercury-Saturn aspects, nor Mercury-Uranus, not many aspects to Mercury at all, and nothing in Aquarius or 11th house in my chart.. ???

I have TONS of mercurial energy in my chart and quite some Uranus/Aquarius as well. Chart ruler is Mercury, I have moon, Venus, Mars, in Mercury ruled signs, aspects from Mercury to 5 planets and ascendant as well as being in the 10th house, Sun in 11th house, Saturn in Aquarius, Uranus aspects to 5 planets and ascendant. Terrible at maths... I love puzzles, but maths are hard for me to grasp lol. A math professor would have to be at the end of their rope to ever steer me in that direction. There definitely has to be something more to it
I have TONS of mercurial energy in my chart and quite some Uranus/Aquarius as well. Chart ruler is Mercury, I have moon, Venus, Mars, in Mercury ruled signs, aspects from Mercury to 5 planets and ascendant as well as being in the 10th house, Sun in 11th house, Saturn in Aquarius, Uranus aspects to 5 planets and ascendant. Terrible at maths... I love puzzles, but maths are hard for me to grasp lol. A math professor would have to be at the end of their rope to ever steer me in that direction. There definitely has to be something more to it
Given what you describe here, I'm not surprised you enjoy puzzles, but struggle with Maths. As I understand it, combos (esp the trine) between Mercury (and not in Gemini or Sag) and Saturn generally are an indicator of Maths ability.

No-one has yet mentioned the possible role of Pallas Athene, but if that is in aspect to natal Saturn, then that is a possibility. I have Pallas Athene quite closely squaring Saturn, while my retired-Maths-lecturer brother has Pallas Athene trining Saturn. He sees mathematical patterns absolutely everywhere, and then revels in explaining them to others.
Mercury conjunct Saturn I have see in the charts of Engineers and Physicist. I have Mercury Trine Saturn exact almost so I am ok doing math and calculations, but I really do not get into complicated formula's such as Algorithms.

If you want to see what I am talking about study Einstein's chart as he could envision things ,but passed on the Formula's to be done by Mathematicians. He did that when he came up with the formula E=MC2

Genius alway's comes with Pisces included as I have studied those said to be genius's. Genius has the emphasis due to being able to think outside the box of what most mortals think.

Einstein IMO was not Genius for Relativity ,he just beat others to the punch. His further achievements show him to be Genius.
To explain, think of other of genius status as they conceived inventions and other notable things which were not even imagined by others.EX. Thomas Edison of atleast one I can think of.

Socrates said,"Genius is always accompanied by a touch of Madness."
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I'm relatively good at maths. Always been best or at least one of the best in class. My degree is also Maths related. But I have never been 'genius'-like ...

Mercury in Aries in 9th house.

Mercury sextile Jupiter
Mercury conjunct Saturn
Mercury sextile Uranus
Mercury trine Ascendant
Mercury parellel Moon
Mercury parallel Mars
My daughter has mercury in pisces 4th house trine saturn in 12th house scorpio and has aquarius in 3rd house. Her merc squares moon in gemini 7th house though, already outwardly showing some potential for wit. At her young age seems to not be bothered with maths...I guess her strong pisces placements tend to make her more visually inclined and I get that as I myself cannot think in terms of numbers..I was a mess in maths during my whole education but my daughter does show some promising traits in her chart..

Would merc/saturn translate into something transformative in the long run?

My husband/daughters father who is an academic has mercury 9th house sextile saturn and was considered a late bloomer, got admitted to the gifted program pretty late in his education.

Could this kind of placement do well under 'nurturing' conditions?
Maths was mostly traumatic to me and dont want to have that repeated with my daughter.