What's the Weirdest/Most Unique Thing About Your Chart (and why)?

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Most weirdest and most unique in my chart are many feminine planets/asteroids around Chiron. It's Moon, Venus and Ceres conjunct Chiron. Yikes. :andy:
For me I would have to say my out of aspect kite. If Jupiter wasnt retrograde in the 29th degree of Aries, and just one more degree over into Taurus I'd then have a pure Earth Grand Trine. Also I have a stellium of planets in Virgo that are apart of the Grand Trine, so thats pretty unusual also.
My water/earth mystical triangle, involving Jupiter in cancer in the 8th, moon in taurus the 5th, neptune in capricorn in the 2nd, and venus in scorpio in the 11th...

I have putted my life in a high risk several times, but God is big. I wont do risky things ever again.
It’s got to be the undercover Cancer influence all over my chart…which I recently discovered. At first glance I thought my chart seemed nice and Cancer free, but upon further inspection I see all this Canceryness. Frankly I need some antioxidants and chemo.
(1) bucket chart lead by the Moon, (2) forth and fifth houses are Cancer…which I’m sure has some significance, (3) North node in Cancer 4th house suggesting I should be more Cancer-like and I find Cancer energy comforting Annnnd (4) of course a singleton Moon. No surprise the only man I’ve ever trusted is a Cancer. Basically it’s all about the Moon, Sun who? Possibly gives me more Virgo tendencies too, my sense of humor is most definitely Virgo.

Hmmm perhaps only interesting to me lol :biggrin:
Pluto in 3rd house and Mercury in 8th house :devil:

And *aaarghhh** North node (9th house) at 29 degrees (!) square Part of fortune (6th house) at 29 degrees (!)! Double *aaaarghhhh*

North node is conjunct sun.. aAARGGhhh (feel like Garfield now with all the screaming..) !
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For me I would have to say my out of aspect kite. If Jupiter wasnt retrograde in the 29th degree of Aries, and just one more degree over into Taurus I'd then have a pure Earth Grand Trine. Also I have a stellium of planets in Virgo that are apart of the Grand Trine, so thats pretty unusual also.

Whoa... do you still feel the impact of this grand out-element trine? I bet that's a question lots of people have. I know I'm curious how that would work... what planets are involved besides Jupiter?
It would be my 3 yods intertwined that some describe as a pandora formation (huber astrology maybe?). Currently I'm working on trying to understand the Saturn apex yod which is in the 12th house Cancer... :unsure:
MTTY05 said:
For me I would have to say my out of aspect kite. If Jupiter wasnt retrograde in the 29th degree of Aries, and just one more degree over into Taurus I'd then have a pure Earth Grand Trine. Also I have a stellium of planets in Virgo that are apart of the Grand Trine, so thats pretty unusual also.

Out of element aspects are really interesting. I am still trying to conceptualize how exactly they work. The "secret" must be in the relationship between the modalities, elements, and masculine/feminine, as well as the archetypes of the signs and planets involved. Whoa... what a combination of things to sort out, but if the chart was a color wheel... like finding which colors are where and why and how these two colors "clash when they shouldn't" or "go together when they shouldn't." That stellium probably puts a heavy emphasis on Earth, Mercury, and the house its in so I wonder if it also the most powerful "deciding" factor of the kite. Even in a "perfect" grand trine, there is probably one planet which is strongest and says something specific about that trine... hmmm... could share your experiences I;d be curious.

virgo18 said:
My water/earth mystical triangle, involving Jupiter in cancer in the 8th, moon in taurus the 5th, neptune in capricorn in the 2nd, and venus in scorpio in the 11th...

I have putted my life in a high risk several times, but God is big. I wont do risky things ever again.

How do you associate this with putting yur life at risk? And also, your recognition of God? Is it the Jupiter exalted in eCancer in the 8th?

Pluto in 3rd house and Mercury in 8th house :devil:

And *aaarghhh** North node (9th house) at 29 degrees (!) square Part of fortune (6th house) at 29 degrees (!)! Double *aaaarghhhh*

North node is conjunct sun.. aAARGGhhh (feel like Garfield now with all the screaming..) !

Why Garfield hahaha? Also, how does the NN square Part of Fortune play out? Those are strong degrees, but the things they are referring to are very different. The Nodes have to do with position of the Sun, Moon, and Earth at the time of your birth, whereas the POF has to do with Sun and Moon and Earth as well, but measured for a different purpose in a very different way. If POF is square NN its square SN too, which means that worldly success and developing your underdeveloped tendencies are at odds. What's good I guess is that it forces you to recognize the NN, but this might come FROM the success of your POF. Squares refer to one thing needing to come before the other. I bet it feels urgent in those late degrees. POF in the 6th house is also not easy--- never fully satisfied until you've finished.

It’s got to be the undercover Cancer influence all over my chart…which I recently discovered. At first glance I thought my chart seemed nice and Cancer free, but upon further inspection I see all this Canceryness. Frankly I need some antioxidants and chemo.
(1) bucket chart lead by the Moon, (2) forth and fifth houses are Cancer…which I’m sure has some significance, (3) North node in Cancer 4th house suggesting I should be more Cancer-like and I find Cancer energy comforting Annnnd (4) of course a singleton Moon. No surprise the only man I’ve ever trusted is a Cancer. Basically it’s all about the Moon, Sun who? Possibly gives me more Virgo tendencies too, my sense of humor is most definitely Virgo.

