What's So Wrong With Sugar?

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I don't eat a lot of sugar. If only I had my own box of sugar without using those small packets without the kick in them...

I like yogurt. It's been a while since I ate some. I should continue eating more yogurt...
I don't eat a lot of sugar. If only I had my own box of sugar without using those small packets without the kick in them...

I like yogurt. It's been a while since I ate some. I should continue eating more yogurt...
Good that you already have minimal sugar mister_hank. IMO you would enjoy a simple plain yogurt such as 'Greek' yogurt - just add fresh as well as dried fruit to it for some sweetness... raisins, currants, sultanas, grapes for example:smile:
:sideways: It's great if you can afford healthy/organic foods all the time...but then again the cost of a root canal tacks onto the bill of cheap processed foods. I'd like to grow a green thumb, lol...
:sideways: It's great if you can afford healthy/organic foods all the time...but then again the cost of a root canal tacks onto the bill of cheap processed foods. I'd like to grow a green thumb, lol...
WHAT DOES REFINED SUGAR REALLY DO TO THE BODY? Nancy Appleton Ph.D gives a quick overview.

Refined sugar:
suppresses the immune system
causes hyperactivity in children
kidney damage
mineral deficiencies, especially chromium, copper, calcium and magnesium
makes the blood acidic
tooth decay
advances aging
digestive disorders
Candida albicans
decreased blood flow to the heart
causes osteoporosis
causes food allergies
causes eczema
free radical formation
loss of enzyme function
increases liver and kidney size
brittle tendons
blood clots

These symptoms are just various manifestations of one main mechanism: sugar cannot be digested. Sugar inactivates digestive enzymes. It remains in the tract, fermenting. Some of the toxic mass gradually seeps into the bloodstream where it acidifies the blood. The body tries desperate measures to maintain the normal pH of the blood. The above symptom list shows the end-results of those efforts, the signs of their failure, or else the degeneration of a tissue that has become the final resting place for fermenting debris in an overloaded system. http://www.thedoctorwithin.com/sugar/sugar-the-sweet-thief-of-life/ :smile:
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!!::throws sweetened oatmeal on floor::
Clears the sweetened oatmeal, goes to store, replaces it with unsweetened oatmeal sprinkled with sliced apple, nuts, banana, currants, sultanas, raisins.

Reads interesting book entitled “141 Reasons Sugar Ruins Your Health - (Just Kidding, it’s 143)” authors Nancy Appleton PhD & G.N. Jacobs

The following is excerpted from “Suicide by Sugar” - Used with permission

Sugar can suppress your immune system.
Sugar upsets the mineral relationships in the body.
Sugar can cause juvenile delinquency in children.
Sugar eaten during pregnancy and lactation can influence muscle force production in offspring, which can affect an individual’s ability to exercise.
Sugar in soda, when consumed by children, results in the children drinking less milk.
Sugar can elevate glucose and insulin responses and return them to fasting levels slower in oral contraceptive users.
Sugar can increase reactive oxygen species (ROS), which can damage cells and tissues.
Sugar can cause hyperactivity, anxiety, inability to concentrate and crankiness in children.
Sugar can produce a significant rise in triglycerides.

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Clears the sweetened oatmeal, goes to store, replaces it with unsweetened oatmeal sprinkled with sliced apple, nuts, banana, currants, sultanas, raisins.

::Adds more of these to shopping list::

....(Hey,at least it was brown sugar, though )
::Adds more of these to shopping list::
....(Hey,at least it was brown sugar, though

Sometimes brown sugar — particularly when referred to as “raw sugar” — is merely sugar that has not been fully refined. But usually manufacturers prefer to reintroduce molasses to fine white sugar — creating a mixture with about 5 to 10 percent molasses — the two varieties of sugar are similar nutritionally and according to the United States Department of Agriculture, brown sugar contains about 17 kilocalories per teaspoon, compared with 16 kilocalories per teaspoon for white sugar.

Because of its molasses content, brown sugar does contain certain minerals, most notably calcium, potassium, iron and magnesium (white sugar contains none of these). But since these minerals are present in only minuscule amounts, there is no real health benefit to using brown sugar.

source: intriguingly advertised site: “Number 1 site for helping reverse diseases on Planet Earth” http://www.cidpusa.org/brownsugar.htm
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