What's going on with Russell Brand?

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Jul 24, 2010
The news outlets, at least in the UK, have been flooded with stories about Russell Brand, and the accusations of sexual molesting against him by a number of women.
Can we understand what is going on by analysing his natal chart?
Sex? Should be heavy in scorpio, one would think.
Instead surprise he has no scorpio whatsoever, except for the 29th degree of scorpio holding the Midheaven.... reputation of a sexy man!
Sun opposes Neptune, the male sun can be devious, or inventive, but also weak willed. In mutable signs, even more so, lacking backbone.
Moon/mars/jupiter are conjunct in fiery Aries, his relationships with women, varying from impulsive to fiery to generous and jovial.
However, these are all opposing pluto of force and imposition, in libra the peaceful sign of partnerships.
So the individual has compulsions, with moon involved in the man's chart, they are directed at women.
Venus in loving, tender, home loving cancer, in a very wide out of sign square to the moon/mars/jupiter stellium.
Venus is almost exactly square Uranus in 8th, very tremulous love relationships, given Venus is in 7th house, unexpected starts and endings.
Uranus is also in 8th, along with pluto.
The individual and his ego in conflict with his sentimental expression of love.
The 8th house of sex is ruled by mercury in the 5th in air sign gemini. He likes talking about it more than doing it.
Saturn ascendent gives him his dark looks, the scorpio midheaven lends that fixed stare of his.
This man has been able to make a successful career and global reputation as comedian and speaker.
Stressful charts tend to help with this, pushing the native to action to relieve the inner stress.
Interesting character and interesting situation.
Why is it all coming out now?
Pluto retrograding over his ascendent and exactly opposing Venus, old sins catching up with him?.

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First, where is Sun? Below the horizon. That makes this a nocturnal chart.
Second, since this is a nocturnal chart, Sect Ruler Moon should be up in the night sky except she isn't, and she's in a masculine sign, so Moon is out of sect (but not totally).
Third, where is this out of sect Moon? She's in Aries in the 4th place, mind you.
Fourth, what is Aries? Among things, Aries is one of the signs of lechers, lewdness, and unusual desires. Wow, an out of sect Sect Ruler in a licentious sign in the 4th place. What could possibly go wrong there?
Fifth, who is this out of sect Sect Ruler Moon with? She's all cozy with Mars and Jupiter.

What can we say about people when Moon, Mars, and Jupiter are snuggle-bunnies?

These are people often from humble beginnings who rise to prominence in the public eye and then they crash like the Hindenburg. I do believe a quote is in order:

They fall into reversals and criminal charges, betrayed by their own relatives or by females, and they suffer loss of possessions.
So, which is it? Relatives or females? Gosh, I don't know. Why don't see who is squaring/opposing our spooning friends?

That would be Cancer Venus in the 7th place. Women is our answer.

Not only was that missed, but Venus and Saturn are together having a barn dance in Cancer and when that happens they produce "entanglements in public matters and those encountering harm or accusations" which supports are reading even more so since they are in the 7th place.

Did I mention Moon is the dispositor of Venus and Mars the dispositor of Moon? Mars is not up in the night sky so we have an out of sect Mars with an out of sect Sect Ruler and both in a licentious sign. Again, what could possibly go wrong?

Mercury is actually in the 6th place in aversion to the horoscope. Even though this chart doesn't show it, Fortune is with Moon & Co and Spirit is in the 9th place making ruler Mars in aversion so Mr. Brand Hunk, or whoever he is, is not a very moral person in the first place so it's hardly shocking he'd be molesting women and since both Sun and Mercury are in aversion to Venus, that pretty much tells you what he thinks of women which is not something I could post here.

[Deleted rude and condescending comments. - Moderator]
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Seriously, I don't know why people jump through hoops to make things harder than they have to be.

First, where is Sun? Below the horizon. That makes this a nocturnal chart.
Second, since this is a nocturnal chart, Sect Ruler Moon should be up in the night sky except she isn't, and she's in a masculine sign, so Moon is out of sect (but not totally).
Third, where is this out of sect Moon? She's in Aries in the 4th place, mind you.
Fourth, what is Aries? Among things, Aries is one of the signs of lechers, lewdness, and unusual desires. Wow, an out of sect Sect Ruler in a licentious sign in the 4th place. What could possibly go wrong there?
Fifth, who is this out of sect Sect Ruler Moon with? She's all cozy with Mars and Jupiter.