Hmmm perhaps only interesting to me lol :biggrin:

Antioxidants and chemoo... I truly laughed out loud! Are you still with that man? Virgo and Cancer do share a special bond. What sign is your Moon in?

Yes, I care a lot about the people around me, but I get hurt so often there too (Chiron).

Yeah we talked about this in your YOD thread! I mean, I guess it just makes snese you reocgnized the importance of the transiting YOD... some people nevernotice and i think that's a mistake because people don't always think the quincunx matters.

It would be my 3 yods intertwined that some describe as a pandora formation (huber astrology maybe?). Currently I'm working on trying to understand the Saturn apex yod which is in the 12th house Cancer... :unsure:

Whoa... Saturn at the apex in the 12th in Cancer. I guess it would all depend on how you would judge the meaning of the 12th house first and foremost, because that will tell you where the impact is felt, and then you can sort of I guess, introspect (hah saturn in the 12th what else can you do) on it and see how the Cancer works. I've never heard of apandora formation before.
You guys are interesting.

Hmmm....Sag Sun, Cap Rising, Aqua Moon here - Weirdest thing is that I FEEL like a Scorpio, am drawn to them and feel perhaps my Mars has evolved into a Scorpio (from Libra over the years ...) Also have Venus and Jupiter in Scorp - and they both make hard angles to Saturn. I have a pretty ******, unlucky chart in general, and that may be the weirdest thing about my chart. The fact that everywhere I turn, I hit brick walls.
It's so interesting that my chart is not so interesting lol!! First glance and it looks empty. I would say my chart makes me a walking contradiction. Due to Pluto in the 8th house (Scorpio) I'm more of a private person yet I have all of my planets with the exception of Jupiter in the northern hemisphere. So I want to give to the community...but I'm also overly protective of my possessions so I'm honestly not the sharing type. I'm working on it lol. I'm also loyal and feel that I have a lot to give in a relationship thanks to my Moon and Mars in the 8th house (Scorpio again)...but I'm afraid of relationships or getting hurt thanks to Venus in Capricorn. So even though it's not that interesting...I'm gonna make it seem like it's a BIG deal thanks to Jupiter in the first house. :biggrin::whistling: Jk...my chart saddens me lol...(notice another contradiction there?)

Fiery Sun (Sagittarius) and Watery Moon (Scorpio)....contradictions everywhere! lol
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Antioxidants and chemoo... I truly laughed out loud! Are you still with that man? Virgo and Cancer do share a special bond. What sign is your Moon in?
:biggrin: hope I didn't upset any cutie crabbies with that hehe. I have Moon in Virgo 6th house. Yep still together, Dec (31st to be exact) was our 6 year meeting anniversary. Silly that I remember, but yep:pinched:
:( Do most Venus in Caps feel this way, you think?

Personally I think so unless there is something else in their chart that really makes them fearless. Of course there are aspects in a chart that can exacerbate the fear of relationships to avoid hurting someone or getting hurt yourself. I would say my Moon in Scorpio doesn't help...it gives me an "all or nothing" attitude. If I don't see potential in the future, I'm going to run away because I want to be able to give everything to someone. I know I could never hurt someone (intentionally) and I suppose it just seems unfair if I'm not with someone that can guarantee the same. In their defense...what can they say or do to really prove that's how they feel. What I know is what I feel deep in my heart. If anything it will take a long time to tear down these walls. As a Capricorn Venusian might put it...there's no monkey business in love.
Whoa... Saturn at the apex in the 12th in Cancer. I guess it would all depend on how you would judge the meaning of the 12th house first and foremost.
Indeed, it is a bit of a mystery... I'm trying to grasp it but it's pretty elusive.
and then you can sort of I guess, introspect (hah saturn in the 12th what else can you do) on it and see how the Cancer works. I've never heard of apandora formation before.
I think the bolded summarizes it quite nicely QE! I think Saturn in the 12th asks you for discipline into spiritual elements... meditation, devotion, etc.

In whole houses I suppose the Yod apex would be in the 1st. I would think the interpretation largely the same...
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Why Garfield hahaha? Also, how does the NN square Part of Fortune play out? Those are strong degrees, but the things they are referring to are very different. The Nodes have to do with position of the Sun, Moon, and Earth at the time of your birth, whereas the POF has to do with Sun and Moon and Earth as well, but measured for a different purpose in a very different way. If POF is square NN its square SN too, which means that worldly success and developing your underdeveloped tendencies are at odds. What's good I guess is that it forces you to recognize the NN, but this might come FROM the success of your POF. Squares refer to one thing needing to come before the other. I bet it feels urgent in those late degrees. POF in the 6th house is also not easy--- never fully satisfied until you've finished.

Garfield, because if I keep failing my exams (there you have POF in capi in sixth square Sun in taurus in ninth), I will become the crazy old cat lady :andy: (sixth house:animals, me: a freak of kitties :tongue:)..
So it also means worldly success??? Wow... Why? How?
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I have a stellium (sum/mars/pluto) in the 4th house in scorpio , which opposites my mc and squares my ascd ..

and also have mutual reception between mercury(in sag. 5th house) and jupiter(2nd house in virgo) squaring each other in 0.01 orb lol