What was the purpose of our meeting/relationship?

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Jan 16, 2013
where the sun meets the moon

Looking for insight on this chart. (I may need to change chart)

I can see the ASC is in late degree...I read that this means too late.

We are in contact however we are no longer in a relationship. Relationship was short with a dreamy quality (Neptune). Lots of info came out making impossible for me to continue. It ended officially couple weeks ago. Lots of inconsistencies in the relationship.

We met unexpectedly. I had a different guy (who I already knew) that I was manifesting and Von showed up. Who sent him?

Lots of synchronicities, similarities and dreams experienced by both.

One time I had my cards out while sittig with him and kept pulling The Magician. Later he shared that he dabbled in magic.

It felt love bomb-ish. I'm trying to cut the cord.

So weird how we met. This is far out but, I had a thought that the girlfriend of the man that I was originally manifesting sent him.

Me: Oct 6 1983 11:42am TX USA
Him: Aug 6 1994 3:10pm MN USA

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Ascendant too late. These apply:
The querent is at the moment in a state of change, the situation/outcome is already passed.

(Yes however I believe that either mine or Von's ASC in exact to this chart...also still trying to gain the lesson.)

The Querent is always given by the 1st House. The possible Significators for the Querent are:

• the Ascendant itself -

• the Ascendant Ruler - ruler of Scorpio is Pluto or Mars? Pluto is an outer planet.

• planets in the 1st House - Mercury and Venus.

The Quesited is shown by:

• the House represented by the nature of the Question - 7th house Gemini

• the Ruler of that House - Mercury

• planets in that house - Jupiter

Jupiter is retro and opposite Venus.
Mercury and Venus both in 1st house not making aspect.
Mercury moves faster but will be going retro soon....before reaching Venus who will be leaving Sag soon.

No mutual reception.

Saturn in close to IC and square Mercury and Jupiter. (indicate one barrier after another, making it especially difficult to express the individuality the way s/he’d like. S/He’s apparently stuck; blocked or restricted by forces outside.)

Mercury is conjunct ASC....taking on vibrations of Scorpio/Pluto or the sign of Sag/Jupiter. What occupies our mind.

Neptune is square to both Venus and Jupiter - confusion and delusion

Neptune trine Mercury??

Uranus conjunct Descendant, shock, shift, sudden unexpected events relationships
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I personally don't think a horary chart can tell something like the purpose of a meeting and relationship. Perhaps a synastry chart could offer some pointers [f you accurate birth times for both persons] by looking at the meaning of how the houses/planets coincide. Although I am not sure this will necessarily explain the purpose of meeting and relationship...?
In any case, I think it might be beneficial to create a synastry chart and move the question out of Horary entirely and into the Relational Astrology forum.
Hi Earthyair,

What's the purpose of any meeting, who created it? Life, enjoyment, growth, development, a next step or puzzle piece. Did you call that in, did he or did you agree on it eons ago.

Sun in your twelfth, Scorpio. Male energy, dreamy, a magical (12th) house, a magic dark sign (Scorpio). There he is.
If you are the ascendant. and he the descendant, you meet in the middle, that's you. Purpose, you (always)
Scorpio ascendant, you could take Mars and Pluto seeing as they're opposing; the question arises if you are or were conflicted in some area and then he came along. Mars in Leo though, not cancer. Leadership comes to mind as the other side of the opposition is Pluto in Capricorn, rulership, governing, response-ability.
The intercepted signs may point to having not enough experience or knowledge, getting you to a point of indecision, conflicted.

Houses 2 and eight, money values, knowledge with Gemini and Sagittarius, how to use the knowledge or intuition, leading back into values.

You wrote that you found no mutual reception. That maybe correct but it's interesting to me how you have Mercury in the 1st house as does he Jupiter in his. Not in aspect with each other but this first houses-idea, for me, does support the idea of interchange, he had something for you, you for him.

Pluto is degree precise sextile the asc. Change or transformation with some effort but in conflict for now. As pointed out with Mars and the nature of Pluto is bound to cause conflict within.

With his significator Venus in your first house you took in what he had to offer, considered it, faced it. Honestly, comes to mind as a word.
Square Neptune, too dreamy, dissolvement.
The Uranus on the desc, splitting up, dissolvement of the relationship as it was. With the Venus To Uranus quincunx and magic in the mix, one or both of you may have felt the split coming.

He as a person, Venus is nearly exact in the middle of your Asc. to Pluto sextile. Like a stand in the way, semi sextile-style annoying... Maybe you agreed on that, for him to 'annoyingly' point out some stuff in your transformation process. To ground the idea (or question) of you wanting this change by ways of standing still with him for a while.

The somewhat deceitful aspect from Venus to Neptune combined with his presence as the Sun in your twelfth, underlines him not being all to truthfull and through that he maybe adds to or makes up part of what I called 'annoyance'. But that only flies if (some of) this resonates.

The other degree exact sextile is Capricorn Moon to Pisces Saturn. Your feelings in detriment to a drowned and down the chart Saturn. A blockage but solvable through dealing with emotions and/or using intuition?
I think also a call to hone your own intuition, trust your feelings or learn to do so.

Well, that's no horary reading but it's a try.
In hopes you're doing well.
Thanks llenek and Nailu!

I plan to add synastry and composite to relational astrology.

I believe there is always purpose, my frustration sets in when my love affairs are short lived. Super frustrating. Yet again a potential love interest comes along with no longevity. How many lessons do I have to learn? Why do I need to be this perfect perfect person before having a relationship that sticks?