And that folks, is all we need to know.

What can we say about people when Moon, Mars, and Jupiter are snuggle-bunnies?

These are people often from humble beginnings who rise to prominence in the public eye and then they crash like the Hindenburg. I do believe a quote is in order:

They fall into reversals and criminal charges, betrayed by their own relatives or by females, and they suffer loss of possessions.
So, which is it? Relatives or females? Gosh, I don't know. Why don't see who is squaring/opposing our spooning friends?

That would be Cancer Venus in the 7th place. Women is our answer.

Because we got stupid and crow-barred some idiotic house system onto a perfectly good chart, the 7th place Cancer Saturn ruling and opposing the horoscope was totally ignored.

Not only was that missed, but Venus and Saturn are together having a barn dance in Cancer and when that happens they produce "entanglements in public matters and those encountering harm or accusations" which supports are reading even more so since they are in the 7th place.

Did I mention Moon is the dispositor of Venus and Mars the dispositor of Moon? Mars is not up in the night sky so we have an out of sect Mars with an out of sect Sect Ruler and both in a licentious sign. Again, what could possibly go wrong?

Mercury is actually in the 6th place in aversion to the horoscope. Even though this chart doesn't show it, Fortune is with Moon & Co and Spirit is in the 9th place making ruler Mars in aversion so Mr. Brand Hunk, or whoever he is, is not a very moral person in the first place so it's hardly shocking he'd be molesting women and since both Sun and Mercury are in aversion to Venus, that pretty much tells you what he thinks of women which is not something I could post here.

Practicing astrology. What a concept.

Totally agree.

A little look into his biography - to get you in the mood.
His "mood".

since this is a nocturnal chart, Sect Ruler Moon should be up in the night sky
Can you explain this a bit more, please?
It would seem the moon could be anywhere, whether the chart is day or night.

sign in the 4th place.
Not following this, what is the "4th place"? Thanks.

They fall into reversals and criminal charges, betrayed by their own relatives or by females, and they suffer loss of possessions
Who are you quoting here?

Cancer Venus in the 7th place
Again, it's probably just a question of vocabulary. Venus is in the 7th house, but you don't seem to be referring to the house.
the 7th place Cancer Saturn
Since Saturn is in the 6th house, what is the 7th place? Intriguing.

Saturn ruling and opposing the horoscope was totally ignored.
Saturn rules the ascendent, but what does it mean that it opposes the horoscope.

Nb. Saturn not ignored, but there are many layers to any interpretation, so the first post started off the conversation, but obviously leaves room for others to intervene. Pages and pages could be written on a chart. And in fact, your posting is very interesting and much appreciated.

Venus and Saturn are together having a barn dance in Cancer and when that happens they produce "entanglements in public matters and those encountering harm or accusations" which supports are reading even more so since they are in the 7th place.
Again, the 7th place. Who is the quote from?

Mars is not up in the night sky so we have an out of sect Mars with an out of sect Sect Ruler and both in a licentious sign
Slowly, please. Mars is out of sect because it is not elevated in the night sky.
Can you go into this?
The out of sect Ruler is presumably Saturn, is that correct, but in a licentious sign. Why is cancer a licentious sign?
Mercury is actually in the 6th place in aversion to the horoscope.
Sorry, again not following you here. Why is mercury in aversion to the horoscope?

Fortune is with Moon & Co and Spirit is in the 9th place
One would think POF on moon is a positive contact.
Part of Spirit is at 18 scorpio. In the 9th house. (What is the 9th place?)

Mr. Brand Hunk, or whoever he is
Russell Brand.
is not a very moral person in the first place so it's hardly shocking he'd be molesting women and since both Sun and Mercury are in aversion to Venus, that pretty much tells you what he thinks of women which is not something I could post here.
Of course, we all know that the stars impel but do not compel. A person might have negative aspects in their natal, but don't develop them in a negative way.
The publicity about these accusations is currently quite one-sided, which makes one suspicious.
To be clear, I'm not taking sides, and I'm not a particular fan of his.
But the "innocent until proven guilty" rule is still in place.
Example, in one of the accusations, the 16 year old was accompanied to his house by her own mother. What in the world!
River gives a detailed description of his encounter with Brand as a predator.
(By clicking on the YouTube in the window, you can view the video)

Of course, mars in Aries is very impulsive, egotistical, and aggressive.
He's guilty. Of course I believe innocence until proven guilty but I do think guilt will be proven.

