Whats your 5th house like!

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End of Capricorn.

Saturn lord of my 5th is in Scorpio in 2nd conjunct Scorpio Pluto.

I would say I only started to have fun following my Saturn return.

I suppose I enjoyed stuff like reading long novels, preferably old classics. Old music like classical again. Death metal. That's the Capricorn way.

For me, I don't think I can have much fun until I've got way more security and power but perhaps that is more to do with Pluto conjunct my 5th lord.

I can admit that love has not been much fun. But maybe it will change some more as I get older. I've learnt quite a few lessons and I know pretty well what I want and what I don't want these days.

Since the cusp is 29 degrees Capricorn it is strange that I would identify with Capricorn in a love setting rather than Aquarius at all. At work, colleagues became my Aquarius friends. But in love and any kind of 5th house thing, I would say it is 100% Capricorn. Age and experience have taught me, if you had asked me when I was younger, I would have avoided the subject or probably shown that I was terrified of it.

Betrayal and rejection have happened, with that position but since Scorpio gets what it wants in the end I'm fairly confident in a Capricorn way of achievable goals.

I want more fun. Since my Saturn return, it's something I'm working on. A plan that may take about 3 years to work out. I can't help it, just the way I do things. I'm going to cover every angle and have every last detail planned so that it won't go wrong again. I've had so much grief in this area, I need to make sure that betrayal is impossible, or rejection. Unfortunately "love yourself" is not going to be enough, tried it. Doesn't work.

I've got the idea that because my 5th lord is in my 2nd it could signify winning money, so I've been playing lotto, cautiously but every week, a little. I didn't used to so much. Waste of money. But due to the position, I thought maybe it is possible. Saturn can give you the goods just as much as any other planet can. If the gains are with age, then I've passed my Saturn return, so it seems like some fun is due now.

Pluto is the unknown quantity there. A radical transformation and power would be nice. If it doesn't happen then I would be disappointed. I really want to turn things upside down. I'm a little bit afraid of Pluto, for its tendency to immorality, towards the possibility of betrayal. So maybe that's why I try to create a safer environment or a clearer set of rules for what I will permit. The idea is, if you get destroyed once, build a castle, get destroyed twice, you need to go on the offensive and destroy your enemies, know their weaknesses, never let it happen again.

But, overall I would say my life's improved since my Saturn Return, fun is increasing in small ways. Perhaps nothing notable at the moment but I am happier. Music sounds better, there is more general enjoyment. I worked pretty hard.

I don't want children at the moment. My sister had a baby and it's a big responsibility. So I would take the same line again there. First I would want to be happy in my castle with a good woman who would be solid and wanted that too. A solid foundation or nothing. With my new niece I'm of the attitude, (she's 10 month old and extremely badly behaved) if she drops a toy and starts crying, I'm not picking it up for her, she should remember she dropped it and she's responsible and I'm not picking it up and she can cry all she likes. I don't want kids right now, I want some fun in my life. Maybe a new laptop if I can afford it for some games. Work on my career, find someone that won't let me down. A lot of things there to consider. I won't let my life be dictated by circumstance, and I am right. When I plan things with caution they go well enough.
It's really interesting how a lot of people here, whether or not they have planets and rulers on their 5th or 3rd, have CREATIVE WRITING as one of the hobbies they enjoy. Does 5th rule creative writing as well? Or must be some other placements...

I have Taurus in my 5th house cusp. My Venus (Scorpio) is in 10th house. My MC is in Libra as well. I have an empty 5th house though. My Cap ascendant is in the Venusian decan. I enjoy a lot of things that are Venusian.

I love to sing, dance, write, draw, play instruments, and have taken an interest on some other things after trying it once/twice (film making, acting, some sports, directing a film, teaching or dealing with children). I ADORE children, but I'm kind of awkward with them too.
It's really interesting how a lot of people here, whether or not they have planets and rulers on their 5th or 3rd, have CREATIVE WRITING as one of the hobbies they enjoy. Does 5th rule creative writing as well? Or must be some other placements...

The 5th house rules creativity and hobbies so I would assume so. For me personally, I have Neptune in the 3rd house and Pisces is my 5th house ruler. The 3rd house governs all forms of writing as well. Having Neptune in that house gives someone talent in the area of creative writing.

Unfortunately I haven't written anything creative in quite a while so I'm not entirely sure what's up with that.
Capricorn cusp and Saturn in 5th but in Aquarius. Saturn in aspect to Moon/Pluto, Venus, and MC. And Uranus in 4th conjunct Neptune and in aspect to many of my planets. I suppose I would be considered ultra serious but I don't feel that I am. I like solitary past times and prefer introspection to other past times or hanging out often in groups. I like the Internet, listening to music, researching odd topics, reading, blogging, writing sometimes, and mostly pondering Life. :alien: I like emotional intensity/honesty in my art and media etc. I like learning what makes people tick.

As far as Saturn in the 5th and children, I don't know if I'm literally infertile but I do know I take children very seriously and I would never take the idea of being a parent lightly. It scares me to think of being a bad parent and somehow damaging them and not realizing it in the process. I'm not sure if I want children. I know I never want to be married.

Nevertheless I do work for a children's organization but in admin. I've worked with kids before and I usually feel burnt out and take my job very seriously, maybe too seriously. Anyway, hanging with other people's kids is fun.

I'm very anti-gambling; I'm anal about my finances.

I have about 2 years till my Saturn return and I just realized it inevitably will involve my Moon/Pluto. I do write poetry sometimes based on my childhood and ancestry in general. I used to like to write in my childhood but in general my freedom of expression was squashed in my youth. Obviously. :tongue:

I've been trying to be more creative in anticipation of my return, also Uranus is conjunct my Sun right now so it's somewhat like a precursor in that it's making me want to express myself more forcefully, in a sense.
my 5th house is in Capricorn, I only have sun, and Venus?(kinda I guess? I also count it in the 6th) and a couple asteroids or whatever in it(nessus, Eros, chiron,vertex). I don't really have hobbies or, interests(that could just be the depression tho). I am a very relationship orientated person tho. what does interest me tend to be sexual in nature which makes sense with my Eros, I also tend to express myself in a very sexual manner which I think ties into having Eros in the 5th.(tho my lust in the 3rd, and nymphe in first doesn't help)
Like some others I have a 5th House entirely in Gemini, like the exact reverse of an interception. Only object in the 5th is Chiron but it's on the cusp of the 6th House so I'm not sure if it would be interpreted as having more of an effect on the 5th or 6th House.

I love learning and talking about things and am a writer by trade. Would rather write than speak; if I could communicate entirely in writing and never have to talk, that'd be amazing. Had a stutter as a kid and still sometimes have trouble getting my feelings/meaning across by speaking.