I meet men sporadically, not often...which gives me the feeling that the meeting is divine. I pour myself in because it most often feels fated and the result has been no relationship. People are getting into relationships every day and they are not even close to being "healed" (not to make comparisons but just saying). In 41 years, I have not had one functional, lengthy, healthy relationship. If my purpose is learning through relationships, I would need to have one. /rant

As for the explanation for the chart is spot on. I was unsure about my significator. Values stands out...ours not completely aligned. Venus Neptune Sun, he showed up as a person he wanted me to believe he was and possibly wanted to be (but wasn’t) ...I'm sure there are some other dishonesties...
Hi Earthyair,

Thank you for your reply.

Very Scorpio, Mars, Pluto. Desires (from the soul as well as in life), wanting to get what a relationship can bring.

With your last sentence in the second paragraph, you are pointing the finger back to self. The wording of your 'rant', seems to imply you are on a spiritual path or taking some of that to guide parts of life. If I'm wrong, my apologies.

On that idea though. The idea of being 'healed' through others/relationship. That's idealistic and my respect for that.
To me, 'God/Source/@ny name that works for you' is healed or (the) whole. The rest of creation is in part defined by being not-whole in some sence.
Just for perspective that.

You're looking for a mirror. In relationships; in your question and explanation you talk about a love- relationship.
A question that may pierce some of the frustration on a spiritual level may be if you find yourself capable of seeing divinity in every relationship. Probably feeding back into your question about needing to be perfect.

You don't need to be perfect, in some sence you won't, at least untill your last breath on the earth, possibly longer.
You choose this path and need a little breath to get back in the saddle, build trust again and the right self worth. It really sucks if relationships don't work out and that needs time to ...yeah.
After that can come the questions of why; why the short lived romances. Is there more commonality between the men you dated in the past? Are you looking to find more self empowerment by yourself? Is there blockage? Too much expectations, willpower?

I wonder if your description of meeting men and your sense of divinity surrounding that, then acting on it works as too much? Just like what people say if you want a relationship very very much it's like you get in your own way and nothing happens.
Expectations and the like working like a sledgehammer on potential partners who have a different dynamic in engaging, different timing in giving.

I don't know, it felt like your answer asked for a reply. While there's probably nothing new there, it may help take a little more time for yourself, you deserve it?
Cards, 5 swords, then 6 cups and knight swords. Back in the saddle and moving after overcoming the emotions, you will. A call to feel this, no matter what and know the answers are within. Stay grounded, lots of thought energy spinning.

Perfect as you are.


Your words have given me new ideas to think about. Thank you.

Ultimately I know that I just need to go through it, but the feelings get pretty extreme.

Just recently listened to a podcast where the person was describing how they metamorphosizing many times

And another broadcast where they mentioned chaos theory...
Chaos is nessicary for creativity, because without the disruption of that which is there would be no growth and evolution

And another...You're sovereign, you choose.

A few days ago I pulled The Fool as the outcome to my healing.
Just my thoughts, and apology for there being no astrology. Nailu gave us such a wonderful offering that I have little more to say.
But if I may, I would comment on the following in support of your path.
Chaos isn't necessary for creativity. It IS creativity.
We choose, but we are not sovereign [with the chaos and all].
And yes, The Fool, the not knowing mind, is the Way to go.
Wishing you the very best on the path.

Ilene, thank you (again) that's nice!

Earthy air, when taking it back to the astrology and look at the synastry-chart you posted, the chaos and the Fool seem to point at the Uranus placement in a Jupiter conjunction on your ascendant. Very prominent and chaotic, the 1st house Neptune (metamorphosis) may even further the chaotic and lost feeling.
The creativity comes, in part, with the Venus,Mars conjunction, square to the Uranus,Jupiter and ascendant.
Chiron completes a T-square formation square Venus, Mars.

A lot of thought and analytics.

No rest for the wicked? Engaging with Piscean energies may give some breathing room. The opposition to the Virgo Mars,Venus may relieve built up stress from this T-square. The 'perfect'-Pisces would go spiritual, compassionate, all Jezus-Like.
I bet the man himself (Jezus) would just go for a swim or fish some more, take the relaxed way and leave things be for a while, let the universe do it's job while finding enjoyment; the water helps birthing the next stage in the metamorphosis perhaps. Indeed to go about things as a tarot fool would.

It also may help with the very serious Saturn energy inconjunct to Asc. Opposing Chiron. That can be some hard to catch blockage. Pluto just around the corner there only adds to the intensity. A dam-like construction in Scorpionic waters comes to mind. And he sweet talked his way into your life and that part of it, his Venus on your Mercury and his Moon/Mercury square your Saturn.

You are in your time of Pluto-square, Neptune-square. That can be an emotional harsh few years.

My idea with this man is that you had some karmic thing to work through. There is some ages difference, still you managed to get both nodal axis and Pluto in (non Ptolemaic) aspect.
Where you have potential blocks he may have shown you the, sort of opposite, expansion there with his Jupiter conjunct your Saturn.
Maybe here is part of the knowledge - exchange that was pointed out in the horary with Jupiter-Mercury in the first houses. Part of that exchange was under the surface, your natal Mercury trine to his unconscious values in Uranus/Neptune in Capricorn. Combined with his south node ruler Venus on your Mercury, his karma seen, understood, analysed by you.
That exchange, the BS on his side, shown here as well included, needs a bit of Pisces relaxation to settle in and do it's job, to extract from it what is for you in that.

The 1st house south node can be, in part, cause for running into these types of things. Short lived (Uranus), karmic connections and corrections? Your Gemini seventh house North node fits with the multiple relations. You mentioned learning about relationship (Libra Sun,Moon goes there as well)
Have you ever done some work or healing, looking into past lives, is that subject in your field of interests at all?

More thoughts for you. Perhaps you already know your answer with the Fool card. Let it be, I'm done now I'll Magicly do the trick when arriving at the Magician. In that case more thoughts are futile. Wish you a good weekend in hopes I'm not making a fool out of myself here.