Mercury retro in own sign, 5th house of pleasure connection to Uranus in 8th.

Pluto in 8th opposite mars, moon. If he likes it or not, his emotions and actions will be his destruction.

Venus squaring Uranus in 8th in Venus sign.

Timing.. why now. Could be to do with rahu/north node transit over aries with ketu/south node transit in libra where uranus is.

Using Vedic method, he is in dasa period of Venus/mercury...

this just my opinion
Sorry to digress for a moment. But I realized this when I saw his chart. Angelina Jolie was born on the same day, same year. She is a Cancer rising with Venus on the ascendant and that Aries stellium is surrounds he MC. So she kinda has his chart upside down. Lol. Very interesting, because these days she just seems very focused on her kids and really is kinda keeping to herself.

It's wild that these accusations just came out. He has been interviewed by everyone and their dog on YouTube and is often portrayed as some enlightened guru. 😬
Sorry to digress for a moment. But I realized this when I saw his chart. Angelina Jolie was born on the same day, same year. She is a Cancer rising with Venus on the ascendant and that Aries stellium is surrounds he MC. So she kinda has his chart upside down. Lol. Very interesting, because these days she just seems very focused on her kids and really is kinda keeping to herself.

It's wild that these accusations just came out. He has been interviewed by everyone and their dog on YouTube and is often portrayed as some enlightened guru. 😬

That's fascinating. Thanks for sharing. House placement really is invaluable.
He's guilty. Of course I believe innocence until proven guilty but I do think guilt will be proven.
Just might be, but here we are analysing the chart, not deciding guilt or innocence. Correct?

Timing.. why now. Could be to do with rahu/north node transit over aries with ketu/south node transit in libra where uranus is.
Well spotted.

on YouTube and is often portrayed as some enlightened guru. 😬
If you watch some of his videos in fact, he speaks from a position as philosopher, rather than a comedian. He's also had some debates with Jordan Peterson. Not referring to quality here, just his presentation.

Angelina Jolie was born on the same day, same year. She is a Cancer rising with Venus on the ascendant and that Aries stellium is surrounds he MC.
Now that's very interesting.
We can compare two charts, two personalities who have led public lives, and how they've expressed the same energies. Thank you for this!
Sorry to digress for a moment. But I realized this when I saw his chart. Angelina Jolie was born on the same day, same year. She is a Cancer rising with Venus on the ascendant and that Aries stellium is surrounds he MC. So she kinda has his chart upside down. Lol. Very interesting, because these days she just seems very focused on her kids and really is kinda keeping to herself.

It's wild that these accusations just came out. He has been interviewed by everyone and their dog on YouTube and is often portrayed as some enlightened guru. 😬
Interesting, personal choices, self awareness, etc. have to figure into the equation of the chart or else we can't change and evolve. I do wonder about what's fated vs more of our own choices. Right, there are so many self appointed gurus out there.
I know w/ the Sat/Mars square it's notorious for either victimizing or being the victim of another. Mars in its own sign/Aries, Moon involved. Then put Pluto in it. Ah.
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It's interesting to see the two charts and different house placements. Angelina was a bit rebellious in her younger years. The matching blood vial necklaces and marriage to Billy Bob Thorton, the whole Brangelina deal in 2005. But despite that, she seems like a very dedicated mother, and although she acts and produces in a few movies here and there, she seems to enjoy keeping a low profile these days. My curiosity is peeked and now I want to see how the transits, etc. affected both of them throughout different points in their lives😁.

The one thing I think the two have in common is very high intelligence. Russell is very mercurial and loquacious. Imho he comes off a bit manic at times, but that may just be how he normally comes off. Angelina is not nearly as verbose, but she is still very intelligent. Bilingual, very informed of what is going on in other parts of the world, but seems very content to stay behind the scenes with her kids these days.

Despite Neptune being the closest planet to the MC, I believe natal Uranus is the Zenith in Russell's chart as it makes a much closer square to his AC. It looks like transit SN Libra recently conjuncted it. The solar eclipse in October at 21 Libra may be too far from his natal Uranus , but look at all the squares and oppositions it makes. Yikes. And prior to that, the Full moon on the 29th will be sitting cozy with that volatile Aries stellium and opposing his natal Pluto exactly. It will be interesting to see how this unfolds!