What the hell is going on?

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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2010
UGH. I just recently "hooked up" with a friend. I THOUGHT that things were pretty good, considering his long crush on me, and his ways of luring me into bed. I thought things were sweet and perfect. We spoke (texted) until I invited him over and haven't heard from him since...

So, what's up? I ask in panic. More specficially, "how short lived is this relationship/where is it going???"



I am... Jupiter, he is Mercury. Well, it seems like it's "too early to tell" according to the ascendant. More clues though.
I am given all the following rulers in a male-female relationship: Jupiter, Moon, and venus.
He of course is: Mercury, Sun, and Mars.

Basically, it kind of accurately described it: Mars separating from Venus by 3 deg... our last rendezvous was 3 days ago. Mars makes no aspects, but the sun does. The sun will apply a trine to Jupiter in 5 deg. I am thinking it's in days, and it will be Saturday, party day that we might meet. Hooray. BUT jupiter applies to saturn first. :,( Mercury and venus are in a mutual reception together. The moon, hanging by a strand in Aries (mar's territory) is anxious and can't wait to get to taurus (stability...) being on a critical degree. Not to mention, the moon is changing to taurus and will conjunct him in 2 days.

North Node, ruled by Saturn, in his radix 5th house. Saturn, in my 7th house.

Well, what is going to happen afterwards?
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I also asked again about 20 minutes later with a more definite question: does he still want me...? If that might help anyone in terms of specificity...
Firstly the ascendant IS too early to read the chart.
Secondly Saturn who is NOT a significator here is in h7-another consideration against judgement.
The moon is at 29 degrees of Aries, about to move into Venus's sign and it will conjunct his ruler Mercury shortly.
H4 the house of the outcome is ruled by Mercury, him.Mercury has just gone direct in venus's sign and will sextile your ruler from there, but a sextile is pretty weak, especially as venus herself applies a square to Saturn, and venus is in Mercury's sign, so about him.Also Venus applies a square to *your* ruler, Jupiter.

Your invitation to him is ruled by Venus, and Venus is separating from Mars so that looks like a no go to me.

BTW< you can only ask the question once according to standard horary practice.

I think you'll hear from him again, but not necessarily what you want to hear.I may be wrong because Saturn is in h7-so anyone answering this runs the risk of getting it wrong too.
Well, this is what happened.

After this chart, he called me, and I waited until the next day to answer. That day, we met each other at a party, where we went to his house. We always had great chemistry and compatibility (our asc are eachother's descendant) and long conversations (air moons). Things were great, except well, sex ended a little "early."

Next week, I called him, and he called me back the next day. I was so upset that when we saw each other at a mutual event (though he came up right away to hug me), I avoided and ignored him. It became a game of push and pull. The afterparty, I was drunk, but tried to bring up the topic of why he didn't answer my calls and wanting to stop "this". It took a very long time due to my intoxication. I couldn't say it. I just kept on alluding to it, saying, "Do you think... this is inorganic?" (our process). He finally just said he wanted to be friends (and I felt devestated because I wanted to say it! I felt rejected and my ego is bruised).

Anyway, I left in a hateful fashion. I called him a day later to apologize my drunkenness, but told him I don't expect a response. Haven't heard from him. Both of us freaked out and gave up, that's why.